It's Called Cherry Picking

And it's something that the rabid right-wing Xtianists do with extreme aplomb. Following the hate-the-homos parts of Leviticus are fine, but everything else is safely ignored.

Frankly, I don't believe half these idiots have even read their so-called "holy" book.

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Republican

And the hits just keep on coming.


Georgia Republican Who Wanted Drug Testing For Welfare Recipients Gets DUI

The do as we say, most certainly not as we do party struck again, and this level hypocrisy might just shift the tectonic plates and reveal a whole new world for the rational among us (or whatever is left).

Rep. Kip Smith, the Georgian Republican sponsor of Georgia House Bill 464, which would "require random drug testing" for citizens on public assistance, found himself drunker than Lindsey Lohan (only ugly and with no talent) and apparently was arrested friday morning on a DUI.

From the The Atlanta Journal Constitution:

Smith, whose given name is John Andrew Smith, first told the officer he had not consumed any alcoholic beverages.

"I asked him again, and he stated he had consumed a single beer at Hal's. I noticed also that Mr. Smith's eyes were watery, and I asked him to exit the vehicle, which he did," Kramer said in the report.

Smith told the officer he'd had the beer 45 minutes earlier, and the officer asked him to blow into a hand-held "intoximeter". The officer said the lawmaker refused, stating he would prefer to go to a clinic or the hospital to get tested.

The officer said Smith finally agreed to blow into the device. The report stated that Smith blew a .091., which is above the legal limit of .08.

So it would seem that Drunky McHypocrite should either abdicate his congressional salary or not receive one penny until he completes treatment and is full compliance with all after-care plans. I would suggest requiring mandatory drug-testing for members of Congress, but then there might be a government shutdown due to a lack of quorum.

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is NOM

Newt Gingrich would like to remind everybody that that marriage is between one man and one woman whom you abandon riddled with cancer on her hospital bed while you fuck the shit out of your mistress whom you later marry and cheat on with a third woman while screaming with Godly moral outrage about the infidelities of the president.

And NOM's Brian Brown, one of the nation's leading "defenders of marriage," an allegedly devout Catholic for whom divorce is forbidden, is raising money to make Gingrich president. Brian Brown: "Everybody is allowed to fuck anybody they want, married or not, as long as they tell Jeebus: 'My bad!' after every adulterous encounter. But not homos. Definitely not homos. They belong to Satan."

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Republican

From Down With Tyranny:

Tiny little North Carolina fascist Patrick McHenry still hasn't been officially outed—even if everyone in DC knows he's a raging closet case. Neither have Trent Franks (R-AZ), Adrian Smith (R-NE), Miss McConnell (R-KY), David Dreier (R-CA), Mark Kirk (R-IL) nor even flamboyant DC men-about-town Lindsay Graham and Aaron Schock… or a dozen other furtive, frightened GOP dick-lovers. Republicans who have been caught red handed and dragged out of the closet, like boy rapist Mark Foley (R-FL), Jim Mcrery (R-LA), Larry Craig (R-ID), Ed Schrock (R-VA), Robert Bauman (R-MD), and Jim Kolbe (R-AZ), have been forced out of Congress and into retirement. But no matter how frequently the media covers these tragic outings of virulently anti-gay right-wing closet case phonies, the cavalcade of clowns never seems to end. This week, stage center moved to Arapahoe County, Colorado. Patrick Sullivan, once a major donor to homophobic fanatic Marilyn Musgrave's political career—and once the "straight as an arrow" fascist sheriff of Arapahoe County who—turns out to be a drug dealing boy chaser, like virtually EVERY Republican who runs around screaming how much they hate gays.

Former Arapahoe County Sheriff Patrick Sullivan's arrest in a meth-for-sex case left longtime law officers at a loss for words Wednesday, though court records paint a picture of a man who has been living a double life.

Sullivan, 68, remained behind bars in a jail that bears his name, accused of trading methamphetamine for sex with a man Tuesday, a transaction monitored by deputies working with a confidential informant. During a brief morning court appearance Wednesday, a judge doubled his bail to $500,000.

The arrest of the married father and grandfather sparked shock– even bewilderment– among longtime law officers.

…Wednesday evening, a man who owns a home in Centennial said Sullivan was a frequent visitor this year to the house, where he would consume drugs and have sex with young men living there.

He said Sullivan intimidated him.

"I couldn't get rid of these guys because this guy named Pat Sullivan said you are going to let them stay for free," Derek Hendrickson said. "He said I said they could stay for free and it would hold up in court, and said, 'Do you know who I am?'"

"He was telling me he has a jail named after him." … A search Tuesday night of Sullivan's home, conducted after both the former sheriff and his wife consented, led to the discovery of "a fairly large amount of adult homosexual pornography."

So It's Come Down To This?

Anthony Weiner's penis?  Seriously?

The talking bobbleheads are all atwitter (no pun intended) about the fact that a married, elected Democratic official sent a photo of his penis to one or more women. Really?

While it is rather unusual for a Democrat to get caught up in a situation like this, let's all remember the incredible number of sex scandals Republicans have been involved in over the past decade.   Larry Tap-Tap-Tap Craig and David Diaper-Boy Vitter are the top two who come to mind, but there are many, many others. And while they were not elected officials, let us not forget two other luminaries of the right, Ted Meth-and-Rent-Boy Haggard and George Lift-His-Luggage Rekers.

Where was the outrage from the talking heads when these men were caught with their pants down?

Seriously America, it's time to get off your faux moral high horse and GROW THE FUCK UP.  As Lizz Winstead tweeted:

Exactly, Lizz.  Exactly.