Oh, They Will, Andy. They Will.

I don't believe in reincarnation but a big part of me wants Barrett, Kavanaugh, Thomas, Gorsuch and Alito to come back as impoverished unwed pregnant teenagers." ~ Andy Borowitz

Take a Deep Breath…

…and repeat after me:

It is an opinion, not a ruling.

It is an opinion, not a ruling.

It is an opinion, not a ruling.

Yes, this definitely has the potential to turn into something truly horrific. And don't think for one second that the same religious lunatics who have their sights set on Roe don't also have designs upon Obergefell, Lawrence, Loving, and a host of other landmark civil rights decisions of the last sixty years. I don't think it's hyperbole to say that the right wing of this country want to turn the United States into a Republican wet dream dystopian handmaid's-tale theocratic hellscape where only straight, white, heterosexual christian males have rights or power.

While certain members of the court are already timidly braking, assuring everyone "the leaked draft is real but not final and can change," I don't believe a word of it. But I hope the backlash that results from this premature ejaculation will cause them to at least rethink it.

Fuck Alito. Fuck Cavanaugh. Fuck Gorsch. Fuck Thomas. Fuck Barrett. And most of all fuck Trump and McConnell and every.single.person who voted for the assholes who put those monsters in place.

The majority of the country is firmly in agreement with a woman's right to choose—as well as  interracial marriage, gay marriage, and freedom to have sex with another consenting adult regardless of their sex.

And I find it ironic that the usual suspects on the far right are already braying about the leak itself, not its contents. They're more concerned that this information was released—no doubt because of the possibility that this will influence the midterm elections in the Democrats' favor—than they are at the contents of the leak and the warning klaxon it's sounding for rights across this country.

Maybe that's why it was leaked. Perhaps it was put out there by someone in full support of a woman's right to choose, hoping that the sleeping giant that is the majority of voters in this county can be woken from its slumber to beat this kind of mid-century nonsense back into the ground. This is something that has the potential to touch every single life in this country—and the right wing is scared shitless that when people wake up and realize this, they're toast.

And that is why it is vitally important that everyone vote BLUE in November.

At least that's the belief keeping me sane at the moment.

Some Thoughts on Current Events

"The best prediction I've seen about what is likely Twitter's future is neither the optimistic nor the extreme pessimistic views, but rather that it will be mostly the same but go back to the less governed model of half a dozen years ago in which there was more harassment, neo-Nazis and government-backed disinformation campaigns. The simple truth is that content moderation is much, much less about 'free speech' or unpopular opinions than some random guy DMing pictures of his penis every day for a year to a woman he's harassing, or hoaxes about people dying, or copyright infringement. Of course, as Musk knows as well as anyone, Twitter is also a great tool for market manipulation and securities fraud. In other words, it's less about 'speech' than the digital amplification of the predatory dimensions of people's personality disorders."

That's what this is and where we are: an extremely powerful and wealthy jackass on an ego trip. You can take the bro out of the frat house but you can't take the frat house out of the bro.



Idiot Desantis has still not realized you don't fuck with the Mouse. Disney can ground that little pipsqueak into the ground in so many delightfully painful ways that it's going to be interesting just to see which one they ultimately choose.

THIS is Why I Still Wear a Mask in Public

From Mock Paper Scissors:

As we say here, we might be done with the pandemic, but the Trump-Virus ain't done with us:

"The number of attendees who have tested positive for the coronavirusafterlast weekend's Gridiron dinner has risen to 67, organizers say, including Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, who became the third member of Biden's Cabinet in attendance who was infected."

The subhead of the article says that "More than 10 percent of attendees of Gridiron dinner have been infected with the virus." And as is typical for D.C., the WaPo didn't include the health status of anyone who worked the event. I guess the invisible are truly invisible.

As the Gridiron dinner was announced and the society pages at Der Tiger Beat auf dem Potomac filled with stories of who was going, tuxedo rentals, the bon mots of the guests, I kept wondering if it was going to turn into a super spreader event, and lo! it has.

Look, I get it. I've been hunkered down since March 13, 2020, and so going on 3 years without dining out, going to a concert, no travel, doing much of anything in public has been a chore and always a gamble after assessing the odds. But even a nobody like me,  I knew that this thing was not going to end well, and I wondered why the connected and powerful didn't see it.

Anyway, this is now an object-lesson for the rest of us. Keep following protocols. Stay safe.