Sounds Like…

…an open invitation to attend Dodgers stadium in nun outfits during this event.

Sinead O'Connor was right to rip up a picture of the pope in 1992. Stand up for the Sisters today or support a powerful group that wants to distract you from the evil they're protecting within. They literally protect pedophiles. This isn't some whacky conspiracy. It's a fact that the Catholic Church systematically protects abusers. A proven fact

Just like the Mouse, you don't mess with the Sisters.

Kirk Cameron Claims 'Nefarious Forces' In Public Schools Are 'Killing God' In Mind-Numbing Rant

From Comic Sans:

Actor and far-right Evangelical Christian activist Kirk Cameron is the latest figure to attack teachers in a bizarre rant delivered on right-wing propaganda network One America News.

In his remarks, Cameron implied teachers and other public school staffers are evil liberals in league with some kind of malevolent spiritual force, bent on indoctrinating children to the usual Republican bogeymen, "socialism" and "communism."

Cameron also claimed these so-called "nefarious forces" are actually "killing God."

That was only the beginning of the list of things that made very little sense in Cameron's rant, which you can watch below.

Cameron began his rant by claiming liberals always use children as the targets for their "woke" evil.

"The target is always children and that's why God gave children to parents and not to governments and woke institutions that are staffed and manned by those who want to undermine the faith and values that made America great, that advanced the good."

So it follows, according to Cameron, liberals in league with the dark side always choose children as their battle ground.

"We shouldn't be surprised that nefarious forces are targeting children because the goal is ultimately the collapse of the family and the killing of God in America."

"What that does is that it destabilizes our moral and societal structures so they can then be replaced and reorganized with something different like progressive, socialist, communist ideas…and that has always been the plan."

"Whose plan?" you may be asking.

Cameron did not elucidate, nor did he explain how liberals are able to defeat God Himself when He is, you know… God.

Cameron's comments did not go over well with anyone online who is remotely in touch with reality.

Also missing from Cameron's comments?

An explanation for how overworked, underpaid teachers have the energy to fight God Himself via their students, or how this supposed cabal of "nefarious forces" has the numbers to do so given teachers are resigning en masse at unprecedented rates.

Almost seems like he made this whole thing up.

The Pedophiles are Inside The Churches

From I Should Be Laughing:

All of these stories were reported during the last month…

But again, tell me how drag queens are a threat to children. And, please, whenever you hear someone say drag queens or gay people, are grooming children, point out the vast numbers of so-called men of faith, who are raping children and worse.

The Right Fabricates Enemies to Distract from the True Evil They Do

All kids have the right to be who they are!

I'm calling in all cisgender followers today. If you have been paying attention, you know the number of anti-trans bills moving through state legislatures right now is staggering. Our trans siblings are hurting. What are we doing about it?

Simply naming a problem doesn't fix it. Awareness is critical, but awareness without action is meaningless.

One first step might be to head to this link to see what bills are moving through YOUR state legislature. And then CONTACT your state senators and representatives. Find local organizations to donate to. Now is time.