You Can Save America in 8 Hours

From John Pavlovitz:



I Don't Think…

…that phrase means what you think it means, dude.

Without your military-style penis extender, you're just a frightened little boy spewing trash talk from your mom's basement.

Mobs of Angry White People Are Apparently Just Fine



Mobs of angry white people, protesting for their right to [checks notes] get a haircut—in the middle of a pandemic—yelled at cops, shoved them, threw things at them, and were nowhere near being respectful or peaceful, but for some reason, police officers didn't mace them, didn't shoot rubber bullets at them, didn't tear gas them, and didn't kneel on their necks and choke them to death. Qwhite interesting how differently white people are treated even when they disrespect the police and even when they riot over things like [checks notes again] their sports team losing or hell, evenwinning a game.
