The GOP is Okay With Occasional Mass Murder

From Greg Fallis:

I just counted. Since I started writing this blog, I've written 31 posts about mass shootings and murders. This will be the 32nd. It won't be the last. Hell, there were so many blog posts on mass shootings I had to create a tag for it; another mass shooting.

The first was in August of 2012, the Sikh temple mass murder in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Remember that one? Probably not. Seven dead; eight counting the shooter. The shooter generally isn't included in the butcher's bill, because he's not an innocent victim.

You know who else isn't innocent? Republicans. Republican governors, Republican state legislators, Republicans in Congress. They may not be actively guilty, but they sure as fuck aren't innocent. Now, I'm not saying these people are okay with routine sporadic mass murders, I'm saying…

Wait. No, I AM saying Republican lawmakers are okay with routine sporadic mass murders. And hey, let's also include Democrats Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema as being okay with routine sporadic mass murders. If these people weren't okay with it, they'd have done something to prevent it. At the very least, if they weren't okay will mass shootings, they'd have done something to reduce the body count.

But they haven't. They haven't done a goddamned thing. And they won't. We know they won't. So yeah, Republican lawmakers (and a pair of asshole Democrats) are okay with routine sporadic mass murders. They won't admit that, of course. Because that would make them sociopathic monsters.

Wait. They ARE sociopathic. They may not be actual monsters, but clearly they meet the diagnostic criteria for being sociopaths. They have a weak and limited capacity to feel empathy and remorse. Some of them may, it's true, be sincere when they mouth the phrase 'thoughts and prayers'. But they don't feel enough empathy or remorse to actually do anything constructive about it. So fuck them and their thoughts and prayers.

I don't know how many people have died in Uvalde, Texas. First they reported it was two kids. Then ten. Now I think the butcher's bill is 21, mostly kids. Oh, and the shooter shot his grammy too, though she didn't die. Well, not yet. The body count may go up; it so often does. Second grade, third grade, fourth grade kids. Eight, nine, ten-year-old kids. Shot dead.

Here's another horrible thing: we're not hearing about wounded kids. We're not seeing pictures of ambulances pulling up to hospital trauma centers. We're not hearing about kids in surgery. That suggests the victims weren't just shot, but were shot to a degree that there was no point in transporting them to an emergency room.

There are…wait. There were just under 600 kids enrolled in that school. So about 3% of the student body were killed today.

I wrote that last night. Couldn't finish it. Didn't want to finish it.

This morning we're learning the names of the victims. Last night they were just generic victims. Today we'll find out more about them. We'll see photos of them, we'll hear from their friends and family members and teachers. Politicians (including Republicans) will mourn them in public. They'll offer the usual thoughts, the usual prayers, and they'll say we must never forget them.

But we will. Oh, their families will remember them. So will their friends. And the kids who saw them gunned down, they'll never be able to escape those memories. But for the rest of us, in a few days they'll just be included in the roll call of generic mass murder victims.

It's tragic. It really is gut-shattering massively fucking tragic. And the tragedy will be compounded by the fact that nothing will change. Nothing will chance because Republican lawmakers (and a couple of asshole Democrats) are okay with routine sporadic mass murder. They're basically okay with a few hundred kids being shot to death every year.

So are the people who vote for them.

Yesterday was the 144th day of the year. There have been at least 212 mass shootings in 2022 so far. Republicans and Republican voters are okay with that.

EDITORIAL NOTE: By the way, SCOTUS will be handing down a ruling on gun rights in the next few weeks. It's almost certain they'll make it easier for more people to carry more guns in more places. We can thank Republicans for that too.

I Wish I Believed in Hell

Stop worrying about Target's bathrooms and start looking in your own damn churches, you motherfucking kiddie-fucking assholes!

From Towleroad:

TEXAS. Bureau of Investigation arrests two pastors for seeking sex with underage girls: "Jason Kennedy, 46, who held the role of children's pastor at Grace Baptist Church in Knoxville, and Zubin Parakh, 32, who is listed as the creative pastor at LifeHouse Church, were both nabbed in the undercover investigation. According to a police report seen by WVLT Kennedy had agreed to pay $100 for a half hour with two girls, one of whom was 15. Kennedy faces patronizing prostitution and trafficking charges—and could land in prison for up to 60 years. Kennedy has lost his job at Grace Baptist Church as a result of the investigation."

Say Hello to the Face of Hate Stupidity

From Towleroad:

Boise, Idaho-area couple Justin and Melanie Sease are driving around in a car painted with phrases like "HOMOSEXUALITY is a sin & a abomination", "Just Say NO to Gay Marriage", and "GOD'S NOT DEAD". They say they're speaking out for others who are afraid to do the same in light of the recent arrival of marriage equality in the state, and whine to KBOI that they're being ridiculed for it:

2truck"We've had a few homosexual extremists who cuss us out and get very angry with us and threaten us."

Why are they on a crusade?

Says Justin, who claims he's "taking a stand for the Heavenly Father":

"We can never accept public homosexuality. It's wrong, and it's wrong in God's eyes first. He's very clear in the Bible. The Bible says that when homosexuality is publicly accepted, basically it spreads like a cancer….This is kind our little way of protesting the homosexual extremist movement…"

Said Melanie:

"If nobody else is going to do it, why not start doing it. Hopefully, other people will join us and follow us and do what we're doing.Most everyone who has seen our vehicles gives us a thumbs up, waves, smiles, or honks."

Watch, here

I have a question for these "Christians:" why is it that their supposedly omniscient, all-powerful daddy-in-the-sky is so utterly and completely incapable of enforcing his supposed edicts by himself? Why does he always have to call upon the assistance of these yahoos who have barely three brain cells between them to do his bidding? In the old days this sky-fairy would supposedly have to do little more than sneeze and fire and brimstone would be raining down upon the unwashed, unworthy heathen before you could say, "Gesundheit!"

The only possible explanations I see are…

◆ Sky Daddy is—despite their pronouncements to the contrary—in fact, dead.

◆ Sky Daddy doesn't exist—and never has.

◆ Sky Daddy is alive and well and is either perfectly okay with gay marriage—or has in fact moved on to watching over much more interesting creatures than Homo sapiens.

…none of which fit too well into this couple's narrow, self-centered, bigoted view of the universe.

Seriously…can you imagine spending eternity with these people?

Coca Cola is About Ten Minutes Away From Their Very Own Coors Beer Moment

Towleroad reports that Coca-Cola has fauxpologized for the social media campaign created by its South African division. When users attempted to add the word "gay" to their image of a Coke can, the very snarky response they received was "Oops, let's pretend you didn't just type that."

Coke's statement:

"We are aware that the Share a Coke promotion we are running in South Africa has generated an unintended outcome. [Yeah, it was highjacked to point out social injustice, much the same way Chevy's campaign was back in the early 2000s.] We apologise for any offence caused. The Share a Coke programme was created to allow consumers to take the iconic "Coca-Cola" script and replace it with their name on the can. In South Africa, the digital version of the Share a Coke promotion did not properly limit the customisation to individuals' names. We've taken down the site and are in the process of revising the digital tool immediately…As one of the world's most inclusive brands, we value and celebrate diversity. We have long been a strong supporter of the LGBT community and have advocated for inclusion, equality and diversity through both our policies and practices. Again we apologise for any offense this has caused."

In other words, "in the process of revising the digital tool" means "we're going to make sure the filters catch ALL the possibly icky words you filthy homos might try and use to disrupt our ad campaign."

Fuck Coca Cola. Anyone remember what happened to Coors beer back in the 80s? There are gay bars that still won't serve the swill…

See This, BSA? This is Why No One Likes You


From ARS Technica:

In August, a small Oakland-based kids' group called the Hacker Scouts received a letter from none other than the Boy Scouts of America. The letter insisted—to the group leaders' disbelief—that the term "scouts" is trademarked to the BSA via a 1919 Congressional charter (the charter extends to select other groups, like the Girl Scouts, as well). The BSA demanded that Hacker Scouts change its name or face legal ramifications.

At the time, Hacker Scouts said it would decide how to respond "based on advice from our lawyers and our own sense of duty."

But last week, the BSA sent a second letter to the Hacker Scouts leaders. As Hacker Scouts cofounder Samantha Matalone Cook wrote on the group's site: "[W]e have received another letter from the BSA refusing to compromise or consider a licensing agreement and reaffirming their demand that we change our name or they will take legal action."

As Hacker Scouts Director of Guild Development and co-founder Garratt Gallagher told Ars in an e-mail, the group has decided to change its name rather than face litigation. "Hacker Scouts is focusing its efforts on its primary mission: educating kids," wrote Gallagher.


Someone Call the Whaaaaaambulance!

From Joe.My.God.:

During his daily show on Christian radio, today hate group leader Tony Perkins asked his listeners to join NOM's hilariously failed boycott of General Mills.  Because Betty Crocker is a homo-loving purveyor of anti-Christian cake mix.

At Betty Crocker, the only thing they're mixing up is their priorities. Hi, I'm Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. If you ask conservatives, Betty Crocker's latest promotion is a recipe for disaster. This summer, the famous dessert line decided to jump on the same-sex "marriage" bandwagon-and bring cakes to celebrate. In Minnesota, where parent company General Mills is headquartered, Betty Crocker decided to donate wedding cakes to the first homosexual couples who exchanged vows on the first day that counterfeit marriage was legal. "Betty celebrates all families," said manager Laura Forero. "We don't want to be old fashioned," the company explained. Unfortunately for General Mills, the majority of Americans think natural marriage is anything but old fashioned. And they've made it tough on companies like Target, Starbucks, and JC Penney who disagree. Know where your money is going. When you're at the store, think outside the Betty Crocker box! For a full list of products that are undermining marriage, check out

REMINDER: When anti-gay Christianist hate groups call for nationwide boycotts of LGBT-friendly companies, that is a righteous use of the free market in order to preserve morality, marriage, family, and The American Way. But when GAY groups use or threaten the use of a boycott, THAT is homofascist intimidation, intolerance, bullying, and a "mafia-style" attempt to deny the freedom of speech. (Hello, Oregon!) Just so we're clear.

The Centurion Shall Not Be Mocked!

Another Day, Another Butthurt Christian

You thought you'd get a break from teh st00pid after the Mayan Apocalypse came and went without winged beasts marauding our cities or fleets of UFOs attacking from space, right? Guess again dear readers, and get ready to reboard the crazy train. Apparently the folks over at a well known right-wing wacko website have their already over-tight panties in a twist because in their fevered minds, CBS is mocking has-been footballer Tim Tiebow, Jeebus's chosen emissary on earth (and by extension, all of Christianity) by running an ad for the Super Bowl featuring outspoken homosexual actor Neil Patrick Harris.

Apparently because Mr. Harris has the date of the game, "Feb 3" and "2013" on his eyeblack, this is somehow mocking Tiebow, who felt the need to put bible verses under his eyes (perhaps as a reminder to not grope grab other players' asses too tightly).

I have several friends who consider themselves Christians. These friends are not, however, the foaming-at-the-mouth "I'm being persecuted for my faith!" type who seem to find offense at every turn in modern society. No, these friends are who I consider "good" Christians, people who quietly live their lives, personally practicing their faith without feeling the need to shove their belief system down the throat of everyone they encounter. I respect their right to believe; they respect my right not to.

Perhaps if more of these publicly butthurt whiners like the ones finding offense at this Super Bowl ad would spend more time actually practicing the words of their savior (y'know, doing good works, feeding the poor, loving their neighbors, etc.) and less time playing the martyr while trying to make their faith the law of the land, the rest of society might take a more favorable view of them.

In other words, they need to get a life.


I've gone from simply disliking Romney to actively loathing him.

Mitt Romney was asked by FOX News anchor Bret Baier about his failure to mention or praise the troops in his speech at the Republican National Convention.

Answered Romney:

"When you give a speech you don't go through a laundry list, you talk about the things you think are important."

Romney adds that he did talk about his commitment to a strong military ("He plans to increase military spending by $2.1 trillion over the next ten year,"Think Progress notes): "I didn't use the word troops. I used the word military. I think they refer to the same thing."

Uh…no they don't, Mittens. It's the same difference between a corporation and the people who work for it. But then again, you don't see the difference there either.



Stay Classy

"We've given all you people need to know." ~ Ann Romney, nasty cunt and wanna-be First Lady on ABC America this morning.

Douchebag of the Day

So Porno Pete LaBarbera (the guy who trawls the Folsom Street Fair and other gay gatherings to capture photos for his "research" and self-proclaimed leader of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality) is flapping his jowls again—in between going down on rent boys—this time at a Hate conference in Spain:

"Simply put, we as a movement must conquer whatever timidity, fear and political correctness we have in NOT wanting to debate the morality of homosexuality–because our fanatically driven LGBT opponents will never relent in their audacious campaign 'sell' homosexuality to the public. Notice that while many conservatives shrink from the homosexuality debate, self-described 'queer' activists never back-track in their misguided, indeed, pathological quest to compel society to approve of their aberrant 'lifestyles.'"

Hey Petey Boy…lets try putting that sequined pump on the other foot:

"Simply put, we as a movement must conquer whatever timidity, fear and political correctness we have in NOT wanting to debate the morality of Christianism –because our fanatically driven 'Christian' opponents will never relent in their audacious campaign 'sell' Christianity to the public. Notice that while many progressives shrink from the Christianity debate, self-described 'pro-family' activists never back-track in their misguided, indeed, pathological quest to compel society to approve of their aberrant 'religious freedom.'"

How does that feel going down, Petey Boy? Probably not as good as those Spanish rent boys…

(That you're totally doing for research purposes, of course.)

Dude, we get it. You hate us. You really, really hate us. So stop wrapping your hate in the trappings of Christian Love® and just say it. At least then you'd be telling the truth.

In case you haven't noticed, this isn't the 1950s, where Negros moved to the back of the bus, a woman's place was barefoot and pregnant, and filthy homos were beaten with impunity, extorted, and made to cower in the darkness. The Millennial Generation doesn't care who loves who, and they see your bald-faced bigotry for what it is: psychological projection of your own inner desires that you can't reconcile with your all-consuming self-hatred. Every time you open your mouth and start spouting off about sin and the impending destruction of Western Civilization because of the acceptance of homosexuality, you're moving one step closer to total irrelevance and announcing to the world that you are, in fact, one big self-hating homo.

You and your little band of "culture warriors" have already lost the war. Give up and surrender.

Boo Fucking Hoo

"You lie awake at night worrying about what will disrupt your business model. Apple iMessage is a classic example. If you're using iMessage, you're not using one of our messaging services, right? That's disruptive to our messaging revenue stream." ~ AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson

Maybe you just need to start charging the government more for wiretapping our electronic communications without warrants, Douchebag.