Quote of the Day

The suggestion of arming the teachers in response to school shootings is really not that surprising As a nation we have hoisted pretty much every social problem onto teachers, expecting schools to be the solution for everything from unemployment to teen pregnancy and the war on drugs, all the while cutting their funding and lambasting them as being lazy and selfish when they demand to be paid. They are solution, scapegoat, and sacrificial lamb rolled into one." ~ Jason Read

How To Really Screw With the Gun Addicts

"Guns don't kill people. People kill people." A key argument that is often heard in the gun debate. I was thinking about this and realized something. Unless you bludgeon someone to death with a gun, I guess you could say there is some truth to it. Guns themselves don't necessarily kill people. Before everyone gets up in arms (pun intended) over my apparent defense of the indefensible, let me throw out this little thought nugget.

Perhaps we are focusing too much attention on banning assault rifles and other various firearms. Perhaps we are wasting our breath on what age you need to be to purchase a gun. Perhaps we need to give the NRA some breathing room and redirect our efforts to a different potential solution to save lives.

How about…we ban the ammo? Seriously.

Give anyone a gun who wants it. Man, woman, child. Shotgun, rifle… hell, give them an Uzi. Let the people who think they need to tote a frighteningly large firearm to appear intimidating and strong the opportunity to fulfill their warped dream. And let them loose like Ralphie with his Red Ryder on Christmas morning. With an empty shell that delivers nothing more than air, thoughts, and prayers.

You see, a gun is merely a vehicle that transports life-ending bullets into the victims. If we can keep the bullets out, the gun is rendered useless. I realize this is completely out of the box and logistically near impossible. But it's an example of the thinking we will need to deploy in order to drive positive change in these times to counter this rabbit hole world we've fallen into. Plus it's fun to envision a bunch of grown men running around with useless pieces of weaponry making high-pitched "Pew pew pew" noises. Just saying.


Preach, Sister!

From the fabulous Margaret and Helen:

Margaret, I'm mad as hell and I have a few things I need to get off my chest. First, and most important, how the hell do Russians dope in Curling? Do you down a fistful of Xanax before you gently push the stone across the ice?

And speaking of Russians, there is something called a Russian Bot messing with our elections. One of them goes by the name @RealDonaldTrump. Now I don't know what a bot is, but I assume it looks like an asshole with a bad comb over.

For the love of man, do Trump's Twitter followers have any decency? These kids are not actors. They are re-acting to watching their friends get murdered by an 18 year old maniac with an assault rifle. I hope that is something these so called Patriots never have to experience.

The GOP's hypocrisy has no bounds. They can limit and restrict my right to an abortion or my grandson's right to get married, but the right to own a gun is a sacred gift from God. Because we all know that if the disciples had AR-15's, Jesus would have said, "Let's blow the shit out of those damn Romans. Make Nazareth Great Again."

And we know these NRA bought and paid for politicians aren't going to do a damn thing. If slaughtering elementary school kids didn't create new laws, this won't even phase them. And give me a break. Trump is all talk. No limits. No regulations. Bigger bullets. Longer barrels. Anything to make up for that tiny, orange carrot hanging between his legs.

We're talking about arming teachers instead of un-arming children. We're making plans to turn our schools into prisons rather than banning assault rifles from an unregulated, redneck militia. Somehow the solution to gun violence is more guns. Now that is some serious bullshit.

And when they are not attacking kids, these "Christians" are worshipping a golden calf. Actually it's more orange than gold. And more fool's gold than real gold. A foolish orange cow with a bad comb over.

Well, just like that precious Emma Gonzales, I call bullshit. The solution to gun violence is not more guns. And the NRA is not a membership organization for gun owners. It is a domestic terrorist organization for gun manufacturers. It buys politicians and then forever holds them hostage.

Margaret Mead once said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Never again indeed. If my daughter will take me, I'm going to that march in DC. And if I get anywhere near that golden cow, I'm going to slap that comb over right off its orange head.

Bullshit. The whole Trump presidency is bullshit. I mean it. Really.

Donald Trump and the GOP Have This All Wrong

On March 30 1981, the most closely guarded man in the world, President Ronald Reagan was the intended target of an assassin. The phalanx of security that surrounded him was impressive and well armed. Highly trained Secret Service, and uniformed District of Columbia Police were tasked with guarding the President. The armed professionals that day were bested by a disturbed individual, betting on fame that would be his ticket for the affections of a film actress Jody Foster. A poor aim, luck and a fast as light speed trip to the hospital saved President Reagan that day.

After events in Parkland, all the usual suspects, the NRA, Donald Trump, the Republican hierarchy, and the guns at all costs true believers are back; "we need more guns in schools! We can train and arm teachers to save students and Make America Great Again!". Would that it were that simple.

Where are the teachers found that can effectively secure students in an active shooter situation and go into full Rambo mode to dispatch evil that is willing to take as many souls as possible? Where is the NRA's champion good guy teacher with a gun? How much collateral damage will be caused by a close quarters gunfight in a classroom?

To turn teachers in to Militia men, willing to take a bullet, such creations are a fantasy of the NRA and now it seems to be the Great White Hope of the politically deluded. No amount of MAGA enthusiasm can be successful in Close Quarters Combat. For if evil is on a quest, no amount of armed encircling security can prevent a trigger pulling finger. Didn't help Ronald Reagan and it won't help a teacher and the students under siege with split seconds to decide what to do.


Vote the NRA Out Of Congress

Last week, one of our American educational institutions and its teachers and students had to endure the tragedy of yet another senseless school shooting. Seventeen lives were lost at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, adding to the inconceivable mounting loss of lives in our educational system over the past twenty years. Think about that a moment, loss of lives in our schools, our educational system, a place where young kids, preteens and young men and women go to learn, to grow, to become our future and responsible adults from dedicated teachers and mentors.

How did we get to this point where school massacres became so commonplace in our society, where schools at any moment can become a battlefield because someone's mind went off the rails and was able to buy an AR 15 because they are so easily accessible in our country? Where is the breakdown? Who is responsible?

According to Paul Ryan, this is not the time for a knee jerk reaction which he has said before and who has taken some large NRA donations in his time in office. Marco Rubio when asked by Cameron Kasky, one of the survivors of the Florida massacre, if he would not take NRA money again in light of last week's shooting, Rubio's response was evasive, saying that he supports the second amendment and people buy into his agenda. REALLY? This seems to be the ignorant mindset of most GREEDY politicians, rationalizing taking in money from major corporations and rich billionaires, so they can live the high life while neglecting their oath and their responsibility to protecting American people. This is what our Congress has become.

If Congress wanted to, they could ban the AR 15 tomorrow, which was the weapon used in the Florida massacre as well as several other shootings. The AR 15 has no business being sold to any United States citizen or being on our streets. It is a military assault weapon that belongs on the battlefield, in a war. When the second amendment was written in 1791, the AR 15 was not part of the equation then, so banning that weapon will not be denying any U.S. citizen the right to own one. Our founding fathers had no way of knowing how far deadlier hand weapons would become and it is up to our current lawmakers to MAKE LAWS that are current with the times, so to insure all citizens' safety.

Since congressional leaders will not act, then it is up to us. Starting in November 2018, we need to vote out of office every member of Congress who has taken NRA money. All voters need to do their due diligence and find out who in their district, their state has taken NRA money because we know they will continue to do so. It's imperative that we vote the NRA out of Congress. We need congressional leaders who will listen to us and make laws that will make us safe. Our lives and our children's lives depend on it.


The Gun Is Our Moloch

From Jon Gruber at Daring Fireball:


Garry Wills, writing for The New York Review five years ago, after the Sandy Hook grade school massacre:

The gun is not a mere tool, a bit of technology, a political issue, a point of debate. It is an object of reverence. Devotion to it precludes interruption with the sacrifices it entails. Like most gods, it does what it will, and cannot be questioned. Its acolytes think it is capable only of good things. It guarantees life and safety and freedom. It even guarantees law. Law grows from it. Then how can law question it?

Its power to do good is matched by its incapacity to do anything wrong. It cannot kill. Thwarting the god is what kills. If it seems to kill, that is only because the god's bottomless appetite for death has not been adequately fed. The answer to problems caused by guns is more guns, millions of guns, guns everywhere, carried openly, carried secretly, in bars, in churches, in offices, in government buildings. Only the lack of guns can be a curse, not their beneficent omnipresence.

Our gun laws are insane. We, collectively, have agreed that regular mass shootings, often at schools — schools! — are a reasonable price to pay as a nation for unfettered access to military-grade killing machines for anyone and everyone who wants one.

It's sick. Everyone outside the U.S. knows this. A majority of Americans knows this and supports stricter gun control.

There are new gun laws being drafted. But you know what most of them are for? For making guns even easier to purchase legally, without background checks.

This idea of gun=god was actually explored in an episode of American Gods last year.