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Just When You Think They Can't Get Any More Stupid…
All over America tonight, people that think they're part of a master race are drinkin' their own pee.
— Tea Pain (@TeaPainUSA) January 11, 2022
How 'bout We Try…
Just Sayin'
"They Did Their Own Research"
The website SORRYANTIVAXXER.COM lists pretty exhaustively all the antivaxxers who have contracted and/or died from the Trump-Virus. At first it seems devastating (and very, very white) seeing entry after entry of people who were easily manipulated into killing themselves to own the Libs, but then comes both boredom: Another asshole bites the dust, and good riddance.
Before you come at me (@ me?) for speaking ill of the dead, I'll remind you that I spoke ill of them when they were above ground. I'm just going to say it: these people were selfish assholes who endangered all of us. Lining up to argue with a virus and then die from a preventable disease isn't noble, it's stupid. We're better off without them infecting more people.
Do I feel bad for their families? Maybe in the short run, but these antivaxxer assholes endangered their own families, too. Their families are better off with them gone. Maybe they will get vaccinated and live to see another day.
Look, these assholes were babied, begged, and bribed to get the free, safe, and effective vaccines and they turned it down; so that's not tragedy, it's a farce. And in the end it is natural selection in action. Again, we're better off without them.
You want to tell me that they were standing on their principles, and I'll tell you that they are now buried with their principles.
I feel a great deal of satisfaction when reading about them (as Clarence Darrow once said). I never used to be this cold and callous towards people, but these selfish, ignorant a-holes have worn down both my patience (which I never had a lot of to begin with) and my empathy. I'm bone tired, both of this never-ending pandemic and the people who are making this pandemic never-ending.
[Source, paraphrased and augmented]
Dear Anti-Vaxxers…
No Lies Detected
I'm Not Quite So Optimistic
Two Birds, One Stone.
That Explains It
Sounds Like…
As the Thanksgiving Holiday Winds Down…
I can't help but pass on what Dave wrote, as it so succinctly mirrors my own feelings:
I have a great deal to be thankful for.
And yet… it's tough to find a way to appreciate it in the middle of a pandemic where there are still people who are fucking things up and dragging everything out. It seriously feels like COVID is never going to end. The virus continues to mutate, and the anti-vax/anti-mask brigade doesn't seem to give a shit. Despite the fact that they are twenty times more likely to die if they contract COVID when compared to those who are vaccinated.
Oh well. All I can do is attempt to remain careful and try not to die from being one of the few breakthrough cases that happen. What else is there?