The House Republican Dumpster Fire Prepares to Explode

From The Palmer Report:

The open and airy playground provided plenty of room for the children to enjoy themselves and have fun. Only that was not what was happening. The mood inside the playground was restless, noisy, and horribly muddled. There was no oversight and no adults in the room to make sure the children behaved themselves.

So anarchy reigned. Children ran about, untethered, mud falling from them, squabbling with each other, as the hardscrabble grounds echoed with rude, angry quarrels and a symphony of childish mudslinging. And that, dear friends and readers, is what the House of Representatives will look like next month.

The GOP is set to take over, and boy, oh boy, are they fighting. And it isn't just about Kevin McCarthy; over and over and over, new fights are emerging among the pesky children. The GOP needs a chaperone. It;'s evident that they lack the adult skills to know how to conduct themselves.

Everybody has turned on everybody. It's a shitshow of crazy confusion. It's like recess started for the children but never ended. Will they start throwing food at each other next? I wouldn't be surprised.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, who for years was the darling of the alt-right, is becoming the focus of lots of GOP anger for supporting McCarthy. And Greene herself is raging against anyone who would dare to call out George Santos. Oh, my, the fun just never ever ends!

It is being said that in private many in the GOP want Santos to resign, but he hasn't so far. And his fibs are multiplying.

Many in the House have turned on Moscow Mitch. And now, there is a new focus on anger. Sean Hannity is in the mix.

Quote of the Day

Marjorie Taylor Green said she would have brought guns to the Capitol on January 6. She is now the face of the Republican Party. Donald Trump has unearthed and given voice to the ugliest part of America." ~ Rob Reiner