I Approve Of This, But It Will NEVER Happen

The only way to get rid of Thomas and his traitorous wife is to make sure Democrats are in charge of the White House, Senate, and House come November and then increase the size of the Supreme Court to the point he and the other insurrectionist-enablers become irrelevant.

There Are Far Too Many Chads In This World

There are too many Chads in this world, and they all deserve to get face-fucked with a cactus. "Let it happen Chad, it's what the Lord wants or you wouldn't be here right now, sharing this special moment with me."
Fucking imbeciles.

Can We Please Just Impeach This Asshole?

From Greg Fallis:

A couple weeks ago — the day before Valentine's Day, in fact — the House GOP impeached the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas. Why? Did he commit any 'high crimes and misdemeanors'? Nope. Is he even suspected of committing any HC&M? Nope. Did the Republicans actually think there was any way in hell the Senate would act on this? Nope. So why did they impeach him?

Because: 1) Donald Fucking Trump wanted somebody — preferably Biden, but anybody in the Biden administration — impeached. 2) They want to use scary brown immigrants as an election issue. 3) Pure malignant spite and the desire to hurt people. 4) They hope it'll give their base the appearance that they're doing something. 5) They wanted to say 'Fuck you' to Joe Biden and his entire administration.

These are all bad reasons to impeach anybody. That pisses me off. But what pisses me off just as much — and maybe more — is that there are people who absolutely fucking deserve to be impeached. People who are totally impeach-worthy. People whose past behavior has earned an impeachment and whose future behavior actually threatens the future of representative democracy in the United States. People like this fucking guy:

Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Clarence 'Deep Pockets' Thomas

Right now, we have the most openly corrupt and partisan SCOTUS in US history — and ain't nobody more openly corrupt and partisan than Clarence Thomas. He's had his hand out since Day One. This avaricious sumbitch would steal the sugar out of a cake. Hell, he'd do it while you watched and dare you to call him on it. He barely tries to hide it. For decades, he's received 'gifts' from billionaire 'friends' whose business interests depended on favorable SCOTUS opinions. These are 'friends' he made after he was tapped for SCOTUS; it's not like they're his old high school buddies. He's accepted these gifts, he's failed to report them as he's required to do, and he's ruled on their cases. That's some serious grifting, right there.

Then, of course, there's all the awful shit his wife has pulled. I'm talking about her encouraging and promoting the January 6th Insurrection, which is truly bad its ownself. And when her shit came up before SCOTUS, did Clarence recuse himself like any ethical jurist would? Nope. He not only sat on the case, he was the ONLY justice on the bench that voted in a way that protected his wife.

There is absolutely no sustainable argument for Clarence Thomas to remain an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. I mean, there are other assholes on SCOTUS we could do without, but Clarence is the bull goose grifter and the most obvious and deserving candidate for impeachment.

I can say, with absolute confidence and mathematical certitude, that if Clarence had been appointed by a Democrat and had been writing liberal decisions, the Republicans would have held a decade worth of hearings by now. If Congressional Republicans are willing to impeach Mayorkas over bullshit, why aren't Democrats willing to impeach this grasping, covetous bastard? What in the stonewashed fuck is wrong with Democrats? Why won't Democrats at least TRY to do what's right?

You don't have to answer that. The answer is pretty obvious (SPOILER: they're comfortable political cowards who'll mewl and grizzle about how unfair it all is, but won't fucking act).

Look, I'm not asking Democrats to act like Republicans. I mean, they're assholes. They're willing to lie, fabricate, mislead, obfuscate, and deceive in order to score petty political points. Democrats don't need to do that. They can just present verifiable facts to support a legit impeachment inquiry.

Seriously, the US would be better off if Democrats would just TRY to impeach this asshole. It would be a worthy effort even if the Senate failed to convict him. So c'mon, give it a shot, Democrats. What have you got to lose?

I Didn't Say It: Mike Johnson is the Devil

From I Should Be Laughing:

Mike Johnson, new Speaker of the House, in a 2004 op-ed.

"Homosexual relationships are inherently unnatural and, the studies clearly show, are ultimately harmful and costly for everyone. Society cannot give its stamp of approval to such a dangerous lifestyle. If we change marriage for this tiny, modern minority, we will have to do it for every deviant group. Polygamists, polyamorists, pedophiles, and others will be next in line to claim equal protection. They already are. There will be no legal basis to deny a bisexual the right to marry a partner of each sex, or a person to marry his pet. The state and its citizens have a compelling interest in preserving the integrity of the marital union by making opposite-sex marriage the exclusive form of family relationship endorsed by the government. Loss of this status will de-emphasize the importance of traditional marriage to society, weaken it, and place our entire democratic system in jeopardy by eroding its foundation. Your race, creed, and sex are what you are, while homosexuality and cross-dressing are things you do. This is a free country, but we don't give special protections for every person's bizarre choices."

As with all homophobes, he uses fear to spin his so-called truth: let The Gays marry and the pedophiles will be able to marry children, or dogs, or toasters. In 2023 he still plays out that proven lie that being gay is a choice, when we know for ma fact it's not,. But being a homophobic faux "Christian" bigot is a choice.

This motherfucker—I'd say pardon my language, but the man is a motherfucker—equates being gay to pedophilia and cross-dressing though most everyone with brains that fire on all cylinders, unlike Mike Johnson, knows that most pedophiles are straight men like Mike Johnson and most cross-dressers are straight men like Mike Johnson.

This cannot be allowed to stand.


Vote Blue because the GOP has come for women, is now coming for people of differing faiths, and will soon be coming for the LGBTQ+ Americans, and once they're done with that, they'll come for all of you.

Jenna Ellis, flipping on Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl:

"As an attorney who is also a Christian, I take my responsibilities as a lawyer very seriously. I endeavored to represent my client to the best of my abilities and relied on others, including lawyers with many more years of experience than I, to provide me with true information, especially because my role involved speaking to the media and state legislators. What I did not do, but should have done, was make sure the facts other lawyers alleged to be true were in fact true. In the frenetic pace of attempting to raise challenges to the election in several states, including Georgia, I failed to do my due diligence. I believe in and value election integrity. If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges. I look back on this whole experience with deep remorse."

What Jenna Ellis said in November 2020:

"With all those states [Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Georgia] combined we know that the election was stolen from [Thing 45], and we can prove that."

Huh, seems like Jenna Ellis knew exactly what she was doing: goose-stepping along with liars and cheats and criminals, but as the threat of prison looms closer, she has a change of heart and admits she is a liar, and a cheat and a criminal … and a moron.

Mike Johnson, newly elected House Speaker, in a 2016 interview:

"You know, we don't live in a democracy because a democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what's for dinner. OK? It's not just majority rule. It's a constitutional republic. The founders set that up because they followed the biblical admonition of what a civil society is supposed to look like. What's happened … over the last 60 or 70 years, is that our generation has been convinced that there is a separation of church and state. Most people think that that's part of the Constitution, but it's not. Remember, I'm a constitutional lawyer."

No, you're a Christian Nationalist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic bigot trying to hide your hate behind a cross.

Enjoy your time in office, asshat, 2024 is coming.

Franklin Graham, on sin being the biggest threat to America … not war, climate change, or guns:

"Last night CBS 60 Minutes had a fascinating segment about the Five Eyes, intelligence chiefs from the U.S., the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, who are warning this nation and the world about the dangers China poses. FBI Director Christopher Wray said, 'There is no country that presents a broader, more comprehensive threat to our ideas, our innovation, our economic security, and ultimately our national security.' But we must also remember that the greatest threat to the human race is our complacency toward and the acceptance of sin. Sin is rebellion against God—and unless we repent and turn from those sins and believe on the Name of God's Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, trusting Him as Savior—there is no hope."

Funny that the man who virulently supports a thrice-married adulterer, and a man who cheats and lies about everything in his life, is talking about sin.

The sin of stupidity and lies lives in  Franklin Graham.

Mike Johnson, in his acceptance speech as House Speaker:

"I want to tell all my colleagues here what I told the Republicans in that room last night. I don't believe there are any coincidences in a matter like this. I believe that scripture, the Bible, is very clear that God is the one that raises up those in authority. He raised up each of you. All of us. And I believe that God has allowed and ordained each and every one of us to be here at this specific moment. This is my belief. I believe that each one of us has a huge responsibility today to use the gifts God has given us to serve the extraordinary people of this great nation, and they deserve it. There is a critical distinction that we used to have children memorize in school and they don't do that so often anymore. But they should. All men are created equal. Not 'born equal.' Created equal. "

Hey Mike? Ask your "God" why he raised up a thrice-married adulterous con-artist to the presidency. Ask your "God" why he raised up a pedophile enabler like Gym Jordan; a sexual predator like Matt Gaetz, and adultery like Marge, the queen of the public hand-job like Lauren Boebert; the adulterous Newt Gingrich and so many more.

Ask God why, if She wanted you in power it took her this long.

God didn't raise you to power; your use of God as a weapon of mass distraction and fear did that.

John Fetterman, Democrat Pennsylvania Senator, taking issue with a new school lunch resolution offered by the GOP that would allow people to deny lunch to a child because "God":

"I can't even believe that this resolution is even real. This makes it possible for some random lunch lady to deny lunch to a hungry child because she says her god tells her to. School lunch should be free, and certainly free of judgment. Don't we have better things to do in the upper chamber than picking on kids because of who they are?"

Sadly, apparently not.

🤣 🤣 🤣

From The Palmer Report:

MyPillow guy Mike Lindell keeps suffering blow after self inflicted blow. He now claims he's just about broke, and he recently revealed that the lawyers representing him in the Dominion case all quit because he couldn't keep paying them.

Now Lindell says he's going to represent himself in the Dominion case…

Meloni Smash!

It's obvious Mark G @Guyvermectin has watched that shower seen in Oz way too many times and is having inexplicable feelings "down there."

Judge Weighs Whether or Not to Compel Pence's Testimony

Jack Smith ain't playing.

A federal judge heard arguments today in a dispute between former Vice President Mike Pence, attorneys for former President Donald Trump and special counsel Jack Smith over whether Pence can be compelled to testify in Smith's probe of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol

Lawyers for Trump & Pence were in Federal court arguing for executive privilege today

Pence is a subsidiary of the Trump Crime Syndicate.

Fuck Rand Paul

The party of law and order defending a criminal and basically saying if you're rich and you're white and you're male…you should be able to do whatever you want

Either no one is above the law or we should just accept that we're in a Plutocracy.