It's The Hypocrisy, Stupid
I am so sick of these fucking Republican assholes.
You're Welcome
Oh, SuhNAP!
I'll Bet He Got It
I Approve of This Message
If you watch nothing else this week, watch this.
And in case you don't get the reference to Cassandra, you need to do some reading.
Quote of the Day
"The radical religionists have confused 'freedom of religion' with the notion that means they can force everybody else to comply with their own religious tenets and rules.
The Christianists don't just want prayer in schools. They want teachers to lead the kids only in prayers to Jesus the Lord God and Savior and his angry vengeful sky-daddy.
They don't just want their Christmas crèches and Ten Commandments plaques in public spaces. They want those to be the only things allowed.
They don't just want their particular definitions of what is and is not a valid government-recognized marriage or child adoption to be codified into law. They want all other faiths' definitions—including non-religious secularism—to be outlawed.
Once again, it's projection. What they accuse others of advocating—special rights and all that twaddle—is what they themselves want. In short, to make everybody—including those who do not belong to, adhere to, or believe in their religion to have to follow their rules anyway." — Becca Morn, commenting on this post at AMERICAblog.
Define "Necessity"
They Live
Hypocrisy, Thy Name is NOM
Newt Gingrich would like to remind everybody that that marriage is between one man and one woman whom you abandon riddled with cancer on her hospital bed while you fuck the shit out of your mistress whom you later marry and cheat on with a third woman while screaming with Godly moral outrage about the infidelities of the president.
And NOM's Brian Brown, one of the nation's leading "defenders of marriage," an allegedly devout Catholic for whom divorce is forbidden, is raising money to make Gingrich president. Brian Brown: "Everybody is allowed to fuck anybody they want, married or not, as long as they tell Jeebus: 'My bad!' after every adulterous encounter. But not homos. Definitely not homos. They belong to Satan."
Too Delicious
That Rick Perry Ad Is Starting to Make Sense Now
Pushing Back Against Teh St00pid
I too approve of this message.
"Everyone wants to do it and not think about the bad feces pudding."
Oh For Chrissake…
Hurry up and die already, you ignorant, bigoted old fuck!
Fire Might Not Work
Quote of the Day
"Newt Gingrich's mind is in love with itself. It has persuaded itself that it is brilliant when it is merely promiscuous. This is not a serious mind. Gingrich is not, to put it mildly, a systematic thinker. His mind is a jumble, an amateurish mess lacking impulse control. He plays air guitar with ideas, producing air ideas. He ejaculates concepts, notions and theories that are as inconsistent as his behavior. He didn't get whiplash being a serial adulterer while impeaching another serial adulterer, a lobbyist for Freddie Mac while attacking Freddie Mac, a self-professed fiscal conservative with a whopping Tiffany's credit line, and an anti-Communist Army brat who supported the Vietnam War but dodged it." – Maureen Dowd
Charlie Chaplin's speech in "The Great Dictator." Give it a listen, you won't regret it.
Worth 20 Minutes of Your Time
Hope for the Future
But God Cares Where YOU Put Your Genitals
A Gentle Reminder for Next Year
Quote of the Day
"Can we just ask EVERY voter, "Do you watch Fox news?" If they say yes, have someone jangle a key ring in front of their face and lead them out the back door… they will think they've voted… no harm, no foul. Right?" – comment at Talking Points Memo