Ditching Disqus

After reading this, I've decided to return to the native WordPress commenting engine. I had no idea that Disqus cataloged, cross-indexed and obviously monetized its users to such a degree, and while I personally won't stop using it myself, I won't subject my readers—as few as they are—to such intrusiveness.

If you'd like to me return to Disqus (there is a certain convenience in it, after all), let me know since at this point I haven't removed it from the site, I've just deactivated it…

Unintended Consequences

I sent off links to this here blog thingie (and my other active social media accounts) to a couple friends I've at least superficially reconnected with after years of silence, and out of curiosity I started looking through the past few years of posts just to see where my head's been at.

Other than seeing how so very little has changed with the batshit craziness the republicans have been spouting since—well, forever, the most glaring aspect of looking over all these old posts is seeing what's missing.

YouTube videos that have been taken down for whatever reason are one thing, but because I am an idiot and deleted my Flickr account about six months ago, all of the personal photos I've posted over the years that were linked directly to my account (in order to conserve hosting space on the server) are now gone.

I suppose I could go back and find all the broken links and upload the the images directly, but honestly, who has time to go through 4500 entries and figure out exactly what's missing? Not this guy, that's for sure! Hell, I don't even have time to go back and locate all the references to YouTube videos that are no longer available in order to delete them!

Taking a Little Break

After yesterday's last post, I realized that I needed to take a break from obsessing over the downfall of western civilization and made the conscious decision to step away from that nightmare-I-have-no-control-over for a while.

To that end, I'm just going to be posting a lot of pictures.

I'm attempting to organize my photos library and I realized that I have hundreds of pictures that have caught my eye over the years that I downloaded with every intention of reposting. Like with a lot of things however, it never quite happened, and they've been languishing in storage ever since. So for the next several days (unless something truly major happens on the political front to break through the now-usual effluent spewing from 45's administration), this here blog thingie will be nothing more than a stream of visual consciousness.

Enjoy. Or not. Whatever…

On Blogging

There a few reasons why I'm sad about the decline of independent blogs, and why I think they're still worth fighting for.

Ultimately, it comes down to two things: ownership and control.

Here, I control my words. Nobody can shut this site down, run annoying ads on it, or sell it to a phone company. Nobody can tell me what I can or can't say, and I have complete control over the way it's displayed. Nobody except me can change the URL structure, breaking 14 years of links to content on the web." ~ Andy Baio

Any WordPress Gurus Out There?

It seems the most recent WordPress "upgrade" has broken something. Again.  I'm no longer receiving email updates when comments are left on posts.

As you can see, I have the proper boxes checked off in the control panel, and the email address they're being sent to is valid (nothing has changed), so I'm wondering how to get this working again.

Any ideas?

Very Strange Behavior

I realized a few days ago I hadn't been receiving any comment notifications via email from this here blog thingie and is the reason I posted Is This Thing On a couple days ago. Everything seems to be set up correctly on the back end, but nothing is working. We're going on 7 days now.

The Google has been less than helpful.

Writer's Block

It never fails. I come up with the most amazing ideas for blog posts when I'm laying half-awake in bed at 4 am, but I never bother writing anything down at the time and after I fall back asleep and wake up later, with very few exceptions, I can never remember what those awesome ideas were.

I Miss Blogging

I know that's kind of an odd title for a blog post, but it's true. I miss being able to sit down and actually write, instead of posting a photo of some half naked man or regurgitating some internet meme I've run across. I miss being able to properly express myself in regards to current events without sounding like old news. And most of all I miss the sense of community those early years of blogging afforded.

The loss of community became abundantly clear a few days ago when I realized I hadn't uploaded any photos to my Flickr account since our trip to Atlanta last spring. It wasn't that I didn't have anything to upload; it's just that Flickr had dropped off my radar, supplanted by the ease of uploading and the instant gratification of Instagram. (I'm convinced that if Instagram let you post photos directly from your desktop device Flickr would close up shop because of the ungodly mess it has become.)

But I digress.

For shits-n-giggles, I started looking at the list of Flickr members I followed. A disturbing (although not surprising—based on my Instagram observation) trend I noticed was that a majority of the people I followed had not uploaded anything to Flickr not just in months, but in years. Names and faces I used to converse with regularly and counted as friends came flooding back—along with the realization that we had totally lost contact with each other in the years that have transpired.

I fear the malaise that seems to be overtaking a once-vibrant blogging community actually comes from the internet itself. Through the availability of instant gratification and equally instant dismissal of anything that doesn't pique my interest, I seem to have developed the attention span of a gnat. Getting me to sit and read anything that spans more than one or two pages is a major undertaking. Click, swipe, click, swipe. I can't stay focused long enough to read 1000 words; how do you expect me to write that many?

Additionally, I've reached the point where I don't seem to have anything unique to add to the ongoing conversations regarding events in our world. So many others have already voiced my opinions more eloquently and succinctly than I could ever have hoped, and cutting and pasting their quotes seems so much easier than attempting to say the same thing in a slightly different way.

I am very thankful to those of you who still come around and occasionally drop comments, but even if my readership dropped to zero I doubt I could ever close down Voenix Rising and give up blogging altogether like so many others have done. After all, it was through this blogging thing that I met Ben—and even though I feel I don't have much to add to the conversation right now, when I do, I still want a place available where I can.

You May Have Noticed…

…that I've been quiet of late. Not to worry. Ben and I have just moved to new digs and I've been too exhausted to even think about posting anything, but regularly scheduled programming will resume shortly.

Comments Have Been Disabled

When I started this blog all those many years ago I did it as a public extension of the private journals I had been keeping since the late 1980s. It was a way for me to vent my frustration at the way any number of things in life—particularly the political landscape of the Bush years—were heading.

I have been doing a lot of bitching and moaning about my personal life lately, and while those posts make up a really small portion of the overall blog, apparently some people are getting annoyed and are threatening to stop visiting my site.

My response? I don't care. To those people I say no one is forcing you to come here, and frankly if you stopped, I wouldn't even know. I don't track my visitor stats, so your threats to stop reading are akin to telling an Atheist he's damned and going to hell.

And lastly to paraphrase that famous line from The Rocky Horror Picture Show , "I didn't make it for you."

So until further notice, commenting has been disabled. I have enough bullshit to deal with right now without also having to deal with people whining about what I write.

New Theme

As those of you who come here directly (vs. using a RSS reader) may have noticed, I've changed the visual theme that the blog uses. It has only recently come to my attention that you can no longer comment directly from the main pages, but instead have to open the individual posts. Sorry for the confusion. You're still welcome to leave your thoughts…you just have to go through an extra click to do it.

An extra click? OMG, I know, right?

Blogger Meetup!

It took nearly seven years, but I finally met fellow blogger Erik and his husbear in person tonight.

Erik and Robert are on a semi-cross country adventure to Las Vegas and they made a small detour through Denver to meet up with Ben and I.

It was fun, but much too short of a meeting. Ben and I had been talking about making a road trip next summer down to Pea Ridge so Erik could ink both of us; I think it's now a definite plan.


So much for my break from blogging. That certainly lasted, didn't it?

I think now that I wasn't so much burnt out on blogging itself, but rather on the expectation that certain things would be posted on certain days of the week.  For that reason, I won't be doing any more of the scheduled weekly "theme" posts.

But there will still be political and social commentary, a healthy dose of snark, and more than enough hot menz to keep you pervs satisfied.

Spontaneity! That's the ticket!

I've been amassing have a lot of stuff over the past week that I want to share, so don't be surprised if a dozen or more posts appear in the next few hours.

Taking a Break

I'm burnt out on blogging. When I first started doing this thing eight years ago it was a way of venting my frustration at the direction the country was going, but lately it's just become an excuse to bitch about life and repost pictures of men in various stages of undress.

I'm over it. I need a break.

I don't know how long this will last. It may be days, or weeks, or even months until I'm fully back into it. I may still post occasionally if I happen to run across something online that I think is share-worthy, but the scheduled features are done.  I may pass on some interesting tech tidbit I happen to run across, or opine on politics now and then, but even there I'm suffering from severe outrage exhaustion. At this point I can't even go through all my politics feeds without hitting "mark all as read." The level of stupidity infecting this country on all levels has left me emotionally and mentally drained.

So keep checking back.  I may surprise you.

I LOLed Because It's True

"It's interesting how April Fools day on Gizmodo feels like any other day. Its hard to tell intentionally crappy stories from the normal, accidentally crappy ones. I guess its shame on me continuously coming back thinking I will see something cool AND well reported on." ~ bobeotm001 on Gizmodo

I Want To Print This…

…roll it up, and beat several well known bloggers over the head with it.

But then, I am a Grammar Nazi.

I can't tell you how many times I've argued with fellow bloggers (one of whom in particular—and no, not my Bubba) who say, "People know what I mean." Yeah, maybe so, but it makes you look uneducated, and therefore anything you've written not worthy of being taken seriously.


My feeds don't seem to be updating consistently, so those of you who read Voenix Rising through some kind of RSS reader (Google Reader, Reeder, etc.) are probably missing some posts. Apologies to anyone affected, but at this point I'm not even going to try and troubleshoot it because I do enough of that crap at work and I don't want to mess with it at home too.

Do Not Be Alarmed…

…if Voenix Rising goes dark for a few days.  The monthly payment for my hosting account is overdue and I do not get my first full paycheck for another week.  This ought to be interesting…

Oh To Hell With It…

While it is true that I've been wanting to refresh this blog for several months, it's not entirely true that it was done just because we're moving to Colorado.  It's because I did something very stupid (proving I am not immune).  I sent off emails to a couple headhunters I'd been working with in Denver that had a link to this blog embedded in the signature line.

Oh shit.

While I'm not ashamed of anything I've posted here over the years, much of it was definitely NSFW and considering the amount of ranting I've done about work lately it probably wouldn't make the best impression on someone trying to present me as a potential employee to one of their clients.

That led to the knee-jerk reaction of blasting away all my previous posts.

But as we all know, anything posted on the internet lives forever.  And anyone with the slightest bit of curiosity and know-how can find it. Some rather snarky comments I left on a discussion board nearly a decade ago about people stealing images for use in their eBay postings from a long-gone hi-fi website I used to run are still available just by Googling my name. Scary.

This made me realize that—for better or worse—Voenix Rising has become my brand and merely deleting a few years worth of blog posts is not going erase my presence from cyberspace. Not even close to it.

And you know, that's okay.

If someone doesn't want to represent me to a prospective employer because of my sexual orientation, political views, or the fact that I (like every other working person on the planet) occasionally bitch about my job, it's better to know it up front.  Because for every headhunter out there who takes issue with these things, there will be another who will not.

I am reminded of an interview I had about a dozen years ago with a placement firm in Palo Alto for a position the company had been having trouble filling.  The headhunter really liked me and thought with my experience I'd be a great fit, but she had an issue with my pierced ear.  She said that the company she wanted to send me to was extremely conservative and I would be advised to remove the stud before the interview.  I looked at her and said, "Seriously? This is 1997, the Bay Area and you're asking me to take out an earring? If they're that uptight, why would I want to work there?"

Honesty—something decidedly lacking in public discourse these days—is always best.

And the blog really did need to be cleaned out…