Look At This, America. Look At THIS.

This is US. We have lost all traces of our humanity.

Bring on the asteroid. Bring on the alien overlords. Bring on the AI singularity that wipes us all out. Let's hope the cockroaches make a better go of this thing called civilization than we have.

Except for the daily UNFs that are already queued up) I'm going to hold off posting any more pictures of pretty men until I can process this. It seems…I don't even have a word for it. I have no words for anything I'm feeling right now.

And since Ben is a school administrator, don't think for a moment I don't worry about him when he leaves for work every. damn. day.

As I told him this morning, if something happens to him at least I know he will have died protecting his kiddos…

Folks Buying Groceries Refreshing the Tree of Liberty

From Greg Fallis:

As Thomas Jefferson famously wrote, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Oh, and kids in school. And folks shopping for groceries, if they're not white." Yesterday, while I was enjoying a pleasant…what?

Okay, some of you are saying, "Greg, old sock, I don't think you've accurately quoted our boy TJ." Maybe you're right; this may not be an exact quote, but it's close enough to the way it's interpreted by a lot of people who identify as right-wing lunatic gun nuts. Okay, okay, maybe they don't actually identify themselves that way, but stop calling me old sock.

I mean, sure, TJ was talking about Daniel Shays, a farmhand in western Massachusetts who was having trouble paying his taxes, partly because he was also having trouble collecting the pay he was supposed to have received as a grunt in the Continental Army during the American Revolution. There's still a lot of debate about what TJ meant by that tree of liberty bullshit, but the right-wing lunatic gun nuts take it as an article of faith that TJ was suggesting folks need to periodically have a good old fashioned bloody war of rebellion against the legitimate government. This is exactly WHY the term lunatic is included in the name of 'right-wing lunatic gun nuts'.

But even right-wing lunatic gun nuts have trouble explaining how mass murder events at schools, mall, movie theaters, and grocery stores fit into that 'blood of patriots and tyrants' business. Especially when…oh yeah, and churches, I forgot to include churches. And temples and mosques. Anyway, right-wing lunatic gun nuts have trouble explaining how that blood of patriots stuff fits with those mass murders committed by white men specifically against victims who aren't white. Or men. Or people who don't quite fit into the right-wing lunatic gun nut definition of 'men'.

So the right-wing lunatic gun nuts have developed a pair of sure-fire (get it? Sure-fire? See what I did there? I'm a hoot) responses to those events. First, they…well, wait. I say 'first' as if this is the preferred response, which would be inaccurate on account of these two responses are pretty much equally relied on. So when I say 'first' I'm just admitting that I can't share two responses at the same time. These responses are numerical, not sequential. Or the other way around, maybe? Doesn't matter.

First, they blame the mass murder on emotional health. As in "This kid who shot up the supermarket in Buffalo must be CRAZY because, yeah sure, he says he was motivated by hate and he says white folks are being replaced by non-white folks who breed faster and yeah sure, that's exactly what Tucker Carlson says on FoxNEWS every night, but c'mon, you'd have to be CRAZY to believe that, so there, it's a mental health issue."

Second, they claim the mass murder is a false flag event perpetrated by Democrats or Jews or some other Satanist-pedophile group in order to TAKE OUR GUNS, or at least distract us from Hunter Biden's laptop. They seem to think this is a perfectly reasonable thing to believe.

Sometimes they combine the two responses, suggesting Democrats and Jews and other Satanist-pedophile groups convince mentally ill white folks to commit mass murders to distract the population from some vague but really awful thing that Democrats, Jews, and other Satanist-pedophile groups really enjoy.

But as I was saying (you may have to refer back to the beginning of this blog), yesterday, while I was enjoying a pleasant 30-mile bike ride from one bike pub to another bike pub, some white kid went to a supermarket in a predominantly black community and killed a whole bunch of folks who were just buying groceries.


Oh, They Will, Andy. They Will.

I don't believe in reincarnation but a big part of me wants Barrett, Kavanaugh, Thomas, Gorsuch and Alito to come back as impoverished unwed pregnant teenagers." ~ Andy Borowitz

Take a Deep Breath…

…and repeat after me:

It is an opinion, not a ruling.

It is an opinion, not a ruling.

It is an opinion, not a ruling.

Yes, this definitely has the potential to turn into something truly horrific. And don't think for one second that the same religious lunatics who have their sights set on Roe don't also have designs upon Obergefell, Lawrence, Loving, and a host of other landmark civil rights decisions of the last sixty years. I don't think it's hyperbole to say that the right wing of this country want to turn the United States into a Republican wet dream dystopian handmaid's-tale theocratic hellscape where only straight, white, heterosexual christian males have rights or power.

While certain members of the court are already timidly braking, assuring everyone "the leaked draft is real but not final and can change," I don't believe a word of it. But I hope the backlash that results from this premature ejaculation will cause them to at least rethink it.

Fuck Alito. Fuck Cavanaugh. Fuck Gorsch. Fuck Thomas. Fuck Barrett. And most of all fuck Trump and McConnell and every.single.person who voted for the assholes who put those monsters in place.

The majority of the country is firmly in agreement with a woman's right to choose—as well as  interracial marriage, gay marriage, and freedom to have sex with another consenting adult regardless of their sex.

And I find it ironic that the usual suspects on the far right are already braying about the leak itself, not its contents. They're more concerned that this information was released—no doubt because of the possibility that this will influence the midterm elections in the Democrats' favor—than they are at the contents of the leak and the warning klaxon it's sounding for rights across this country.

Maybe that's why it was leaked. Perhaps it was put out there by someone in full support of a woman's right to choose, hoping that the sleeping giant that is the majority of voters in this county can be woken from its slumber to beat this kind of mid-century nonsense back into the ground. This is something that has the potential to touch every single life in this country—and the right wing is scared shitless that when people wake up and realize this, they're toast.

And that is why it is vitally important that everyone vote BLUE in November.

At least that's the belief keeping me sane at the moment.

Some Thoughts on Current Events

"The best prediction I've seen about what is likely Twitter's future is neither the optimistic nor the extreme pessimistic views, but rather that it will be mostly the same but go back to the less governed model of half a dozen years ago in which there was more harassment, neo-Nazis and government-backed disinformation campaigns. The simple truth is that content moderation is much, much less about 'free speech' or unpopular opinions than some random guy DMing pictures of his penis every day for a year to a woman he's harassing, or hoaxes about people dying, or copyright infringement. Of course, as Musk knows as well as anyone, Twitter is also a great tool for market manipulation and securities fraud. In other words, it's less about 'speech' than the digital amplification of the predatory dimensions of people's personality disorders."

That's what this is and where we are: an extremely powerful and wealthy jackass on an ego trip. You can take the bro out of the frat house but you can't take the frat house out of the bro.
