Uh Great….

Uh great…here comes Lebensborn.

Republikkkans…Nazis…no difference.

SS head Heinrich Himmler was convinced that abortion was the primary reason for the falling birthrate, and in 1935 he decided to strike back.

He decided to make abortions of racially "pure" children less appealing by offering an alternative to their mothers. Women who could prove that their unborn child would fit Nazi racial purity standards could give birth to the child in secret, comfortable facilities.But there was a catch: Once the babies were born, they had to be relinquished to the SS.

The SS would then educate them, indoctrinate them in Nazi ideology, and give them to elite families to raise.

Madison Cawthorne would probably be the chosen sperm donor


"Pro Life"

The Republican wet dream. If this somehow passes, you think they're gonna stop at Texas? Or stop at women who have abortions?

Next up: existing while Gay. Existing while Trans. Existing while Black. Existing while Democrat. And once they're finished there they'll turn on their own with purity tests.

We've seen this movie before. It doesn't end well.

Don't Tell Me Both Parties Are The Same

Don't tell me both parties are the same.

Moscow Mitch looked like he actually died during the speech.

Qbert & the Missing Link kept shouting.

Susan Collins tut tutted damn near everything.

Kevin McCarthy alternated between loking smug & looking dazed & confused.

So Apparently…

…the little piece of human filth has a "hit list" of people he's going to be suing for having called him a murderer. That includes politicians, news and media personalities like Whoppie Goldberg, Cenk Uyhur, and Joe Biden. Joe Biden.

Good luck with that, you pathetic little shit.

All I have to say is…

And by the way, you are a murderer.