The Reich Wing Has No Idea

Newsmax, Fox "News" and other right-wing media are so out of touch they use examples of progressive policies which the majority of Americans actually support to portray Kamala Harris as a dangerous radical.

The Reich Wing really have no idea what they're about to be hit with, and even less idea what to do to fend it off.

Yes Virginia, they really are that stupid.

That's not to say they aren't dangerous. They're hoping that enough of us are asleep at the wheel come November that they'll win and install Hitler 2.0.



No Wonder Republicans Are Running Scared

Members of Gen Z are more likely to be LGBTQ+ than they are to identify as Republican or as white Christians, according to a new survey.

Previous data confirmed that Gen Z β€” comprised of those born between 1997 and 2012 β€” is both the most racially and ethnically diverse generation in United States history, as well as the generation with the highest percentage of LGBTQ+ members. They have also been shown to be the most progressive age group.

A new report from the Public Religion Research Institute further reveals Gen Z's political leaning, and their overall attitude towards religion. The survey questioned 6,014 participants, both Gen Z adults (ages 18–25) and Gen Z teens (13–17), highlighting how their identities and values "set [them] apart from older generations."

Twenty-eight percent of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ+, compared to 16 percent of millennials, seven percent of Generation X, and four percent of baby boomers. As only 21 percent say they are Republicans, there are more members of the queer community in Gen Z than GOP members.

In comparison, approximately 36 percent of Gen Z adults identify as Democrats, aligning closely with 35 percent of millennials, 31 percent of Generation X, and 34 percent of baby boomers. Republicans only claim 21 percent of Gen Z and millennials, 28 percent of Generation X, and 32 percent of baby boomers.

"Clearly, Gen Z does not like to be labeled, and they're not necessarily wanting to hang their hat with a particular political party these days," PRRI CEOMelissa Deckman told Axios.

Related: Gen Z Is the Most-Queer Generation. They Also Want to Be Labeled the Least

Gen Z adults are also less likely to identify as white Christians (27 percent) compared to baby boomers (54 percent), and more likely to identify as religiously unaffiliated (33 percent) than every generation except millennials (36 percent).

While this may not bode well for Republicans in future elections, the report also found that less Gen Z members of voting age are planning to participate in the 2024 presidential election (49 percent) than the 2020 election (57 percent). The survey noted this likely reflects disinterest in a rematch between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, as 58 percent of Gen Z adults agreed "we won't be able to solve the country's big problems until the older generation no longer holds power."

Harvard Law instructor an attorney Alejandra Caraballo wrote on Twitter/X that the demographic changes in the report rather signal a shift from "white Christian male hegemony," which institutions must now account for.

"It's over for white Christian male hegemony in the United States and time for an egalitarian and equitable society," she said. "This is a demographic tsunami heading for American politics. No amount of kvetching and pathetic whining by the white supremacists will change this."
