Perkins: Google Trying to "Destroy" Values with Gay Rights Initiative, Should Expect "Blow Back"

Ugh. Will it never stop?

So… the usual suspects are at it again, threatening a boycott of a gay-friendly company. I mean seriously…how do these people look themselves in the mirror each morning with so much hate festering in their shriveled little hearts?  And um…how exactly does a boycott of Google (a free service) work? Are they going to refuse to look stuff up on the Internet? Are they going to delete their free GMail accounts?

Not that the Bible-humping…er…thumping crowd was ever terribly bright to begin with, but seriously, they're going to boycott an Internet search engine?  What's next, a boycott of gifs? jpegs?

I'm actually kind of surprised Miss Perkins even knows the definition of blow back; at least not in any usage other than, "If I blow you, will you blow back?"

Regarding Wisconsin

Well Wisconsin, you really stepped in it, didn't you? Thankfully you managed to put a Democratic State Senator in place to put the brakes on your governor's fascism. But seriously, guys. WTH?

And when the shit hits the fan because thousands of Democratic voters were too lazy to get off their asses? Linda Clifford's 1983 hit, "Don't Come Cryin' to Me" comes to mind.


There are days I wonder how some of the people I support at work manage to get out of bed and dress themselves without assistance.

We have a dedicated laptop and projector for use with company presentations. The laptop has a local account called Presenter. There is a sticker on the machine, right below the keyboard, that has that user name and its password clearly displayed.

I set up the equipment this morning for a meeting. I logged in and made sure everything was working properly, like I always do.

A half hour later I received a panicked call stating that they couldn't get into the system.


The automatic screen lock (that I had to pull teeth to get approved, even though it's a HIPAA requirement) had activated and no one knew the password.


I walked into the conference room, pointed out that the password was right there in front of their faces, logged the machine back in and left.

It is now abundantly clear why our country is moving in the direction it is.

Today in Christian Love

A Seneca, Kansas pastor is now openly calling for the genocide of sexual minorities. No more "hate the sin, but love the sinner" bullshit. It's what I've been saying for quite some time: they want us dead.

"They should be put to death. That's what happened in Israel. That's why homosexuality wouldn't have grown in Israel. It tends to limit conversions. It tends to limit people coming out of the closet. — 'Oh, so you're saying we should go out and start killing them, no?' — I'm saying the government should. They won't but they should. [You say], 'oh, I can't believe you you're horrible. You're a backwards neanderthal of a person.' Is that what you're calling scripture? Is God a neanderthal backwards.. in his morality. Is it his word or not? If it's his word, he commanded it. It's his idea, not mine. And I'm not ashamed of it."

Isn't it great how he says "they won't, but they should," all pouty like? As if he's talking about the dang government for taxing his smokes and not, oh, you know—genocide.

Never mind that Israel, practically speaking, is far more accepting of homosexuality (gays serving openly in the Israeli military has been the standard for years) than the U.S. Of course, these homo-obsessed whack jobs never let facts stand in the way of their hate before, so why should they start now?

What follows are a small collection of comments left at the site where I found this piece of filth, because they more than adequately sum up my feelings without having to add a single word:

So, this is their way of reacting when the tide is clearly turning against them. "Well, we're not winning this social war, so we'll just have to kill the queers and end this once and for all."

In a small way, I am sort of (happy isn't the correct word)… relieved that they aren't BSing around their true feelings. Simply straight up saying, I hate you and I wish you dead. Obviously, it's horrific, it's ridiculous, it's alarming, but I'd rather have everyone see these fundamentalists for who they are, so we can identify these bigots as the inhumane ignorant garbage they are.

So any gay person in a "Stand you Ground" gun law state can shoot and kill such preachers because based on their own statements and behavior cause the gay person to fear for their life, right?

I sure do hope that shirt IS NOT polyester-and-cotton or he's going to go to HELL for mixing fabrics. I also hope he doesn't eat lobster or shrimp…shellfish is a no-no! And I'm sure his God loves the fact that he wants government to kill gays; he's such a Christ-stain!

Yet more proof that anti-gay Christians are criminally insane, because they want to murder another human being just because he or she is different. The hive mind or the mob mentality is starting up like when the mad man Dictator Hitler stirred up the Catholic Nazi German people to murder Jews and Homosexuals so they could take over the world. It is plain to see that these mad men Christians are now the ones, who like Hitler, are stirring up the America Christians like Hitler stirred up his Nazi Catholics to take over Europe by murdering anybody who tried to stop them.

The United States is a signatory to an international treaty banning the promotion of genocide. This man can say this without legal consequence because there is no clear and present danger of his ideas being adopted. However, if the day should come that some state makes being gay a capital crime, I will personally hunt down every one of the priests, preachers, imams, and assorted other vermin who demanded this and offer them a choice of having their brains blown out or flying to the Hague for trial.

And his church is tax-exempt, why? He is calling for the slaughter of gay people to fulfill some concocted biblical mandate, but enjoys the privileges of tax-exempt status. And why would a secular government follow the mandate of religious book? This is not a theocracy. Sigh.

He left something out. The Bible demands death for:

  • People who don't listen to priests (Deuteronomy 17:12)
  • Sorceresses (Exodus 22:17), fortunetellers (Leviticus 20:27), and false prophets (Deuteronomy 13:1-5, Deuteronomy 18:20-22, Zechariah 13:3)
  • Men who lie with other men as with a woman (Leviticus 20:13)
  • People who work on the Sabbath (Exodus 31:12-15)
  • Striking (Exodus 21:15) or cursing (Leviticus 20:9) your parents
  • Adultery and fornication (Leviticus 20:10, Leviticus 21:9, Deuteronomy 22:20-21)
  • Blasphemy (Leviticus 24:10-16)

Someone needs to go rape his daughter then remind him that she now has to marry her rapist. God says so.

FTFA: "'Oh, I can't believe you you're horrible. You're a backwards neanderthal of a person.' Is that what you're calling scripture?" Yes, you bloody idiot, that's EXACTLY what I'm saying. I'm saying that your book of fairy tales was "written" by a bunch of semi-literate nomadic goat herders whose "moral" code has about as much to do with modern society as their bronze-age tools have to do with rocketry. Anybody stupid enough to follow its diktats should be kept away from sharp objects, and prevented from leaving the house when it's raining out so they don't drown from gawping wide-eyed and mouth agape at the water falling from the sky. I'm saying that your religion is a mental illness, AT BEST, and is a poison in the body politic. In short: go DIAF.

Five Minutes of Pure Batshit Insanity

This is what happens when dementia wards are left unlocked.

"Whitney Houston was found without clothes in a bathtub. Every corpse found without clothes has a partner that did away with them." Also: Did you know that you'll die within thirty minutes of rimming somebody?

My advice? Ignore the whack-job. Concentrate on the cute guy sitting in the background. His reactions to this cray-cray are PRICELESS!

This… (NSFW)

…is why I stopped going to gay pride parades.

I ran across almost this exact scene one parade day during my time in San Francisco. While I know a lot of my readers may disagree, in my opinion this shit unequivocally crosses the line. I'm certainly no prude—or a stranger to public sex—but it's one thing to be getting your groove on with a handsome stranger deep in the bushes at Golden Gate Park or in a secluded hamlet on the beach, but it's quite something else to be doing it out on a public sidewalk on Market Street.

Rant (NSFW)

Like I was overdue.

Am I the only one who finds the recent resurgence of animated gifs (thanks in no small part to Tumblr) horrific?  Especially when applied to porn?

I thought this format rightfully died and went to cyber hell in the 90s. I don't mind it in small does (I've posted some on this blog), but now it seems it's everywhere, 24/7 all day every day!


And while we're on the subject of porn, why does so much gay porn remind me more of a gymnastics competition than sex?

Another pet peeve (and it's not just limited to porn) is the overexposed effect:

I look at this and think, "Someone doesn't know how to use a camera," and "That would've been an awesome shot. Too bad he fucked it up."

And don't even get me started on bareback porn. Seriously guys? Have you not learned anything in the last 30 years? Or do you stupid, irresponsible, selfish fucks (and I'm referring to the producers and actors in this crap) just have a death wish?

Maybe I'm just getting old and cranky.

"You there! GET OFF MY DAMN LAWN!"

Teh St00pid, it BURNS!

"This is not a political war at all. This is not a cultural war. This is a spiritual war. And the Father of Lies has his sights on what you would think the Father of Lies would have his sights on: a good, decent, powerful, influential country – the United States of America. If you were Satan, who would you attack in this day and age? There is no one else to go after other than the United States and that has been the case now for almost two hundred years, once America's preeminence was sown by our great Founding Fathers." ~ Delusional Presidential Hopeful Douchenozzle Rick Santorum

To which I respond:

And Then There's This…

Seriously. It's 28℉ out there right now with snow flurries going on, and there are people getting drunk in the hot tub.

It's unusual to see them venture out there during the day; normally this only happens after dark.

Last night (with the temperature again in the mid 20s):

Ben: "There are people down in the fucking hot tub!"

Me: "Don't you mean, 'There are people down in the hot tub fucking?'"

One friend has suggested a name for the…solution…that the tub is filled with after a typical night: egg drop soup, but personally, when there are only guys down there and the jets are on full blast I prefer "Santorum Souffle."
