I'm Going to Hell

I told you…I can't fuck you right now—as much as I'd like to! I've got an demonic blood-sucking vampire thing to put down or these bat shit insane religious zealots are gonna have my head…and not that kind of head!"

Can We Take a Moment

…to appreciate how fucking sexy Rip Torn was in the film, The Man Who Fell to Earth? I mean seriously.

Maybe it's because I came into my gay self during this period.

Anyway, I'd only seen this film once, when it actually came out in 1976. I remember being incredibly disappointed—not to mention confused—when I walked out of the theater. I happened across it on HBO+ the other night, and thought I'd give it another chance; just to see how it's aged over the past 44 years.

Let's just say I came away from it just as confused as I was when I was 18. I had a brief discussion with a friend afterward, and he indicated that the European cut actually does make more sense of the story than what was presented to the prudish American audience.

Now Kiss

From Crisis on Infinite Earths, Hour 3.

We know Lucifer goes both ways, but what about John Constantine?

(I actually had to look this one up, as I'm not a huge fan of superhero entertainment. I watched about three minutes, fast forwarded to this scene, and after getting the context, shut it off, confirming that I am still not a fan.)