Quote of the Day

I don't like wearing masks. No one does. I love seeing people laugh and smile. But I will never understand how a measure to protect your health and others became a major flashpoint. The price of freedom is high. And it isn't wearing some cloth over your face." ~ Dan Rather


Because I'm officially an old fart, I got a second COVID booster on Sunday afternoon. While I didn't suffer any side effects save for a sore injection site for most of yesterday, late in the afternoon the expected (based on previous shots) reaction hit, and by the time dinner rolled around, I was on the sofa bundled up in a blanket with fever and chills, slipping in and out of sleep.

At Ben's urging, I finally dragged myself upstairs and went to bed around 8. I threw an extra blanket on the bed and immediately passed out until his alarm went off at 6. I woke this morning with a horrific headache (I'm not sure if that was vax-related or simply that I'd not had any caffeine yesterday), but I'm happy to report all is pretty much back to normal now and I'm fully caffeinated again.

And my 5G reception still hasn't improved! Hmph!

I'm still going to continue to wear my mask in public and in the office, if for no other reason that I haven't had any of my usual winter/springtime respiratory maladies for the last two years and I'm happy to continue that trend.