I Ask Myself This Every Damn Day
Nicki Finally Responds
Now There's a Thought
Once You've Destroyed the Rose Garden, What is Left?
I mean, really…
From Mock Paper Scissors:
As it is Labor Day (and the news is light), we turn our attention to a local labor problem: Mel does not want to return to the White House:
Former first lady Melania Trump is reportedly telling friends that she doesn't want to return to the White House ― and that if her husband, Donald Trump, plans to run again, he'll have to do it without her help.
We don't know the terms of her contract with the Donald or what labor union represents her, but we do know that her insurance policy, er, son Baron is 15 so only a few more years before she can officially exercise her options and dump the chump with full retirement benefits.
Faux News Hypocrisy on Full Display
Hint: It's Not The Democrats
Tick, tock, motherfuckers.
Sums It Up Nicely
This sums up the shittiness that is Florida and its governor.
I truly do not get Desantis' end game with this. How does all of this not hurt his state's economy? I mean, I suppose he hopes the less affluent populations perish, as they weren't going to vote for him in the first place…but then who is going to clean all the Kentucky Taco Hut bathrooms – should the people who he thinks are the spreaders of the disease – once they call kick the bucket?
I mean, I suppose they don't call the state "God's waiting room" for nothing.
This Cunt…
Every Damn Time One of Those Seditious Republikkkans Either Denies or Downplays January 6th I Think…
Every damn time one of those seditious Republikkkans either denies or downplays January 6th I think about jackasses like Oswald Mosley, George Lincoln Rockwell, Richard Girnt Nutler, Matt Koehl and Gerhard Wilhelm Kunze. And now you have to do your own research to learn who they are because no one wants to remind us that there have always been Nazis among us.
Maybe if we were taught REAL history it wouldn't be repeating itself.
Because It's True
Teh St00pid, It Burns!
Right There With Ya, Joan
FUCK the Republicans the Way They'd Fuck the Democrats if it Were Reversed
The Rent is too Damn High
Via Mock Paper Scissors:
We got trouble:
"People working minimum wage jobs full-time cannot afford a two-bedroom apartment in any state in the country, the National Low Income Housing Coalition's annual "Out of Reach" report finds. In 93% of U.S. counties, the same workers can't afford a modest one-bedroom….
"Given each state and locality's minimum wage, the report finds that the average minimum wage worker in the U.S. would need to work nearly 97 hours per week to afford the average two-bedroom home. That's more than two full-time jobs."
Housing should be a human right. The American Dream/Nightmare has always been a bit of a bait and switch. But how can working people escape the poverty trap if there are not places that they can afford to live?
I have read recently that the Venture Capitalists have taken to buying entire new subdivisions and renting out the homes at exorbitant rates because there is nothing that late-era capitalism and capitalists cannot make worse.
"They don't have to conspire," as Gay Talese once said of the rich, "because they all think alike."