Mirror Mirror on the Wall (NSFW)
Mirror Mirror on the Wall (NSFW)
Bring me the laundry basket!*
*This phrase grew from the infamous line in Mommie Dearest where Joan yells, "Christina! Bring me the axe!" into something my last housemate in San Francisco and I used to say to each other when we ran across a picture of some hot guy. It started out as "Bring me a sock!" [to jerk off in], but if the guy was super hot it became into "Bring me the laundry basket [full of socks]!"
A Plethora of Critters
Ink (NSFW)
Critters (NSFW)
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Two Thirds of All Household Injuries Occur in the Bathtub (NSFW)
Mirror Mirror On The Wall (NSFW)
Damn Pretty
Instagram Hotness
The Eyes Have It
Mirror Mirror On The Wall
The Eyes Have It
Friday Before a Long Weekend
Mirror Mirror On The Wall (NSFW)
Holy Shit!
Mirror Mirror on the Wall (NSFW)
Mirror Mirror on the Wall (NSFW)
Yeah, Butt Pirate!
Don't we wish!