What Words Should Mean Based on Spelling

From Infidel 753

More revised word definitions—what the words visibly should mean, based on spelling…

Alternate: To transform Nathan

Assailant: Your buttocks are making a small insect sick

Calamity: Harmonious feelings in California

Crochet: An animal similar to an alligator, but not gay

Detest: To rescind an exam

Endanger: To put a stop to rage

Extort: A former cause of civil action

Gothic: To have hiccups

Horace: A contest of speed among prostitutes

Lagoon: The female thug

Manager: Something that causes an adult male to get older

Palace: The frilly fabric your dad likes

Perpetrate: A charge based on the number of animals you have

Polynesia: The inability to remember parrots

Propose: In favor of standing in a certain way

Rearmed: Medication for buttocks

Rebellion: To put a clanging musical instrument back on an atom which has lost some of its electrons

Teasing: To musically praise a mildly-caffeinated beverage

Transport: A city which isn't actually a port, but identifies as one

Trumpet: A miniature version of Donald Trump

Warplane: The part of the highway reserved for starships moving faster than light

[The previous "improving words" post is here.]