Just Vomiting It All Up
'Nuff Said
Our Country Needs a Few Thousand of Him…
Who's With Me?
No Comment Necessary
And There You Have It
(Not that we haven't known for years.)
Tickets Reserved
? ? ?
Gas Prices
I haven't been inconvenienced by the latest gas price hikes. At least not yet. I'm not driving that much and I'm willing to pay whatever it takes at the pump if it helps to ensure that Putin is removed from power. Unfortunately, I know a lot of people don't have that luxury, and I fear the price increases we're seeing are more from corporate greed (Really? In America? Say it ain't so!) than an actual shortage of crude oil on the world market.
(I don't have any proof of that; I'm just talking out of my ass like everyone else on the Internet.)
I haven't had to fill up in over a week so I haven't felt the pain directly yet. The last time I filled the tank, Premium (which Rabbit drinks) was at $4.499 a gallon. As I was driving past my usual QT this morning, however, I noticed that the price had shot up to $5.099 a gallon, which seems to be the new norm in Phoenix according to GasBuddy. That was a bit of a shock, but not unreasonable, considering my level of consumption, but I can certainly understand how that would easily bankrupt people with lower incomes who have to drive every single day. Ben—who has a 90 mile round trip commute every day—is feeling the pain much more than me, but at least his car sips only regular grade petrol.
Right now, the worst case scenario for me (at current prices) is that if I run the tank dry (which I never do), it will cost around $64 to fill it every two weeks at this current price. Even at these higher prices, that's $32 a week, which was about what I was paying pre-pandemic when I was driving to work every day. (How that math actually works out I don't know; it gives me a stabbing pain when I try to wrap my head around it.)
What's going to be interesting is the week after next. We have a little road trip planned through New Mexico: 1400 miles total (more or less). With the mostly highway/street MPG I get from Rabbit and worst case scenario of $6.00/gallon (or more) gas, it's gonna be rather pricey, but both of us need this trip and we don't want to cancel at the last minute. I'll cover the cost of the gas since Ben got the hotel rooms. We'll come out about even.
It will be an interesting trip, that's for sure!
And Fuck Putin.
Notable Quotes
For people who love to boast about Trump's cognitive tests, these people are having trouble remembering how much they loved Putin just a week ago. – Dan Rather
People are just blindly buying houses for hundreds of thousands over asking and that's fine everything is normal and fine. – Jesse McLaren
Say "war" in Russia and face 15 years in prison. Say "gay" in Florida and see what happens. Take your trans teen across state lines from Idaho and face arrest. See a pattern? – Barbara Malmet
What the hell kinda billionaire goes around begging people money to buy a private jet??? – Covie tweet
Ah, the Golden Oldies
Ya Think?!
This Explains So Much of Late
Quote of the Day
And On A Much More Somber Note
These photos must be spread far and wide.
Putin must be removed…by any means necessary.
And as I posted earlier, don't whine to me about gas prices. Be grateful that you aren't sitting on a concrete floor in a subway station, holding your pets or your children, wondering where your next meal is coming from and if your home and everyone you love has been blown to bits.
And That Is The Reason I'm Not Taking My Mask Off
"Say Сыр!"
No One is Going to Take His Shit
We Love Trae
I Holding Out Hope…
WARNING: This Not Easy To Watch (Proceed at Your Own Risk)
But it needs to be seen far and wide; a reminder that what is happening in Ukraine is not a video game.