Hilariously a percentage of the Maga Kult think that this is all some really smart, carefully designed plan to show the media up and to break down the facade of the deep state when really we're just seeing the end of the white supremacist patriarchy, how stupid and incompetent they really are and what happens when they think they can just get away with being their real authentically stupid, ignorant selves


Let's All Watch Some MAGA Shithead Get Bounced From A Bar

From Jeff Tiedrich:

everything sucks right now, so let's put the focus on our hero of the day. sit back and enjoy the shit out of this bartender eighty-sixing some Trumpist fuckwad.

bartender: "get out of the bar."
MAGA: "why?"
bartender: "because you're a Trump supporter."
MAGA: "I know, but don't you guys want our money?"
bartender: "no, actually, we don't. get out of my bar right now. [picks up baseball bat] I'm not fucking around. get out of my bar right now."
MAGA: "are you serious?
bartender: "I'm dead serious. out."
MAGA: "because I'm wearing a Trump hat."
bartender: "yes."
MAGA: "that's wild."
bartender: "I don't care. get out."
second bartender: "we can call the police, or you can just leave."
MAGA: "you know this is, like, discrimination, right?"
bartender: "boo hoo. boo fucking hoo. get out of my bar."

fuck yeah. that was satisfying. boo fucking hoo, indeed. here's your binky, MAGA. now take a hike.

here's the backstory.

the MAGA asshole who got bounced — and is now whining to the press about it — wants you to believe that she was some innocent victim who wandered into a random bar and met up with some surly bartender.

that's not the case at all. the cultist — and her friends — showed up to cause trouble, and they got what was coming to them.

the bar in question is the Chatterbox Jazz Club in Indianapolis. the joint is LGBTQ+ inclusive, and much of the staff is trans.

it's possible that Fuckface von Maga and her fuckface friends didn't even know any of that when they showed up to make a scene. maybe they were just offended by the pride flag hanging outside the bar, and decided that it was their divine mission to stir up shit.

here's David Andrichik, the bar's owner, to explain.

"We were set up. This was a plan to do something like this. We don't believe the people that came in to instigate even knew what Chatterbox was, but they came in because of our pride flag," which is displayed outside the jazz bar.

premeditated or not, these MAGA shitstains stepped inside the Chatterbox and immediately cranked the asshole dial way past eleven. they shouted. they got abusive and confrontational. they deliberately misgendered the bartender. and they got tossed the fuck out.

and then, they came back in and recorded the clip you saw at top of this post — and went whining to the media about it.

look at us, we're the real victims here! they hated us for our hats! so unfair! come see the violence inherent in the system!

like their beloved Dear Leader, the cultists always imagine they're the real victims — everything is unfair, and everything is rigged against them.

all we wanted was to hang out. the bartender was so mean to us.

MAGA, you are cordially invited to fuck straight off with your divisive hate. could you just fucking well leave people alone? they just want to live their lives in peace. next time you see a pride flag, just walk on by. the Earth won't fall off its axis. I promise.

cultists, can we talk? you're getting played by the ruling class, and you don't even realize it. you're being distracted from the real enemy.

'keep the people ignorant and fighting each other, and they won't notice the plutocrats picking their pockets' is right on page one of the oligarch's playbook.

and please shut the fuck up already about how unfairly you got treated. you acted like an asshole and you got treated like one.

you fucked around, and you found out. enjoy the tiniest of violins.

here's the official statement the Chatterbox posted to their Instagram account.

On Friday, March 14th, a group of individuals visited Chatterbox and intentionally misgendered and harassed a Chatterbox employee, resulting in them being asked to leave by our staff. They then continued verbally assaulting our patrons and staff, threatened our establishment, and returned to record a video which has now been posted on multiple social media platforms.

The Chatterbox is home to a diverse group of staff and patrons. We do not tolerate dehumanizing or disrespectful language or symbolism in our establishment. We have a right, by law, to refuse service to anyone who disrupts our business. We look forward to continue being a home for people who love music and appreciate our community.

forgive me for once again reposting what I like to call The Parable of the Nazi Bar, but it's a tale can't be told often enough.

I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out."

And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed

Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them." And i was like, oh ok and he continues.

"you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too."

"And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down."

of course, what happened at the Chatterbox isn't totally analogous — Fuckface von MAGA and her friends weren't polite, and they certainly weren't there to infiltrate — but the lesson is the same: you have to nip that shit in the bud. zero tolerance for Nazi assholes.

fuck around and find out is in short supply right now. let's celebrate when it happens.

if you find yourself in Indianapolis, stop by the Chatterbox and show them your support.

Road Trip

We needed to get out of the house, out of the city, out of our heads for a bit, so this morning we headed south to Organ Pipe National Monument—because who knows how long any of our National Parks will be around at this point.

Lots of sahuaro and cholla cactus; not so much organ pipe.

And then we came upon this…

You've read about it. You've seen it on videos. But nothing prepares you for the horrific, ugly in-person reality of the orange felon's border fence separating the United States and Mexico:

I don't understand the gates. Why are there (admittedly welded shut) gates? What is their purpose?

I wonder how MAGA would react if Canada erected a similar fence on their southern border to keep us out…

And my final thought was are these fences being built to keep them out or to ultimately keep us in?



From Jeff Tiedrich:

As another stupid week comes to a close here in America, let's look back at some of the highlights.

monday: who would Jesus infect

it's been a hot minute, so let's check in on America's new christofascist overlords. here's newly-elected Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita.

"with your help, together, we will make Indiana a truly free state … where we can raise our children as God intended, without interference by woke schools, doctors or courts … where we are no longer vaxxed or masked."

sure, absolutely. it's a well-known fact that Jesus was all about spreading preventable diseases. it's right there in the Sermon on the Mount: blessed are the science-deniers, for they will choke to death on their own infectious mucus.

I'm no scholar, but I'm pretty sure that there's nothing in the Bible about vaccinations — but as long as we're going to adhere to "God's intentions," here's one he's pretty specific about.

if you wear linen and wool at the same time, you should be fucking slaughtered.

Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.

that's good old Leviticus 19:19. now here's Leviticus 19:27.

Ye shall not round off the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.

what do you have to say for yourself, Todd, you infidel? because it looks to me like you're definitely marring the corners of thy beard.

that's what I love about these cristofascist hypocrites. they cherry-pick the Bible to prove whatever oppressive notion they want to inflict on the rest of us — but when it comes to actually adhering to the laws that are right there in the Bible, it's fucking crickets.

tuesday: hly fcking sht, lern hw to fcking spel

Tuesday was Pete Hegseth's confirmation hearing, and Senate Republicans brought all the props out in support of his candidacy — because nothing says I'm a serious legislator whose issues should be taken seriously more than misspelling the word military.

in their own defense, Senate Republicans had been out all night getting hammered with Piss-Drunk Pete, and were too hung over the next morning to notice.

wednesday: I download Supreme Court decisions for the idiocy

during oral arguments regarding a Texas law requiring age verification in order to access porn sites, Fishin' Trip Sammy Alito raised a cogent question.

"Justice Alito is asking if websites like Pornhub have 'essays, modern day Gore Vidal, stuff like that' like the old Playboy."

um, who wants to tell him?

I suppose on the one hand, it's admirable that Steal Stoppin' Sammy should be so ignorant of the online porn experience that he'd ask such a ludicrous question — but on the other hand: why the fuck are ancient white men allowed to rule on technologies they're too out-of-touch to understand?

remember the old "the internet is a series of tubes" meme? here's where it came from: an old white man who had no clue what he was gibbering about.

back in 2006, Alaska Senator Ted Stevens was railing against streaming services. he wanted to shut them down. he was convinced they were going to break the internet — because, as he explained it, the internet is "a series of tubes." here is exactly what Senator Stevens said.

"And again, the Internet is not something that you just dump something on. It's not a big truck. It's a series of tubes. And if you don't understand, those tubes can be filled and if they are filled, when you put your message in, it gets in line and it's going to be delayed by anyone that puts into that tube enormous amounts of material, enormous amounts of material."

these people should not be setting policy affecting millions of Americans. they should be enjoying a nice, hot cup of shut the fuck up in a managed care facility.

oh, and for the record, "I download porn for the articles" is a joke I made twelve years ago.

you're welcome.

thursday: mirth of an abomination

oh frabjous day, the toxic incels are at it again.

pro tip: posting shit like this is proof you've failed as a human being.

also, can you fucking idiots get your stories straight?

just two weeks ago, the Space Nazi was extolling the virtues of c-sections — promising that if women would opt out of giving birth the old-fashioned way, all of us could have brains as big as his.

"There are certainly other factors at play, but heavy use of c-sections allows for a larger brain, as brain size has historically been limited by birth canal diameter."

so which is it, incels?

friday: stand back, Rand Paul's about to say something stupid

while writing these daily posts, there's a line find myself I using over and over: "it's so easy to solve all the world's problems when you have no fucking clue what you're talking about." the reason I keep repeating it, is because Republicans keep proving it's true.

here's failed wig model Rand Paul, explaining how he knows more about water management than all the water managers.

"I see these homes burning and I'm like wow, if they just had a generator and a hose, you start sucking the water out of the The Pacific Ocean. but you can do more than that. you can pump it and put it in cisterns up in the hills a mile or two in. why don't they take the ocean water and put it in cisterns have a bunch of water ready when a wildfire shows up? once again, bad local government."

hey everybody, Rand Paul just invented reservoirs. that's some Nobel Prizewinning stuff right there.

this fucking arrogant asshole, lecturing Los Angeles on why don't you just have reservoirs?

you nincompoop, Los Angeles has reservoirs. plenty of them. and they were all full when the fires started. that's not the issue. Rand Paul is conveniently forgetting about the part where LA was dealing with literal hurricanes made out of fire that were too massive and fast-moving to control or contain — by any fire department, anywhere.

talking out of your ass from the floor of the Senate is easy. actually dealing with problems is hard — and Republicans are proving it every day.

saturday: ?

hey, it's still morning as I sit here writing this. but give it time, I guarantee you that some dipshit wingnut is going to do something stupid before the day is over. you can set your watch to it.