Thank God!
That Explains So Much
And Call Me a Pessimist, But I Don't See That Ever Changing
Whatever Happened To…
Sunday Sermon
If Only…
Nailed It
Cucks, All Of Them
The More You Know
Funny, That
I Choose DOG
Oh Snap!
He's Not Wrong…
But Yet, There is Always Humor
Go And Do Likewise
Making the rounds…
I'm not a Christian, but I do find value in some of the teachings of Jesus. I read this parable again, and it is not only fitting for this situation, it is very powerful.
In reply Jesus said: "A man was going from Guatemala, fleeing a drug cartel that wanted to kill him and seize his daughters as sex slaves, when he found himself on the brink of starvation, having crossed a desert, a river, and another desert with limited supplies and no money. He went to a prosperity gospel preacher for help, but they had just had the carpets cleaned so the preacher refused him shelter. He went to the Christian governor for help, but the governor shipped him to Martha's Vineyard with no support or direction so he could own the libs. But a pinko, commie libtard saw him and took pity on him. He clothed him, and fed him, and sheltered him. He brought him to an immigration lawyer and said 'Look after him. When I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'
"Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell victim to drug cartels and gangs?"
The expert in the law replied, "The bleeding heart, pinko commie libtard who had mercy on him."
And Jesus said, "Go and do likewise."
Wingnut Wrapup
I'm not sure if Green Eagle is doing god's work or spreading disinformation, but he periodically publishes a list of right wing headlines found in the dark corners of the interwebs. No links are provided to verify the authenticity, but frankly at this point, I have no reason to doubt their validity. Perhaps that makes me guilty of the same siloed thinking we always accuse the other side of.
I dunno…what do you think?
From Green Eagle:
First, the good news! YAY!!!!
"Former Clinton Special Prosecutor Ken Starr Dead at 76"
And now, the Queen! This is so strange, because there is, in the end, nothing more right wing than royalty. You'd think they would love the royal family, but no, not when it means giving up someone to hate:
"Top 10 Queen Elizabeth's Bizarre, Satanic And Reptilian Moments:
1. Queen Elizabeth knew she was taking part in the largest satanic mega ritual the world had ever seen… or not seen, because the world has no frickin' clue what they were watching in the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony!!"
I think I will just forget about the other nine reptilian moments.
"New McAllistertv: Reptilian Queen Down"
Reptilian again.
"Situation Update, Sep 9, 2022 – As the Queen Dies, so Does Luciferian-Dominated Western Civilization!"
The end of Western Civilization, which is Satanic. There just is no way to make fun of this.
"Queen Elizabeth Died At Satanic Sacrifice Castle!! Several Sources Confirm Summer Residence Was Place Of Sacrifice!!"
Satanic sacrifice castle!!!!! "Several sources" confirm!! None of them with a name, of course. Balmoral Castle, of course, wasn't built until the 1850's. Not much of a history there fore a "place of sacrifice."
"Exposing the Reptilian Queen's Satanic Rituals Abuse Crimes at Windsor Castle! Putin Says Elizabeth Is A Reptilian"
Putin says that? Funny, no sane source for that quotation can be found.
"Prince Charles wants to take over and the Lord won't let that happen, so he probably had her killed."
Too bad, asshole. He has already taken over… the Lord- foiled again.
"Queen Gone; Pope, Clinton, Huma and More Are Next!…"
And let's just finish this section with the lie of the week:
Greg Kelly:Â "There was 'real personal affection' between President Trump, Queen Elizabeth"
She loathed him. No matter how hard she tried not to show it, she felt the same way that every decent person on earth feels in his presence.
And now on to the rest of the news, as they used to say:
"All 8 Obama Years To Be Overturned! Obama is the epitome of EVIL."
I guess that means that it is eight years ago, and Trump's Presidency never happened. Thank God for that.
"There is no Transmission, or Shedding, from Vaccinated Persons; it is irradiation"
There's a new theory. Too bad there's no evidence for it, just like all the other right wing lies about the Covid vaccine.
"FBI Raids 35 More Trump Allies Overnight in Naked Attempt to Rig Elections! If you doubted they are trying to rig this next election, this will probably change you mind about that"
A big lie from Steve Bannon, almost immediately known to be false, but on they go, repeating it forever.
Sarah Arnold, Town Hall:Â "FOIA Request May Indicate FBI Is Hiding Explosive Epstein Info"
They may indicate that FBI is hiding the explosive news that King Henry the eighth is still alive, or that Frodo has shingles, for all we know.
"The Daily Wire reported that a well known internet investigator apparently found evidence that the FBI is hiding bombshell evidence on potentially explosive secret records involving dead sex trafficker Jeffery Epstein.Â
Techno Fog, an anonymous self proclaimed lawyer and writer, alleges that the denial for a recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request means they are hiding something."
I.e. no evidence proves that it is true.
Sarah Arnold, Town Hall:Â "Majority Believe It's Time to Impeach Biden"
In a Rasmussen "poll," i.e. a Republican lie.
"earlier this week, Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) called for Biden to be impeached in order to make Americans feel more safe. "
That is apparently the current Republican position, given the lack of a single thing Biden has done wrong, except waiting nearly two years to face the fact that Republicans are destroying the country.
Dark Outpost: "GITMO Military Tribunals – FBI Took Trump's VIP Pedo List In Mar-a-Lago Raid!…Jessie Czebotar joins us to give us an update on the signed affidavits that are now in the possession of President Trump subsequent to the raid of his Mar-a-Lago estate in which a list of VIP pedophiles was confiscated. Plus…an update on the detainees at GITMO and the military tribunals!
What do you think?"
What do I think? I think you are a gigantic asshole, and also really stupid.
Brian Lupo, Gateway Pundit:Â "Citizen Investigators Find BOMBSHELL Fabricated Documents. Submitted to Georgia State Elections Board"
All lies, of course, but the lies never end, and the longer it is since the election took place, the easier it is to deny the reality, at least to right wing suckers.
New ShariRaye: "Boom! Durham Warrants Being Served! Trump may appear to be indicted and arested- NOT REAL!"
The Durham "investigation," at a cost of $40 million, and lasting three years, found nothing, but they are never going to give up hope, even if they have to base it on psychotic delusions.
"You Better Look at Madonna's Unphotoshopped Arms for There Is a Lesson There for All of Us"
A lesson. In Madonna's arms. Man, I would hate to find what they could learn from Keith Richards' forehead.
Jack Cashill, American Thinker:Â Â 'Educated' Liberal Women Are the Real Threat to Our Republic"
Trump's endless violent "rallies" culminating in an actual attempt to overthrow the government could never be considered that, huh? I think I will stick with the educated liberal women. Here is the oh-so-scary picture of these women included in Jack's article:
Boy, that's scary, huh? Far more threatening than, say, this sort of thing, which is what is on Jack's side:
 "In November, Biden needs the ELFs to vote en masse. This will happen only if they remain ignorant of the things that should worry them — the border, crime, inflation — and scared silly of things that need not."
Like an impending Republican fascist dictatorship under the leadership of the most corrupt, evil politician in our country's history.
Ishmael Jones, American Thinker:Â "Martha's Vineyard: A Democrat Paradise…Should conservatives switch their support to Democrats in order to create more such paradises throughout our nation?"
And here are some of the horrors of living on Martha's Vineyard that Ishmael lists:
"There may have been only one COVID death on the Islands…There's almost no violent crime… No trash, no needles on the ground. Smash and grab doesn't exist. The public schools are good. Many Islanders never lock their doors…There aren't any fat people…"
Boy, what a scary place the liberals have created.
Martha's Vineyard. If liberals have their way, all Americans will be forced to live in hellholes like this. Luckily, the Republican party will put an end to this abomination:
"But fortunately, history is never linear. Something's going to give. The future will bring conflict, but this conflict will bring a brighter future of less government intrusion"
I wonder if this jackass has ever been to Martha's Vineyard. He has a positively Lovecraftian ability to portray this delightful place as a hideous monstrosity, because liberals live there.
Leo Goldstein, American Thinker: "Who was Behind the January 6 Events? In the session that commenced on January 6, Trump had a significant chance to be certified as the winner of the 2020 election. Further, it was his only chance. Neither Trump nor any group of Trump supporters wanted a violent disruption of this session. For this reason, such a disruption was in the interests of the Democrat Party."
"the Democrat party and its allies are behind storming the Capitol, violent disruption of the joint session, and its improper resumption and conclusion"
Boy, that's a real rewriting of history. Trump had a chance to be certified the 2020 winner, and Democrats stormed the Capitol. These are people that are lost forever.
Monica Showalter:Â "Denizens of Martha's Vineyard freak out over 50 illegal migrants"
Of course, they did not "freak out." They treated them with courtesy and kindness. On the other hand, maybe treating the strangers among us that way is freaking out. In the meantime, nobody seems to want to deal with a Republican governor having transported them across State lines illegally, i.e. kidnapped them, at a cost to his own taxpayers of $12,000 each.
Robert Meyer, Renew America:Â "Why are Evangelical Christians predominately conservative?"
Because stupid people run in packs?
Renew America:Â "The FBI and DOJ continue to target former President Trump and his allies"
Maybe because their job is to target criminals. Ever consider that?
And now, a little news from Ukraine, by way of slight detours in Moscow and Republican minds:
"Ukraine's assault on Kharkiv is being called the greatest counteroffensive since WWII. But are Russian forces setting them for a devastating defeat? The fact that people think Ukraine is a peaceful sovereign country is laughable. I'm sick of my U.S. government warmongering, the consequences is death…it's horrible."
Yeah, it's the US that is doing the warmongering, that's right, not Russia.
"Mercenaries Reportedly Shooting Civilians to Blame Russians in Kharkov…Once again it appears that Ukrainian forces and their allied mercenary troops are deliberately generating civilian casualties in their occupied regions. According to local sources, pro-Ukrainian forces reportedly shot at civilians in the Kharkov region."
Reportedly…reported by whom? Russian propagandists. And Republicans.
"Ukrainian "Counter-Offensive" Was Media Invention to Boost Kiev's Morale…In recent hours, the Western media has tried to omit Russian tactical successes against Ukrainian infrastructure."
Tactical successes. Dropping their weapons and running away. That is a real success. Just wait until half of the Russian population realizes that Vlad Putin has squandered his great army, and they are now free to do whatever they want. I'd say around next spring, we are going to see the real result of the Ukraine invasion.
"As Russia continues to have control of the conflict and is expected to increase incursions in the coming days, the media's attempt to justify the military assistance to Kiev with baseless inventions such as this "counter-offensive" will only be seen with more antipathy by citizens of Western countries amid the current wave of protests against NATO and sanctions."
It takes real evil to support a criminal invasion like this, when the whole world knows both who is in the right, and who is winning.
And now it's time for Blame the Jew Hour:
"Does Holocaust Denier's Book Have Merit?"
A new holocaust denial. I don't know, what do you think?
"Gerard Menuhin (born 1948 in Scotland) is a Holocaust denier and far-right activist, associated with the neo-Nazi movement in Germany."
Well, I guess we are getting some pretty broad hints here about how much merit this book might have.
"His book Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil, published in 2015, argues that the Holocaust is "the biggest lie in history", that Jews are an "alien, demonic force which seeks to dominate the world", that Jews are flooding Europe with non-white races, to create a "society of racial mongrels, under the rule of a "new Jewish nobility", and plan to create a one-world government. Menuhin argues that "the world owes Adolf Hitler an apology".
We owe Hitler an apology. Adolf, don't hold your breath.
"unlike Menuhin, I believe Hitler was False Opposition, an Illuminati agent charged with leading Germany to destruction."
Okay, we don't owe him an apology, because he was actually a tool of the Jews. Why didn't I think of that?
When Politics and Religion Ride in the Same Cart…
It Would Be A Real Shame If This Got Passed Around
From SickoRicko:
State education secretary Ryan Walters alleged last week that by sharing the QR code, Boismier provided pornographic material to her students, and should have her teaching certificate revoked for that as well as for introducing a liberal political agenda.
"These teachers need to be taken out and shot," "Teachers like this should not only be fired but also should be swinging from a tree," "If Summer tried this in Afghanistan, they'd cut out her tongue for starters," are just a minuscule fraction of the threats pouring into Summer Boismier's inbox.