I Approve Of This, But It Will NEVER Happen

The only way to get rid of Thomas and his traitorous wife is to make sure Democrats are in charge of the White House, Senate, and House come November and then increase the size of the Supreme Court to the point he and the other insurrectionist-enablers become irrelevant.

Can We Please Just Impeach This Asshole?

From Greg Fallis:

A couple weeks ago — the day before Valentine's Day, in fact — the House GOP impeached the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas. Why? Did he commit any 'high crimes and misdemeanors'? Nope. Is he even suspected of committing any HC&M? Nope. Did the Republicans actually think there was any way in hell the Senate would act on this? Nope. So why did they impeach him?

Because: 1) Donald Fucking Trump wanted somebody — preferably Biden, but anybody in the Biden administration — impeached. 2) They want to use scary brown immigrants as an election issue. 3) Pure malignant spite and the desire to hurt people. 4) They hope it'll give their base the appearance that they're doing something. 5) They wanted to say 'Fuck you' to Joe Biden and his entire administration.

These are all bad reasons to impeach anybody. That pisses me off. But what pisses me off just as much — and maybe more — is that there are people who absolutely fucking deserve to be impeached. People who are totally impeach-worthy. People whose past behavior has earned an impeachment and whose future behavior actually threatens the future of representative democracy in the United States. People like this fucking guy:

Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Clarence 'Deep Pockets' Thomas

Right now, we have the most openly corrupt and partisan SCOTUS in US history — and ain't nobody more openly corrupt and partisan than Clarence Thomas. He's had his hand out since Day One. This avaricious sumbitch would steal the sugar out of a cake. Hell, he'd do it while you watched and dare you to call him on it. He barely tries to hide it. For decades, he's received 'gifts' from billionaire 'friends' whose business interests depended on favorable SCOTUS opinions. These are 'friends' he made after he was tapped for SCOTUS; it's not like they're his old high school buddies. He's accepted these gifts, he's failed to report them as he's required to do, and he's ruled on their cases. That's some serious grifting, right there.

Then, of course, there's all the awful shit his wife has pulled. I'm talking about her encouraging and promoting the January 6th Insurrection, which is truly bad its ownself. And when her shit came up before SCOTUS, did Clarence recuse himself like any ethical jurist would? Nope. He not only sat on the case, he was the ONLY justice on the bench that voted in a way that protected his wife.

There is absolutely no sustainable argument for Clarence Thomas to remain an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. I mean, there are other assholes on SCOTUS we could do without, but Clarence is the bull goose grifter and the most obvious and deserving candidate for impeachment.

I can say, with absolute confidence and mathematical certitude, that if Clarence had been appointed by a Democrat and had been writing liberal decisions, the Republicans would have held a decade worth of hearings by now. If Congressional Republicans are willing to impeach Mayorkas over bullshit, why aren't Democrats willing to impeach this grasping, covetous bastard? What in the stonewashed fuck is wrong with Democrats? Why won't Democrats at least TRY to do what's right?

You don't have to answer that. The answer is pretty obvious (SPOILER: they're comfortable political cowards who'll mewl and grizzle about how unfair it all is, but won't fucking act).

Look, I'm not asking Democrats to act like Republicans. I mean, they're assholes. They're willing to lie, fabricate, mislead, obfuscate, and deceive in order to score petty political points. Democrats don't need to do that. They can just present verifiable facts to support a legit impeachment inquiry.

Seriously, the US would be better off if Democrats would just TRY to impeach this asshole. It would be a worthy effort even if the Senate failed to convict him. So c'mon, give it a shot, Democrats. What have you got to lose?

Inside the Supreme Court's Dismantling of Roe

Inside the Supreme Court's Dismantling of Roe – The New York Times

Behind the Scenes at the Dismantling of Roe v. Wade

Sooooo it turns out that the lawyer that argued Dobbs in front of SCOTUS was a former clerk of Justice Thomas

As if the fact he didn't recuse himself from that wasn't bad enough

He had been out to a very expensive dinner with that same lawyer not longer before

Holy Fuck when are they gonna impeach this motherfucker!

Wake Up, People!

What he said:

What he meant:

He might as will be hanging swastikas behind him at his Klan rallies.

Holy fuck people, do you not see the impending Fucking Armageddon??

2024 is our Final Battle!

The Supreme Court May Have Just Unwittingly Handed Us A Surprising Gift

From The Palmer Report:

When this weekend's Supreme Court's disgustingly anti-American rulings came down, all I could think of to say at the time was that it was a dark day, and that it would motivate us even more to keep fighting and winning the battles we can win. But now it turns out there may be a remarkably surprising silver lining in all of this.

One of the things that's stood out to me over the past several years is just how incompetent the Republicans and the right wing leaders have become in their villainy. For instance, just seven or eight years ago, House Republicans were savvy enough to craft the kinds of phony scandals and sham hearings that could gain mainstream traction and rally support for their causes. These days House Republicans can't even get anyone to watch their hearings.

Now it turns out the right wing dark money cabal that keeps putting cases in front of the Supreme Court has also gotten rather… shall we say unsavvy with its antics. It turns out one of the cases they put in front of the Supreme Court wasn't even a real case. The woman who won the case claimed that she'd been asked to create a wedding website for a gay man named "Stewart" but it went against her beliefs. Now multiple major news outlets have confirmed that the "Stewart" in question is actually a straight man who never even tried to hire her.

According to established precedent, this should invalidate the entire case, and the Supreme Court's ruling should be nullified. Of course this rogue Supreme Court does just whatever it wants and routinely violates the law, so there's no reason to expect that it'll do the right thing here. But even if this doesn't get rectified, this is a scandal that's going to have legs.

If we're tasked with convincing the general public to get behind expanding the Supreme Court –and with convincing the general public to elect enough Democrats in 2024 to put expansion on the table – what better argument than the fact that the current Supreme Court is so damn corrupt it's issuing extremist rulings in imaginary cases?

This is a corrupt enough scandal that the average person doesn't even need to know or understand what the case was about in order to understand that this Supreme Court is insanely out of control. Clarence Thomas and his psychotic pals literally used a fake case as an excuse to rule against basic civil rights. Even if it turns out they didn't know it was a fake case, their refusal to void their own ruling will mean they don't care that it's a fake case.

I obviously wish the Supreme Court had simply ruled the correct way on this case to begin with, for obvious reasons. There are a lot of people who are going to get screwed out of their basic rights by this psychotic ruling. And I'm still hoping the Supreme Court will do the right thing and invalidate this ruling now that it's been exposed as a fake case – but we know that's not likely to happen.

Instead the only solace we can take here is that these psychopaths on the Supreme Court, and the people pull their strings, got so brazenly greedy that they got sloppy. They took a case all the way to the top without even bothering to make sure it was real. If they'd done their homework, they could have picked some other homophobic bigot's case to get behind instead.

So thanks, assholes, for the gift. Thanks for being so sloppy, so lazy, so stupid in your villainy. Thanks for making it so easy for us to go out and convince mainstream Americans that this Supreme Court majority needs to be obliterated at the ballot box. We're going to use this as part of our messaging when we go out there and win every competitive election up and down the ballot in the upcoming election cycle. We're going to put in the work and we're going to win big. Let's be more determined about this than ever.

Expand The Court

The only way it's going to happen is to get a solid Democratic majority in both the House and Senate. THIS CAN BE DONE if we just get people off their asses!