The Worst Verse in the Entire Bible

From Religion is a Mental Illness:

Honestly, I think Matthew 12;31-32 is one of the absolute worst verses in the entire thing.

Matthew 12:31-32

Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

This is Jesus saying that there's absolutely nothing so depraved, repulsive, degrading or horrific that you can do to a fellow human being that will keep you out of heaven, as long as you don't say anything mean about his dad-self.

This is a celestial blank check for believers to do literally anything they want, never have to seek forgiveness from the one they wronged, and do it as many times as they like. This is divine authority to be exempt from the moral standards of mere humans.

This verse says that Adolf Hitler and Jeffrey Dahmer would be in heaven, but not an atheist philanthropist like Bill Gates. An atheist, no matter how much good they put into the world, is condemned to eternal hellfire for the blasphemy of denying a god who couldn't be bothered to make itself indisputably known, out of its apparent need to be "mysterious" and mercurial (which, necessarily, makes it wholly responsible for all non-belief).

Naturally, this verse appears in the other Synoptic Gospels.

Mark 3:28-29

Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.

The only unforgivable sin is blasphemy. Not murder, not child rape, not cannibalism. Not kidnapping a child, raping them, torturing the to death, fucking the corpse, eating the organs, and sewing the body parts into a child-suit. No. That's all fine – just say 'sorry" to the clouds.

What's not fine is saying mean things about an omnipotent, eternal, universe-creating deity who, by definition, cannot actually be hurt. And declined to answer the desperate prayers of the aforementioned child.

Luke 12:8-10

Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God:

But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God.

And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.

Everyone who proclaims belief in Jesus will be proclaimed by Jesus i heaven, but everyone who denies him will be denied in heaven (i.e. condemned). No requirement to be moral or good. Only belief is required.

The reason this is my go-to for bible morality is that it's not a matter of Old Testament vs new covenant stuff that they can claim "no longer applies" – which would, necessarily, mean the Ten Commandments "no longer apply." This is the Consigliere saying, explicitly, that he only cares about loyalty of the Soldiers to the Godfather.

This, to me, demonstrates the total moral vacancy of the Xian belief system, and the psychopathic, narcissist god who is its figurehead, who demands only that its followers be obedient, not moral.

And yes, I recognize that Xians don't behave this way. And that's the point. They're given a blank check by their scripture. That they don't cash it is all the proof you need that Xianity has no claim to moral authority, and that believers act in spite of it, not because of it.

"Most humans are more moral than the scriptures they hold sacred." ~ Alishba Zarmeen

Reposting From Nearly a Decade Ago

Okay Let Me Get This Straight…

According to Christian mythology, God is omniscent. God created Adam and Eve (not Adam and Steve, as we're so often reminded). Eve was tricked by Satan (in the form of a talking snake) into eating of the Tree of Knowledge.

Because of that, we lost our immortality and were cast out of the Garden of Eden to live out our lives in pain and suffering. (And apparently snakes were also stripped of the gift of gab as part of the punishment…just because.)

Let's stop right there for a moment.

The Christians' invisible friend-in the-sky is perfect and all knowing. Yet he created beings who—by being omniscient—he knew from the very beginning would be flawed. In other words, humans were built broken (and therefore created imperfectly) to begin with. So if God is incapable of making mistakes, that means he intentioinally created humans imperfect and subject to sin.

WTF? I mean seriously. WTF?

He created imperfect humans so they'd sin and "force" him to cast them out of the Garden.

What kind of sick fuck would do this?

Good ol' Yaweh, that's who.

This Christian God sounds like a real asshole.

And if Adam and Eve (and later, their two sons) were the only people on Earth, where the fuck did Cain and Able get wives? Were they screwing Eve? So they married their own sisters? Where in the Big Book of Traditional Marriage does that option appear? (Turns out, more often than you'd think.)

But hah, not this time. Instead they went east into the Land of Nod, where there were apparently already a large group of people living quite contentedly without any knowledge whatsoever this wondrous Garden and its psychotic keeper to the west.

W…T…F?  Where the hell did these people come from if there were only supposed to be four living people on the entire face of the planet up until this point?

If you ask any man of the cloth this question (when he's not busy raping pre-pubescent boys) the answer is generally, "Some things are just taken on faith." In other words, shut up and don't ask questions.

My brain hurts.

But let's back up even further.

Perfect, all knowing Christian sky-fairy creates everything—including another product of the fevered Christian imagination—angels.  But one of them rebels and is "cast out." So once again we're shown that God isn't perfect, or that he just intentionally creates imperfect things that he enjoys torturing, like a kid with a magnifying glass encountering an ant hill on a sunny day.

Why does the word "psychopath" keep coming to mind?

Later on in the Big Book of Lies (aka the BuyBull), God says "Whoopsie!" and decides that humanity—after being fruitful and multiplying—didn't turn out exactly like he'd intended again and should be killed…except for one small family who is then tasked with saving a pair of every living creature on earth. Or at least within walking distance of their home.

What's the matter? Isn't this God quite capable of saving all the animal life he wants on his own? Or is Norman Bates already growing impotent? And what about the plants, for chrissake? If the planet needs a reboot to rid it of the sin that Mr. Invisible created in the first place, why not just send it careening into the sun and start again from scratch? Or is that now beyond his power? I mean seriously…a flood?

And one more question: If all current humanity sprang from that one little family, where did all the races come from?

But going back to the Garden of Eden for a moment. Let's play a little game and say that Eve didn't eat of the Tree and humanity was never cast out from the Garden or lose its immortality. Can you imagine what a sty that place would be with fifteen to twenty billion of us trying to squeeze in there now? (Remember, people don't die, but they sure don't stop reproducing either!)


Later on, magic sky fairy realizes that he's fucked up again and Noah's descendants turn out just as bad their predecessors. You'd think that by now the idiot would realize this, right? (Definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.) But this time, instead of flooding the place (or sending it careening into the sun) he's going to go down there as himself…as his son…to torture and descend into hell so that whoever believes in this ultimate sacrifice latest bit of crap doesn't have to go to that make believe place themselves.

These fairy tales are fine for iron-age savages who don't have the deductive reasoning—or scientific history to back them up—that modern men do, but c'mon guys…it's the 21st Century. We've landed men on the moon and have just put a probe the size of a car on Mars. If ever there was a time for the "All Powerful" to come down and say "Great job, guys!" it's now. But since he's been conspicuously absent from the goings on of our daily lives going on 2000 years now and from all accounts is a major DICK, I think it's high time for him to put up or shut up.

This is why I'm an Atheist. Because all these magic stories are pure, unadulterated bullshit.