Helpful Numbers for the Holidays
Actions Have Consequences…Sometimes
Human Excrement
It's True. I Read It On The Internets!
Because It's True
Not Going to Happen in My Lifetime, That's For Sure
Because It's True
Oh Fuck That. If He'd Been Black, He'd Be DEAD.
In Other News Today…
So That Little Rittenhouse Shit Walks…
Did you actually think it was going to go any other way, especially when that fucking judge said his victims couldn't be called victims?
And now we get more riots, more dead POC, and little beta males like Rittenhouse committing cold-blooded murder and getting off scott-free simply by claiming they felt threatened.
So let me ask you this: If you run across Kyle Rittenhouse brandishing his illegally-possessed AK-47 that was transported across state lines, and you feel threatened by him, are you now allowed to put a bullet between his eyes and walk away?
I guess that depends on the color of your skin and your political affiliations now, doesn't it?
Nowhere Near Long Enough
Yeah, "Diversity"
Don't Worry Kid, You're Gonna Walk BECAUSE You're a White Racist
Nazis Do Not Care
Fuck This Guy
Still Waiting
Just Sayin'
And Speaking of Clap Backs…
You're not going to see me saying this often, but Pete is dead right on this one. It's pathetic that he has to even respond to that homophobic little worm.
— Matt Irby (@mattwirby) October 18, 2021