Gratuitous Dylan McDermott

I've always found Mr. McDermott hella sexy, but at the same time I've only seen him in serious roles (the masturbation scene in AHS Season One—OMG). In Fox's L.A. to Vegas, we get to see in something most definitely not serious. With him playing Captain Dave Pratman, I don't know if it's his comedic side shining through, the uniform, the mustache/soul patch, or a combination of all three, but damn, that man gives me impure thoughts!


Gratuitous Rahull Kohli

We made it through one—maybe two (I can't remember)—seasons of Kohli's iZombie before giving up. It wasn't a bad show. we just lost interest; probably from Zombie overload. At the time I think we were watching The Walking Dead and ZNation (which was a hoot before it started taking itself too seriously) in addition, and frankly there's just so much of the undead anyone can take on a weekly basis..

Rahul has an active Instagram, in case you want to see more of him.