Republicans: Don't Touch That Dial

From  MockPaperScissors:

Wingnuttia is outraged that private car companies making electric cars are not including AM radios. "How else is Possum Hollar gonna get their hate on?!" they demand:

The Guardian's Katie Thornton reports that Volkswagen and Mazda are joining Volvo, Tesla, BMW and Audi in excluding AM radio from their electric cars. They view it as a technical matter, while Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and far-right radio host Mark Levin are saying it is a conspiracy against far-right talk radio…

Levin is furious, telling listeners, "They finally figured out how to attack conservative talk radio." Similarly, Kirk, on his radio show, claimed, "Whether they're doing this intentionally or not, the consequence will be.… an all-out attack on AM radio."

Cruz claims, "There's a reason big car companies were open to taking down AM radio.… Let's be clear: big business doesn't like things that are overwhelmingly conservative."

They really believe that car manufacturers are… woke? So what is behind this?

Thornton, in a report for The Guardian published on June 21, notes that some companies "have already dispensed with AM in their electric cars, because AM's already unpolished reception is subject to even more buzz, crackling."

"While some manufacturers have found workarounds for the interference," Thornton explains, "others appear to have decided that it's not worth the engineering expense."

So… a business decision. I thought Republicans hated central planning from the evil gubmint.

You Know What's Missing…

…from this Pantheon of multi-hued striped variations on a theme?


FURTHERMORE…from the dozens of images that were returned via an online search, only a very small percentage of them included it.

And while we're on the subject, if every variation of sexual expression wants to be included in the pride flag, why not just go for this?

It's got a full spread of colors and a nice, neutral background. Oh wait…the front color is orange which (at least in the hanky code) traditionally means "anything, anywhere, anytime." We can't have that. Some might be offended by the blatant implication of licentiousness. And oh yeah…that's a caucasian hand. Can't have that either; it will probably offend some as a symbol of white supremacy holding all others in their grip.

How about this one?

Oh wait…that one has distinct lines. Someone may feel left out and unrepresented. How about this one?

Nope, that's not gonna fly either. Doesn't include white, black, gray, or brown.

What about this one?

It's got white, black, brown and pretty much every color you can think of, with no distinct lines. You should be able to find your own, unique spot in there. But remember, the human eye can only perceive about one million colors, so don't go micromanaging your sexual identity too much otherwise there won't be a color for you.