I Ask Myself This Every Damn Day
Nicki Finally Responds
Now There's a Thought
Once You've Destroyed the Rose Garden, What is Left?
I mean, really…
From Mock Paper Scissors:
As it is Labor Day (and the news is light), we turn our attention to a local labor problem: Mel does not want to return to the White House:
Former first lady Melania Trump is reportedly telling friends that she doesn't want to return to the White House ― and that if her husband, Donald Trump, plans to run again, he'll have to do it without her help.
We don't know the terms of her contract with the Donald or what labor union represents her, but we do know that her insurance policy, er, son Baron is 15 so only a few more years before she can officially exercise her options and dump the chump with full retirement benefits.
Faux News Hypocrisy on Full Display
Hint: It's Not The Democrats
Tick, tock, motherfuckers.
This Cunt…
Every Damn Time One of Those Seditious Republikkkans Either Denies or Downplays January 6th I Think…
Every damn time one of those seditious Republikkkans either denies or downplays January 6th I think about jackasses like Oswald Mosley, George Lincoln Rockwell, Richard Girnt Nutler, Matt Koehl and Gerhard Wilhelm Kunze. And now you have to do your own research to learn who they are because no one wants to remind us that there have always been Nazis among us.
Maybe if we were taught REAL history it wouldn't be repeating itself.
Because It's True
Teh St00pid, It Burns!
Right There With Ya, Joan
FUCK the Republicans the Way They'd Fuck the Democrats if it Were Reversed
Oh Snap!
Help a Guy Out?
That's Not How This Works
This has as much chance of succeeding as did the equally ludicrous idea certain members on the left advanced about impeaching and removing BOTH Trump and Pence, automatically elevating Pelosi into the Presidency. It was a fever dream then, and this bit of batshittery is a fever dream now. Ain't gonna happen.