And his "I love the uneducated" minions will vote for him in droves.

Telling It Like It Is

From Palmer Report:

There's a reason right wingers have spent the past three years falsely insisting that President Joe Biden is in cognitive decline. It's because they've seen their own guy Donald Trump going senile, and they've been trying to get out ahead of it. But at this point there's simply no way to distract from the fact that Trump's brain is gone. This sums up it quite well:

"Braindead psychopath" indeed. We need to start making the national political conversation all about how Donald Trump's cognitive abilities have vanished entirely. That's the quickest way to make him politically irrelevant.

Hashtags including #DementiaDon and #TrumpMentalHealth and #TrumpIsNotWell all began trending on Twitter as Friday night went on, due to the sheer number of people talking about Trump's cognitive collapse. It feels like everyone is finally taking this issue seriously. I've been saying for months that Trump's worsening senility is the biggest story in politics, and it's nice to see that it's finally starting to be treated that way.