A Few From The Riot
Where's the Lie?
Just Sayin'
Confirming that the Republican Party is Nothing More Than A Clown Show
Echoing sentiments shared by billions of people around the world, an Aussie politely tells Ted Cruz to f— off.
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) October 18, 2021
This is Shameful
You're Probably Wondering…
The Victors Write The History
N.C. School Board Adopts Bonkers New Anti-Critical Race Theory Curriculum Standards After Funding Threatened
Oct. 09, 2021
Republicans remain hysterical over the alleged teaching of critical race theory, which posits that current racial inequalities often presented as happenstance are inextricably linked to centuries of overt racist violence and subjugation—is the subject of the Republican party's latest moral panic.
The theory is rarely, if ever, taught outside of college classes and the very Republican legislators who oppose it are often unable to actually define what it means.
Nevertheless, Republican legislatures across a number of states are weighing or have already imposed restrictions on unvarnished teachings of America's racist history.
In states like Tennessee, school districts could be penalized with millions in fines for lessons that violate these restrictions. At the federal and state level, Republicans have supported the adoption of strictly "patriotic" teachings of history, glossing over the moral complexities and even atrocities of America's founders to present them as inherently exceptional instead.
In the final year of his presidency, Donald Trump established the 1776 commission to explore new ways of integrating so-called "patriotic education" to combat more unflinching records of America's past.
Similar efforts are now underway in communities across the nation, including in Johnston County, North Carolina, where the school board was recently forced to adopt new rules forbidding lessons acknowledging that racism is ongoing in the United States. What's more, any historical figures who contributed to American society must be presented as "reformists, innovators and heroes."
The decision came after the county's Board of Commissioners withheld millions in funding from education funding until assurances were made that no lessons on critical race theory or "potentially divisive" topics would be delivered.
Watch below.
The Johnston Co (NC) Sch Bd was just forced to adopt a new patriotic history policy, after the Bd of Commiss voted to withhold 10% of their budget. They must now teach that all people who "contributed to American society must be presented as reformists, innovators and heroes."
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) October 4, 2021
Raleigh's CBS 17 News spoke to one teacher, April Lee, about the changes.
She said:
"I just have a really hard time figuring out how to do that with characters in U.S. history like Andrew Jackson and McCarthy and several other people who made some really bad decisions along the way. I think it ties our hands, at least for some teachers who won't feel comfortable because they feel like they're being called into question."
Others agreed that the new rules—and the Board of Supervisors' withholding of funding—had gone too far.
Is there anyone else out there that sees the terrifying impact this type of action has on freedom of speach..hell..on freedom itself? Fascist regimes in the past have indoctrinated the masses with these's serious now folks..push back hard or lose the privilege.
— A Saner WV 🇺🇸🏴☠️🇺🇦🇦🇮 Slava Ukraini (@CBrokr) October 4, 2021
I find this legitimately chilling. Like, actually terrifying.
— PoliticsGirl (@IAmPoliticsGirl) October 4, 2021
So white wash history even more… Because they still havnt figured out what CRT is nor do they understand that its not taught to kids…
— clint otis (@manbearchipmunk) October 4, 2021
Ok so I better see the hundreds if not thousands of names and unnamed black innovators and inventors that are the backbone of this country get the "reformists, innovators, and heroes" treatment. 😤😤
— C.A. Gibson (@itsDatKingCole) October 4, 2021
Normalizing racism and slavery, history as hero worship – tiki torch assemblies next?
— It can happen here (@YDalschen) October 4, 2021
People could only imagine the alternative history the far-right would teach.
Waiting for the requirement of a new book: "Jesse Helms: Civil Rights Hero."
— Norman Ornstein (@NormOrnstein) October 4, 2021
"Christopher Columbus opened up trade routes from Europe to the Americas. When he was governor of Haiti, he contributed to its economic growth by encouraging the sale of nine and ten year girls as sex slaves."
— Eλf Sternberg (@elfsternberg) October 4, 2021
Charles Lindbergh, reformist and innovator? Henry Ford, champion of values? This is a propaganda edict worthy of the most idiotic authoritarian state.
— Hussein Ibish (@Ibishblog) October 4, 2021
A Few From This Weeks "Incident"
I Believe It's Called "Irony"
Am I Right?
Quote of the Day
Raise your hand if you'd like to see rotting gasbag Steve Bannon testify under oath in front of Congress on live television for 11 straight hours to explain why he shouldn't be thrown straight the fuck into prison right now for openly plotting to overthrow our government." ~ Jeff Tiedrich
He does it because he knows there are no consequences for anything these days.
Quote of the Day
The civil war in 1861 happened when the South said we are leaving the Union and the North then waged a war to keep them. Today If Red states wanted to leave the North would say 'check out time is 1pm'" ~ Dean Obeidallah
Fingers Crossed
You Are Given Two Choices
This is great, although imperfect because of the breakthrough cases, but take it for what it is.
I've had a few interactions recently with people who refuse to get the Covid vaccine. One of their arguments is the 99% survival rate. I came up with this analogy.
You are given two choices. The first choice is to go into a room with 99 other people and draw a marble from a box.
60 people draw a blue marble. A large man then smacks them on the side of the head with a cupped first and says they can leave. It hurts, but it wears off quickly.
30 draw a red marble. They get worked over a bit more—black eye, bloody nose, split lip. But they walk out under their own steam and heal within a week.
9 draw a yellow marble. They get the shit stomped out of them. They do not walk out under their own power. Their injuries take months to heal, and some will never be back to normal.
1 draws a green marble. He's killed—slowly, clumsily. If he's lucky, he passes out before the shades permanently go down.
The 2nd choice? Don't go into the room at all.
Why would anyone pick the first option?
~John Mathews
Have You Tried Cutting Out Starbucks? Maybe Cable?
A Few Words From Dr. Fauci
UPDATE: Perhaps if I'd done my proper due diligence I would not have to now retract the source of this as being Dr. Fauci and admit being guilty of the same thing I accuse so many others of doing. It is, in fact, appears to be nothing more than "a series of paraphrases of things that Dr. Fauci has discussed throughout his career in presentations and interviews" passed on through the modern equivalent of a game of Telephone, also known as the Internet.
(h/t to Doug)
Mea culpa. And well, damn.
Apparently I Am Not The Only One With No Fucks Left To Give These Idiots
Goodbye, and Good Riddance
"If you want to leave, take good care, hope you make a lot of nice friends out there." ~ from "Wild World" by Cat Stevens
This is for those of you who've chosen to quit your jobs rather than submit to a vaccine mandate.
No telling how many of you there actually are, but lately, you're all over the news. Just last week, a nearly-30-year veteran of the San Jose Police Department surrendered his badge rather than comply with the city's requirement that all employees be inoculated against covid-19. He joins an Army lieutenant colonel, some airline employees, a Major League Baseball executive, the choral director of the San Francisco Symphony, workers at the tax collector's office in Orange County, Fla., and, incredibly, dozens of health care professionals.
Well, on behalf of the rest of us, the ones who miss concerts, restaurants and other people's faces, the ones who are sick and tired of living in pandemic times, here's a word of response to you quitters: Goodbye.
And here's two more: Good riddance.
Not to minimize any of this. A few weeks ago, a hospital in upstate New York announced it would have to "pause" delivering babies because of resignations among its maternity staff. So the threat of difficult ramifications is certainly real. But on the plus side, your quitting goes a long way toward purging us of the gullible, the conspiracy-addled, the logic-impaired and the stubbornly ignorant. And that's not nothing.
We've been down this road before. Whenever faced with some mandate imposed in the interest of the common good, some of us act like they just woke up on the wrong side of the Berlin Wall. "There's no freedom no more," whined one man in a video that recently aired on "The Daily Show With Trevor Noah." The clip was from the 1980s, and the guy had just gotten a ticket for not wearing his seatbelt.
It's an unfortunately common refrain. Can't smoke in a movie theater? Can't crank your music to headache decibels at 2 in the morning? Can't post the Ten Commandments in a courtroom? "There's no freedom no more." Some of you seem to think freedom means no one can be compelled to do, or refrain from doing, anything. But that's not freedom, it's anarchy.
Usually, the rest of us don't agonize over your intransigence. Often it has no direct impact on us. The guy in "The Daily Show" clip was only demanding the right to skid across a highway on his face, after all. But now you claim the right to risk the health care system and our personal lives.
So if you're angry, guess what? You're not the only ones.
The difference is, your anger is dumb, and ours is not. Yours is about being coerced to do something you don't want to do. Like that's new. Like you're not already required to get vaccinated to start school or travel to other countries. For that matter, you're also required to mow your lawn, cover your hindparts and, yes, wear a seatbelt. So you're mad at government and your job for doing what they've always done.
But the rest of us, we're mad at you. Because this thing could have been over by now, and you're the reason it isn't.
That's why we were glad President Biden stopped asking nicely, started requiring vaccinations everywhere he had power to do so. We also were glad when employers followed suit. And if that's a problem for you, then, yes, goodbye, sayonara, auf wiedersehen, adios and adieu. We'll miss you, to be sure. But you're asking us to choose between your petulance and our lives.
And that's really no choice at all.
Leonard Pitts Jr. is a national columnist for The Miami Herald and the winner of a Pulitzer Prize for commentary.