Quote of the Day

What angers me the most about the Republican Party's attempts to turn the U.S. into a far-right Christian theocracy is how dishonest they are about it. At least be forthright about your desire to subvert and dismantle our democracy into a creepy theological order led by a mad king." ~ U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Preach, sister.

They'll never do this, because they know the American public will outright reject it. But if they do it under the equivalent of the cover of darkness, like boiling a frog no one will realize what's happening until it's too late.

Fuck the Republicans. Each and every last one of them.

Quote of the Day

I've been thinking…since it's clear the the Constitution doesn't mean anything anymore, and politicians who don't feel like following the law can just ignore it, Obama 2020!" ~ Wil Wheaton

The Exaltation of Anger

…More and more lately I'm finding social media to be complete garbage.

It's not the trolls, bots, religious nuts, right-wing nuts, and fanatical Stormtrumpers who spew hate and insanity in my face every day. I expect that and it doesn't bother me. Much.

Or rather it's not JUST that.

No, it's the other side. The Tone Police, the Purity Patrol, the Social Justice suicide bombers willing to die on every goddamned hill, the self-appointed Editors who want to argue over every single word, the tedious pedants, and the guy who screams "BOT!" in response to every comment.

More than anything it's the smug self-righteous left-wing gatekeepers who show up to every post with "do better."

I hate that fucking phrase.

Do better. No. Fuck you. No one should have to put up with that condescending bullshit. As soon as I see "do better" or any variation, out the airlock you go.

It's not about disagreement. Or even about reasonable criticism. All of us should be able to handle that.


It's about those who see the rest of us as objects to be OWNED, improved, edited, managed, controlled, silenced and redirected. It's about dancing monkeys. More and more I get why people leave this place. I totally get why celebrities like Wil Wheaton left Twitter completely, just dumped 4 million followers and walked away. He couldn't take it, it was literally destroying his mental health. I totally get that, because lately my various timelines are becoming for me an increasing source of irritation and frustration. Rage. It's affecting me in the real world. It's making me angry all of the time.

…I'm not going to leave, not here, not Twitter, not Instagram, or Counter.Social, not yet anyway. But I AM going to start cleaning house a LOT more vigorously and without warning. I have to, to maintain my sanity.

If you don't want to get blown out of the airlock, then maybe give some thought to how your comments might be affecting others.


Read the entire piece here. It's well worth your time.

Quote of the Day

Preach, sister!

So many guys claim to have 10-11 inch dicks that it makes me think they need to start learning how to measure them correctly.

Newsflash: your penis doesn't start from your butthole!

Also, whilst we're on the topic, some of you need to learn very quickly that a 6 inch dick is NOT small. Despite what porn has conditioned you to believe, It's not supposed to the the size of your forearm." ~ Nick

The Terribly Tiny God of MAGA Christians

From John Pavlovitz:

I feel sorry for professed Christians who support this President.

They have a profound and fundamental spiritual problem: their God is too small.

They passionately worship a deity made in their own image: white, American, Republican, male—and perpetually terrified of just about everything: Muslims, immigrants, gay children, Special Counsel reports, mandalas, Harry Potter, Starbuck holiday cups, yoga, wind turbines, Science—everything.

Their God is so laughably minuscule, so fully neutered of power, so completely devoid of functioning vertebrae that "He" cannot protect them from the encroaching monsters they are certain lurk around every corner to overwhelm them.

MAGA Christians sure put up a brave face, I'll give them that. They shower this God with effusive praise on Sunday mornings, they sing with reckless abandon in church services about Him, they brazenly pump out their chests on social media regarding His infinite wisdom, they defiantly declare this God's staggering might at every opportunity—but their lives tell the truth: They believe He is impotent and scared and ineffectual. You can tell this because they insist on doing all the things that a God-sized God would simply do as part of the gig.

They need to be armed to the teeth at all times because they don't really believe God will come through to defend them in a pinch—and will always be outgunned.

They want to change gay couples and transgender teenagers themselves, because they don't trust God to work within people as He desires. (Apparently God keeps making LGBTQ people, which really pisses them off.)

They want to stockpile and horde wealth, health insurance, and opportunity—because this is a zero sum game; because the God they claim turned water into wine, and fed thousands with a few fish and some leftover bread—can't make enough for everyone.

They are obsessed with building a wall and defending a border and turning way refugees—because their God isn't generous or smart or creative enough to help them figure out how to welcome and care for everyone who requires it.

They want no other religious traditions to have a voice, because their insecure and terribly tiny God is mortally threatened by such things.

MAGA Christians' daily existence testifies that their God is a microscopic, myopic coward, who has appointed them to morally police a world He cannot handle or is not equipped to direct and renovate. That's pretty sad.

In short, their God isn't a God worth believing in or worshiping—which is why they have to play God while they're alive. It's why they are furrowed-browed and white-nuckling their journey here—not content to let Jesus take the wheel for fear he'd drive them outside their gated community and into the hood and ask them to get out and care for the people they're so used to condemning.

If you're going to have a God, it may as well be right-sized. The world deserves this.

People deserve a God who is bigger than Franklin Graham's God and Mike Pence's God and Sarah Huckabee's God. Their God is small and terrified—and it suspicioulsy resembles them.

People deserve a God who so loves the world, not a God who believes in America First; whose creation begin without divides and borders and walls, because there is only a single, interdependent community.

People deserve a God who touched the leper and healed the sick and fed the starving and parted the seas and raised the dead—not a quivering idol who drafts bathroom bills and social media crusades against migrant families.

People deserve a God who is neither white nor male nor cisgender-heterosexual, nor Republican—because any other God isn't big enough to bear the title or merit any reverence.

MAGA Christians believe in God earnestly, pray to God passionately, serve God with unflinching fervor. The problem is their God is too small, and as long as they are oriented toward such a tiny, useless deity—they will continue to be compelled to do for God what they believe God should be doing, but can't or won't.

I feel sorry for them and for the world that has to be subjected to their pocket-sized theology when there is an expansive space waiting.

I hope and pray that these people soon find a God who is big enough so that they stop living so small.

For their sake—and for ours.

Shower Thoughts

New Reality Show: The first flat-earther to send a photo from the edge gets a free trip around the world!


There's no denying that the country is a mess, but can you imagine the trouble we'd be in if Trump or any of his enablers were actually intelligent?

Lady Gaga Calls Out Trump, Government Shutdown During Vegas Show

From Billboard:

The singer paused during her performance of "Million Reasons," saying, "If the fucking president of the United States could please put our government back…there are people who live paycheck to paycheck and need their money."

She then took aim at Pence, whose wife Karen is under fire for accepting a job at a school that excludes LGBT children, adding, "And to Mike Pence, who thinks it's acceptable that his wife works at a school that bans LGBTQ: you're wrong. You say we should not discriminate against Christianity. You are the worst representation of what it means to be a Christian. I am a Christian woman, and what I do know about Christianity is that we bear no prejudice and everybody is welcome. So you can take all that disgrace, Mr. Pence, and you can look yourself in the mirror and you'll find it right there."