Light Pollution

(Click to embiggen.)

This is sixteen years ago from a dark spot about 50 miles north of Phoenix. I haven't been back since, but I can just imagine how bad it is now.

Sadly, no. Damien was evil and cunning. Trump is just a self-absorbed narcissistic man-child who has never faced consequences for a single thing he's done in his life.

57 Years Later

My mom loved this—and in fact all of the Tijuana Brass—albums. I will always associate Herb Alpert with lazy summer vacation days as it seemed his music was always playing on the hi-fi in our family room.

How Long…

…before someone just backs a truck into it and makes off with the entire assembly to disassemble at their leisure?

Why Is It…

…that if you happen to end up in the ER, they always look like this?!

(Don't worry, nothing happened. I just saw this and it triggered the question.)


I've never paid for sex per se, but I've had massages that turned into sex. (Okay, he was a masseur who advertised in the back pages of the Bay Area Reporter, so…) Does that count?


…I thought that's what university libraries were for.

(At least they were when I was at University. And the Student Union, and Bear Down Gym, and the Old Chem Building Basement… )