Vomiting It All Up
A Not So Gentle Reminder
Get Your Popcorn Ready!
I'm Going To Hell
Law And Order Will Be Restored When the MagaMorons And Their Orange Overlord Are All In Jail
Law & Order will be restored when the #MagaMorons & their orange overlord are all in jail learning how to read & being forced to take their meds which we hope will rid them of their delusions that the sweaty bloated adult diaper wearing Aderrall sniffing racist misogynist con man could fit in the front seat of a police cruiser
Vomiting It All Up
Vomiting It Up
Worse Than We Thought
Has He Violated It Yet?
Tik-Tok, Donnie!
Vomiting It All Up
🤣 🤣 🤣
From The Palmer Report:
MyPillow guy Mike Lindell keeps suffering blow after self inflicted blow. He now claims he's just about broke, and he recently revealed that the lawyers representing him in the Dominion case all quit because he couldn't keep paying them.
Now Lindell says he's going to represent himself in the Dominion case…