The GOP is Okay With Occasional Mass Murder

From Greg Fallis:

I just counted. Since I started writing this blog, I've written 31 posts about mass shootings and murders. This will be the 32nd. It won't be the last. Hell, there were so many blog posts on mass shootings I had to create a tag for it; another mass shooting.

The first was in August of 2012, the Sikh temple mass murder in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Remember that one? Probably not. Seven dead; eight counting the shooter. The shooter generally isn't included in the butcher's bill, because he's not an innocent victim.

You know who else isn't innocent? Republicans. Republican governors, Republican state legislators, Republicans in Congress. They may not be actively guilty, but they sure as fuck aren't innocent. Now, I'm not saying these people are okay with routine sporadic mass murders, I'm saying…

Wait. No, I AM saying Republican lawmakers are okay with routine sporadic mass murders. And hey, let's also include Democrats Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema as being okay with routine sporadic mass murders. If these people weren't okay with it, they'd have done something to prevent it. At the very least, if they weren't okay will mass shootings, they'd have done something to reduce the body count.

But they haven't. They haven't done a goddamned thing. And they won't. We know they won't. So yeah, Republican lawmakers (and a pair of asshole Democrats) are okay with routine sporadic mass murders. They won't admit that, of course. Because that would make them sociopathic monsters.

Wait. They ARE sociopathic. They may not be actual monsters, but clearly they meet the diagnostic criteria for being sociopaths. They have a weak and limited capacity to feel empathy and remorse. Some of them may, it's true, be sincere when they mouth the phrase 'thoughts and prayers'. But they don't feel enough empathy or remorse to actually do anything constructive about it. So fuck them and their thoughts and prayers.

I don't know how many people have died in Uvalde, Texas. First they reported it was two kids. Then ten. Now I think the butcher's bill is 21, mostly kids. Oh, and the shooter shot his grammy too, though she didn't die. Well, not yet. The body count may go up; it so often does. Second grade, third grade, fourth grade kids. Eight, nine, ten-year-old kids. Shot dead.

Here's another horrible thing: we're not hearing about wounded kids. We're not seeing pictures of ambulances pulling up to hospital trauma centers. We're not hearing about kids in surgery. That suggests the victims weren't just shot, but were shot to a degree that there was no point in transporting them to an emergency room.

There are…wait. There were just under 600 kids enrolled in that school. So about 3% of the student body were killed today.

I wrote that last night. Couldn't finish it. Didn't want to finish it.

This morning we're learning the names of the victims. Last night they were just generic victims. Today we'll find out more about them. We'll see photos of them, we'll hear from their friends and family members and teachers. Politicians (including Republicans) will mourn them in public. They'll offer the usual thoughts, the usual prayers, and they'll say we must never forget them.

But we will. Oh, their families will remember them. So will their friends. And the kids who saw them gunned down, they'll never be able to escape those memories. But for the rest of us, in a few days they'll just be included in the roll call of generic mass murder victims.

It's tragic. It really is gut-shattering massively fucking tragic. And the tragedy will be compounded by the fact that nothing will change. Nothing will chance because Republican lawmakers (and a couple of asshole Democrats) are okay with routine sporadic mass murder. They're basically okay with a few hundred kids being shot to death every year.

So are the people who vote for them.

Yesterday was the 144th day of the year. There have been at least 212 mass shootings in 2022 so far. Republicans and Republican voters are okay with that.

EDITORIAL NOTE: By the way, SCOTUS will be handing down a ruling on gun rights in the next few weeks. It's almost certain they'll make it easier for more people to carry more guns in more places. We can thank Republicans for that too.

Look At This, America. Look At THIS.

This is US. We have lost all traces of our humanity.

Bring on the asteroid. Bring on the alien overlords. Bring on the AI singularity that wipes us all out. Let's hope the cockroaches make a better go of this thing called civilization than we have.

Except for the daily UNFs that are already queued up) I'm going to hold off posting any more pictures of pretty men until I can process this. It seems…I don't even have a word for it. I have no words for anything I'm feeling right now.

And since Ben is a school administrator, don't think for a moment I don't worry about him when he leaves for work every. damn. day.

As I told him this morning, if something happens to him at least I know he will have died protecting his kiddos…

Folks Buying Groceries Refreshing the Tree of Liberty

From Greg Fallis:

As Thomas Jefferson famously wrote, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Oh, and kids in school. And folks shopping for groceries, if they're not white." Yesterday, while I was enjoying a pleasant…what?

Okay, some of you are saying, "Greg, old sock, I don't think you've accurately quoted our boy TJ." Maybe you're right; this may not be an exact quote, but it's close enough to the way it's interpreted by a lot of people who identify as right-wing lunatic gun nuts. Okay, okay, maybe they don't actually identify themselves that way, but stop calling me old sock.

I mean, sure, TJ was talking about Daniel Shays, a farmhand in western Massachusetts who was having trouble paying his taxes, partly because he was also having trouble collecting the pay he was supposed to have received as a grunt in the Continental Army during the American Revolution. There's still a lot of debate about what TJ meant by that tree of liberty bullshit, but the right-wing lunatic gun nuts take it as an article of faith that TJ was suggesting folks need to periodically have a good old fashioned bloody war of rebellion against the legitimate government. This is exactly WHY the term lunatic is included in the name of 'right-wing lunatic gun nuts'.

But even right-wing lunatic gun nuts have trouble explaining how mass murder events at schools, mall, movie theaters, and grocery stores fit into that 'blood of patriots and tyrants' business. Especially when…oh yeah, and churches, I forgot to include churches. And temples and mosques. Anyway, right-wing lunatic gun nuts have trouble explaining how that blood of patriots stuff fits with those mass murders committed by white men specifically against victims who aren't white. Or men. Or people who don't quite fit into the right-wing lunatic gun nut definition of 'men'.

So the right-wing lunatic gun nuts have developed a pair of sure-fire (get it? Sure-fire? See what I did there? I'm a hoot) responses to those events. First, they…well, wait. I say 'first' as if this is the preferred response, which would be inaccurate on account of these two responses are pretty much equally relied on. So when I say 'first' I'm just admitting that I can't share two responses at the same time. These responses are numerical, not sequential. Or the other way around, maybe? Doesn't matter.

First, they blame the mass murder on emotional health. As in "This kid who shot up the supermarket in Buffalo must be CRAZY because, yeah sure, he says he was motivated by hate and he says white folks are being replaced by non-white folks who breed faster and yeah sure, that's exactly what Tucker Carlson says on FoxNEWS every night, but c'mon, you'd have to be CRAZY to believe that, so there, it's a mental health issue."

Second, they claim the mass murder is a false flag event perpetrated by Democrats or Jews or some other Satanist-pedophile group in order to TAKE OUR GUNS, or at least distract us from Hunter Biden's laptop. They seem to think this is a perfectly reasonable thing to believe.

Sometimes they combine the two responses, suggesting Democrats and Jews and other Satanist-pedophile groups convince mentally ill white folks to commit mass murders to distract the population from some vague but really awful thing that Democrats, Jews, and other Satanist-pedophile groups really enjoy.

But as I was saying (you may have to refer back to the beginning of this blog), yesterday, while I was enjoying a pleasant 30-mile bike ride from one bike pub to another bike pub, some white kid went to a supermarket in a predominantly black community and killed a whole bunch of folks who were just buying groceries.


It is Apparently the Policy of the United States to Let It Happen

It keeps happening:

The shooting happened Monday afternoon at the Big Bear grocery store along Candler Road, across the street from South DeKalb Mall…

…The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said the cashier told Victor Lee Tucker, Jr., 30, of Palmetto, to put on a mask and that's when the chaos unfolded.

"Tucker left the store without making his purchase, but immediately returned inside. Tucker walked directly back to the cashier, pulled out a handgun and shot her," the GBI said in a news release.

The cashier was killed, the store security guard shot Tucker, who shot him back. So, final score: 1 dead, 2 injured in hospital (and a third person was treated on the spot); so in an instant 4 lives changed.

During the Trump-Virus restrictions, sheltering in place and whatnot, gun violence was down and now it's back. We thought that working in retail during the worst of the Pandemic was worthy of hazard pay, but the job seems even more dangerous now that red-state Republicans in their wisdom are removing all gun restrictions.

It's all random. You cannot predict when/where/why some dude will decide to shoot someone. They do it because they can, and it is apparently the policy of the United States to let it happen, and there is no political will to put an end to the madness.

(H/T Scissorhead Beckymaenot)