DOGE is an obvious scam to give Elon Musk access to the 32 INVESTIGATIONS.

11 Federal Agencies were working just fine. No fraud, no waste.

Elon Musk is providing zero evidence. He is sharing nothing with oversight committees.

In essence, Trump created an illegal and unconstitutional fourth branch of government.

End Musk. Save America.


In any other reality, this guy would be at Gitmo—or worse—and not just as a visitor.


And then there's 45…

From Palmer Report:

In the week that my city of Los Angeles has been burning, good people of all stripes have come out of the woodwork to help out. Firefighters have arrived here from places as far away as Canada, Mexico, and Oregon. People are lining up around the block to donate food, necessities, and even pet supplies. It's a reminder that there are a lot of good people out there with good hearts.

Then there's Donald Trump, who has spent the entire crisis doing nothing but lying about the crisis. He's dishonestly attacked the Governor of California and Mayor of Los Angeles, who have both been doing a fantastic job. He's spread lies about the water situation here. Trump has, as usual, done nothing but make things worse.

Now Trump is adding insult to injury by posting an image of the Hollywood Hills burning, with the "HOLLYWOOD" sign changed to "TRUMP WAS RIGHT." I don't know what to say about this, other than shut up, you stupid asshole. No one here wants your input, Donald. Remember when you threatened awhile back to let California burn because no one here voted for you? And now all you can offer is a fake picture of the fire with one of our cherished landmarks defaced with your name? I'll stop writing before I curse anymore, but Donald Trump needs to SHUT UP.

Yesterday I saw fire trucks roll by from the Albany Fire Department and the Harrisburg Fire Department. These folks drove their trucks thousands of miles to come to our city of Los Angeles and help fight our fires. The response from all around the nation (and the world) has been nothing short of wonderful. That is, of course, with the exception of Trump and his fellow slime balls.

We've got Donald Trump making up nonsensical lies about our Governor and our Mayor, while spewing childlike gibberish about how water supposedly works. We've also got Trump posting fake imagery of the Hollywood sign on fire with the words changed to "TRUMP WAS RIGHT."

We've also got "Speaker" Mike Johnson publicly threatening to withhold federal aid from Los Angeles for political reasons. This is even as Elon Musk posts an endless manic stream of rubber room level insane tweets about the entire situation. These people are simply disgusting.

Simply put, there's a time for decency. We've got all these firefighters from around the nation pouring into Los Angeles, and none of them are making their assistance conditional on any political leanings. Nor does anyone in Los Angeles care about the personal political leanings of these firefighters. These are simply decent people offering to help us, and we're unconditionally grateful to them. That goes the same for all the people around the nation who have been donating to the Red Cross in Los Angeles and so on. Americans are simply helping Americans, the same way we California liberals spring into gear to help whenever there's a disaster in a red state. It's simply about decency.

It's the precise opposite of what we're seeing from Trump and his Republican allies. They're reading the room very, very wrong. The American people do not want to see anyone playing politics right now. As usual, Trump is blowing it. And as usual, his Republican Party is going right along with his mistake. If that's how they want to play it, fine. We'll use it as fuel for destroying them in the midterms.