We are Fucking DOOMED.

With so many people firmly entrenched in the orange and red zones, I seriously doubt this country is going to make it out of this period intact. There is just simply TOO MUCH STUPID circulating, and the fault of that can be squarely placed on Facebook, Twitter, and GODDAMNED DAUGHTER-FUCKING TRUMP and his minions pushing the idea that "my ignorance is as good as your knowledge!"

No Surprise Whatsoever

This map is a good indicator of where the new countries will form when this one breaks completely.

So my friends…how does it feel to be living on the cusp of a Second Dark Age?

So That Little Rittenhouse Shit Walks…

Did you actually think it was going to go any other way, especially when that fucking judge said his victims couldn't be called victims?

And now we get more riots, more dead POC, and little beta males like Rittenhouse committing cold-blooded murder and getting off scott-free simply by claiming they felt threatened.

So let me ask you this: If you run across Kyle Rittenhouse brandishing his illegally-possessed AK-47 that was transported across state lines, and you feel threatened by him, are you now allowed to put a bullet between his eyes  and walk away?

I guess that depends on the color of your skin and your political affiliations now, doesn't it?

Fuck This Guy

At most, Rittenhouse is going to get "community service," but honestly I'm putting my money on him walking completely.