Vomiting It All Up
nOBoDy WaNtS tO wORk
Or do companies simply not want to hire?
According to Clarify Capital, a small-business-loan provider, a survey of more than 1,000 hiring managers last summer, 27% reported having job postings up for more than four months. Half of those surveyed admitted they advertised job postings that they weren't actively trying to fill, saying they kept the ads up to give the impression their companies were growing. One-third of the managers who said they advertised jobs they weren't trying to fill said they kept the listings up to placate overworked emplovees.
So despite what the corporate megalopolis may want you to believe, COVID really did change the labor landscape in this country. This are never—and I repeat never—going back to the way things were prior to spring 2020. It may not be the work-from-home paradise so many of us were enjoying, but it's not going to be returning to the 5 day a week 8-5 grind in a corporate cubicle either.
Let's See the Slimebucket Try to Slither Out of This
They're Finally Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud
I really wish I believed in Hell.
No Comment Necessary
Another Day Ending in Y in The United States
Judge Weighs Whether or Not to Compel Pence's Testimony
A federal judge heard arguments today in a dispute between former Vice President Mike Pence, attorneys for former President Donald Trump and special counsel Jack Smith over whether Pence can be compelled to testify in Smith's probe of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol
Lawyers for Trump & Pence were in Federal court arguing for executive privilege today
Pence is a subsidiary of the Trump Crime Syndicate.
Beating Back teh St00pid
I Think Most of Us Do
All Republicans are Sociopaths
Apparently Since Being Offended Has Become Our National Pasttime
As If We Didn't Have Enough to Worry About
From Infidel753:
If the Marburg virus ever spreads globally, it would cause a far worse pandemic than covid. The US would be especially vulnerable, since the "stupid one-third" of the population is now so implacably hostile to vaccines and disease-mitigation measures in general.
Yes, Explain It To Me Like I'm a 5-Year-Old
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