
I Would Never Wish Anyone Dead…

…but I will take great glee in reading certain obituaries.

Hey Dan, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THE SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE? Do you not understand that it is not acceptable for you to be espousing your particular brand of batshit insanity publicly as an elected official?

There are days I really wish I believed in Hell, because no one is more deserving than you, Dan, to wake up there.

P.S. The Internet is forever. Just because you deleted the above tweet after the Internet blew up in your pathetic fucking Dominionist scumbag face doesn't make it go away.


From The Rogue Columnist:

Is perpetual war inevitable?

In an otherwise interesting essay entitled, "The Price of Perpetual War," we find this perplexing paragraph:

The United States did not choose this era of perpetual war. It is the price of living in a world where, for the first time, terrorist groups and malevolent individuals can reach the United States and wreak havoc from virtually any corner of the world. That threat was literally brought home by al Qaeda on 9/11 and reinforced all too recently by the terror attacks in Paris, Brussels, and San Bernardino.

Does anyone believe this is so? Alas, millions of Americans. But to make a quick list…

…We chose to give a blank check to Saudi Arabia to run one of the world's most repressive regimes while spreading extremist war-on-the-infidels Islam throughout the Middle East and beyond. One doesn't have to subscribe to conspiracy theories to acknowledge that Osama bin Laden and 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi citizens. And what has our kowtowing to the kingdom given us? The House of Saud's oil, to fuel our "non-negotiable" (and already heavily subsidized) car-based sprawl lifestyle. Most oil needs to stay in the ground if we are to avoid destroying the planet even more—and between "making different arrangements" and domestic oil, we don't need OPEC anymore…

…We chose an even closer connection to Israel, Riyadh's quiet ally, whether this was in America's national interest or not. And with the oppressive and increasingly extremist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu is it increasingly not. Indeed, increasing Jewish settlements on Palestinian land and injustices against the Palestinian people committed by Israel blow back on the United States, which has long ago lost its credibility as an honest broker in the Middle East. It has inflamed Islamic and Arabic anger against us. And for what? To please the powerful donors of AIPAC and older Jewish voters in the swing state of Florida?…

…We chose to invade Iraq, a nation that had nothing to do with 9/11 terrorism nor did it possess weapons of mass destruction. In toppling a distasteful but secular strongman, we unleashed the furies of sectarian strife going back to the death of Muhammad in 632. Our stupendously bungled occupation (Don "Stuff Happens" Rumsfeld, Paul Bremer) made it much worse; ISIS can be traced to these critical early blunders. The conflagration has spread throughout the region. And for what? To validate the Project for a New American Century, secret Cheney oil deals, and show how "The Vulcans" made their own reality? Real reality had other plans and millions blame America for the blood of the Iraqi people and a "war on Islam." This was done in our name. We did this…

…We chose to antagonize Russia, first by expanding NATO into the former Warsaw Pact countries — despite strong evidence this violated a 1990 promise made to Moscow. We continued to do so by supporting the EU's reckless attempt to embrace Ukraine, which had been part of the Russian Empire for centuries, then enacting sanctions against Moscow for annexing Crimea, which had never been historically part of Ukraine. We choose to ignore Russian exceptionalism. To wealthy Republican John Sidney McCain III, the land of Tolstoy and Tchaikovsky, whose people conquered a continent and crossed to take Alaska, is "a gas station masquerading as a country." And for what? To keep the Military Industrial Complex well funded? Our actions have stoked Russian nationalism and taken the heat off [the real-estate developer's] bromance object, Vladimir Putin…

…We choose to maintain an alliance system left over from the Cold War without even a peep of reflection. Uncle Sucker is left holding the bag. Why is the Middle East our problem rather than that of our NATO allies, who won't even spend the minimum on their own defense? Why does British Prime Minister David Cameron get to eviscerate the Royal Navy yet profit from global commerce protected by the U.S. Navy? And he is only one free-rider. Why is North Korea our problem and not that of Beijing? Perhaps it's better to have Japan under the American nuclear umbrella than having Tokyo develop its own nukes. But is George Kennan's containment theory, specific to the Soviet Union, really applicable to China? Who benefits? The arms makers — America is the world's largest exporter of military hardware. But who named us world police?

No, perpetual war in not inevitable. And the choice is not between the status quo and Charles Lindbergh-style isolationism.

The opportunity costs of our choices are enormous and mounting. Not least among our choices has been the GOP religion of tax cuts. Now our National Parks face a maintenance backlog of $11.5 billion. They must compete in an "American Idol-style" contest for a pittance of private grants. While every advanced, urbanized nation on the planet has high-speed rail (good for the climate too, vs. passenger jets), Amtrak struggles with a minimal network and most speeds lower than a century ago. The GOP response is to attempt to kill its inadequate $1.4 billion subsidy. The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, producing an unreliable jet, has cost $1.5 trillion. (Our subsidies of sprawl and single-occupancy automobiles would amount to many trillions).

But to hell with addressing climate change, building 21st century infrastructure, protecting the people's priceless natural inheritance, or even funding real defense needs and attending to legitimate national interests. The GOP can't keep cutting taxes and fretting over debt and deficits — and also continue massive military spending. The fretting over red ink will stop the minute a Republican becomes president. And as for the rest? Stuff happens.

Think about that when you make a choice in November, not just for the White House but every race from city council on up.


And of course, Michelle Gregg is a Christianist who refuses to accept any responsibility for her lack of attentiveness saying only, "God protected my child until the authorities were able to get to him…Accidents happen."


If your invisible-friend-in-the-sky really wanted to protect your spawn, perhaps he/she/it wouldn't have let the child into the enclosure in the first place.

Quote of the Day

'The Obama administration is bypassing Congress by attempting to rewrite the law and set restroom policies for public and private employers across the country, not just North Carolina.'

That was North Carolina Governor, Pat McCrory.

You know, that's a pretty bold statement coming from a guy with a gender-ambiguous name who himself signed into law regulations setting bathroom policies.

North Carolina was given until today to suspend enforcement of the gender/bathroom portions of HB2 or lose federal funding.

Washington indicated it would extend that deadline if McCrory would publicly agree HB2 is discriminatory.

Instead, McCrory chose to sue the federal government. That's right, instead of doing the right thing, the inevitable thing, he's chosen to waste taxpayer money at both the state and federal levels in order to fight for a law that is obviously unnecessary and based entirely on bigoted fear of a situation that is essentially nonexistent.

'I'm not going to publicly announce that something discriminates, which is agreeing with their letter, because we're really talking about a letter in which they're trying to define gender identity,' McCrory said. 'And there is no clear identification or definition of gender identity. It's the federal government being a bully.'

There is no clear indication of gender identity.

I wonder if this idiot can actually hear the words coming out of his mouth? Or if he's just a puppet with Tony Perkins' hand up his ass?


The fuck? Seriously.

'This is now a national issue that applies to every state and it needs to be resolved at the federal level.'

You know what, Pat? You're right. It IS a national issue. And thank you for making it so. It was a NON-issue, but you, you ignorant hateful bigoted jackasses, have now made it a national issue. Just like interracial and same-sex marriage—and how'd that work out for you religious nuts? Remind me.

This is why I laugh when I hear conservatives bleating about 'state's rights.' If 200 plus years of American history have taught us anything at all, it's that the states cannot be trusted with civil rights.

Ever." ~ Jim Wright

Quote of the Day

the Supreme Court hangs in the balance; the relationship between the states and federal government hangs in the balance; and our relationship with our allies hangs in the balance. All of these things are at stake and the party that fancies itself as the grown up party has handed itself over to a huckster with a cult of ill behaved children." ~ #NeverTrump leader Erick Erickson, writing for The Resurgent.

Doing My Own Small Part

Experience has taught me that working with out-of-state recruiters is a complete waste of my time and resources. They don't know the area, they don't know the commute, and—for a increasingly large number of them—they don't know how to speak English. I don't have a problem working with people for whom English is not their primary language, but when you're in a public-facing profession and people can't understand a single thing you're saying, perhaps you need to rethink your career choice.

Normally I just respond to their emails with a polite, "I do not work with out-of-state recruiters. Please do not contact me again," and that's the end of it. A few don't take the hint and respond with "WHY NOT?" and at that point my civility goes out the door with a response of "What part of DO NOT CONTACT do you not understand?" The domains of mail coming from repeat offenders are finally routed at the server immediately into the trash and I never even see them.

I never answer calls from unrecognized numbers on my phone, forcing them to go to voice mail. So after these recruiters have left their rambling, unintelligible messages, the phone numbers get added to my blocked "Out of State Recruiters" contacts entry. BOOM.


For some reason today, I've been emailed by a dozen or so recruiters all based in North Carolina—all for the same job opening and half coming from the same damned company. (This is another ongoing irritation in working with recruiters; none of them in the same office ever seem to speak to each other.) This has afforded me the opportunity to respond in a more specific, non-generic fashion and be political at the same time; they don't need to know that I wouldn't work with them in any case, but I wrote back and told them that I would not do business with any company based in North Carolina because of HB2, and I suggested they pass that onto their employer.

More Timely Than Ever

Reposted from 3 years ago:

This Isn't Going Away, North Carolina

There you sit this morning North Carolina, all smug and self-satisfied in your hate, no doubt believing in your little heart-of-hearts that it was God's will that you mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging assholes enshrined discrimination in your state law. But I've got news for you: you were on the wrong side of history when you outlawed interracial marriage, and you're on the wrong side of history AGAIN.

The more I think about this, the more livid I become. I'm not sure why, because other states have passed similar laws. Maybe it's because your state—whose motto should now be changed from "FIRST IN FLIGHT" to "FIRST IN HATE"—was a necessary tipping point to open eyes and get the masses' blood boiling.

And despite your unwavering belief that you're doing the Lord's work (who NEVER said a word about homosexuality, by the way) I have a feeling, that this is going to come back and bite you in your shriveled, black, hate-filled hearts. More than 50% of Americans polled are now in favor of marriage equality. Major corporations, sensing the tide of public opinion, are increasingly coming on board and providing the same benefits to same-sex partners as they do to the rest of their married employees.

Your vote was a slap in the face to that, and I sincerely hope that every GLBT person and their supporters (including businesses) leave your state and let it free-fall back into the middle ages. Have you not seen what happened in Georgia with their stance against so-called "illegal" (i.e. brown-skinned) migrant workers? Crops are rotting in the fields. North Carolina deserves no less.

I spotted this in the comments section at Joe.My.God. this morning, and I couldn't have said it better.


We get it…you hate us…you really, really hate us.

Which, of course, is what all these "protect marriage" amendments are about. You're not protecting anything, you're just preventing a small group of people that you hate from entering into your "exclusive" marriage club lest we sully it (GOD FORBID…we should swim in your pool…you'd have to drain it). Now, if y'all really had the courage of your convictions you'd make homosexuality itself in North Carolina a crime, punishable by death just like it says in the Bible (let's run that up the flag pole and see how it flies…I bet it would pass or come damn close). But, of course, you don't have that kind of courage because y'all are nothing but a bunch of bullies and cowards, as your state's racist history would attest.

Quote of the Day


As some of you may know, I live in North Carolina.  This bill is a travesty.  It not only denies protection by the state, it legally strips away all local laws created to protect and assist LGBT (particularly trans) citizens.  If you follow me on twitter, I made it very clear how unacceptable this is to me.

North Carolina voted Barack Obama into office and elected a female governor and senator from the democratic party eight years ago and since then the Republican party has gerrymandered districts, passed a law requiring state id's to vote, and passed every anti LGBT bill that's come across their desks.

It's time to fight back.  If you are not a bigot, you have eight months to get your state id and voter registration sorted out, because no single person who voted for this bill should be allowed to keep their seat.

Let me make a few things very clear:

If you do not vote in this election in North Carolina, you are implicated in the ruining of the lives of LGBT people.  You are a party to the discrimination against and assaults on trans people in NC.  You are the one holding the gun.

And if you decide not to show up at the election because you are unhappy with the democratic presidential candidate that the DNC chooses, you are guilty of bigotry and hypocrisy.  I know there are some of you out there that are very salty that it looks like Hillary is going to win and I'm no huge Hillary fan, but if you've been telling every person you meet about how Bernie Sanders supports the LGBT community and you don't show up to support the LGBT community, you are a hypocrite." ~ Princeless

This law was pushed through in an "emergency" session yesterday because the city of Charlotte, NC passed local ordinances supporting trans and LBGT+ rights.

This law was introduced, voted on, and passed in 12 hours in direct response to the largest city in North Carolina wanting to do right by its community.

"Bathroom defense" is bullshit. There have been no reported incidents of assault being perpetrated on women in restrooms by trans men ever. The more I read, the more infuriated I become, and at this point I'm convinced that—as usual—the republicans are projecting again. Projecting about sex in bathrooms? Yes. Because I would venture to say that a vast majority of those fucksticks know all about bathroom sex, and it doesn't involve women at all.

Vote. In. Your. Goddamn. Local. Elections.

Thankfully major corporations who are on the side of equality are speaking up. Can Atlanta really afford to lose Coca Cola or The Walking Dead?

What these sad "religious liberty" laws are pointing out more than anything else—much like what happened with marriage equality itself—is the need for Federal LGBT protections—and ironically that may be the unintended consequence that comes from all this, proving if nothing else that the Christianists' invisible friend in the sky has one wicked sense of humor.

And speaking of unintended consequences…

Quote of the Day

Sorry, guys, but the right spent decades blowing dog whistles. Now that you've got a candidate who has graduated from a dog whistle to a bull horn, you shouldn't be surprised when some of his supporters decide that thank God it's time to stop being politically correct and fling out fascistic symbolism in this new, accepting environment. Disavowal is difficult when the difference between Trump's tactics and the ones the right has been using for numerous election cycles is in degree, not kind. You get to own this one. Enjoy it." ~ John Scalzi

Like A Tweeker High on Meth, Furiously Masturbating…

…but just can't cum:

A Florida congressman has introduced a new bill that would forbid federal agencies from purchasing Apple products until the company cooperates with the federal court order to assist the unlocking of a seized iPhone 5C associated with the San Bernardino terrorist attack.

In a statement released on Thursday, Rep. David Jolly (R-Fla.) blasted Apple.

"Taxpayers should not be subsidizing a company that refuses to cooperate in a terror investigation that left 14 Americans dead on American soil," he said. "Who did the terrorist talk to? Who did he message with? Did he go to a safe house? Is there information on the phone that might prevent a future attack on US soil? Following the horrific events of September 11, 2001, every citizen and every company was willing to do whatever it took to side with law enforcement and defeat terror. It's time Apple shows that same conviction to further protect our nation today."

Last month, Apple was given a controversial court order to create a customized firmware that would enable investigators to brute force a seized iPhone 5C and get past its passcode. Apple has vowed to fight the order in court, and the company is set to appear before a judge later this month.

At least for now, Jolly's bill is unlikely to advance very far in a Congress that can barely agree on the time of day; GovTrack gives it a 1 percent chance of passage.
