We've Slipped Into the Stupid Reigns Supreme Timeline
I Weep For Our Species
Ohhhh…That Explains It
I Give It Three
One of the Most Dangerous Ideas…
One of the most dangerous ideas that has come about in the last 3 years is that all points of view are equally valid, and that Average Citizen (YOU) are just as equipped to judge which have merit as anyone else.
"Hear all sides and judge for yourself!" No. Full stop. I do not condone the death of Expertise, and neither should you.
I am an expert in very, very few things. But in those areas, my expertise is hard earned through study, work, experience, and aptitude. None of tit comes from attending Google University. But unless you are an expert in exactly the same area, your opinion is not just as valid as mine. It's not.
And my opinion is not as valid as experts' in other fields. That is why THEY ARE THE EXPERTS. So if our leading epidemiologists largely agree that "A" is correct, and a couple discredited doctors make a video that says "B" is correct, our response should not be, "I'll listen to both and decide which makes sense to me." Confirmation bias exists, and only fools think they are free of it. To paraphrase the author Isaac Asimov, your ignorance is not the same as their experience. Genuinely smart people look for answers from people who are smarter than themselves. Only ignorant people believe their guess is as good as anyone else's.
[source unattributed]
And I understand there are now groups of braindead Facebook (may Zuckerberg rot in hell for all eternity) zombies who are claiming that Germ Theory—goddamned motherfucking GERM THEORY—isn't real and is just is some kind of liberal plot to enrich drug companies.
I week for our species.
And this, my friends, is why the Orange Russian Wig Stand still has a 40% approval rating. Even now.
Tulsa Race Massacre 1921
I can't fucking believe I head to learn about this through HBO's Watchmen. It's been called America's Kristallnacht, and yet it was never mentioned in any of my history classes. Disgraceful.
I Weep For Our Species
Quote Of The Day
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain." ~ Roy Batty, Blade Runner
That quote pretty much sums up my feelings about the state of the world right now. We've reached such incredible levels of technology, and through science our understanding of the Universe is expanding expotentially. We're seeing things that have never been seen by human eyes before, and as we stand on the brink of actually leaving our cradle, we're also on the brink of torching it and sending civilization back to the stone age. Deep down, it seems so very many members of our species are still nothing more than unthinking savages, fueled by hate, terrified of change, frightened of "the other" in whatever form that takes—and determined to destroy it no matter what the cost.
I Just Can't
I just can't even. Did he fall down and bang his widdle head? Is it something in the fucking water down there?
Texas Governor Deploys State Guard to Stave Off Obama Takeover
Since General Sam Houston executed his famous retreat to glory to defeat the superior forces of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, Texas has been ground zero for military training. We have so many military bases in the Lone Star State we could practically attack Russia.
So when rookie Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced he was ordering the Texas National Guard to monitor a Navy SEAL/Green Beret joint training exercise, which was taking place in Texas and several other states, everybody here looked up from their iPhones. What?
It seems there is concern among some folks that this so-called training maneuver is just a cover story. What's really going on? President Obama is about to use Special Forces to put Texas under martial law.
Let's walk over by the fence where nobody can hear us, and I'll tell you the story.
You see, there are these Wal-Marts in West Texas that supposedly closed for six months for "renovation." That's what they want you to believe. The truth is these Wal-Marts are going to be military guerrilla-warfare staging areas and FEMA processing camps for political prisoners. The prisoners are going to be transported by train cars that have already been equipped with shackles.
Don't take my word for it. That comes directly from a Texas Ranger, who seems pretty plugged in, if you ask me. You and I both know President Obama has been waiting a long time for this, and now it's happening. It's a classic false flag operation. Don't pay any attention the mainstream media; all they're going to do is lie and attack everyone who's trying to tell you the truth.
Did I mention the ISIS terrorists? They've come across the border and are going to hit soft targets all across the Southwest. They've set up camp a few miles outside of El Paso.
That includes a Mexican army officer and Mexican federal police inspector. Not sure what they're doing there, but probably nothing good. That's why the Special Forces guys are here, get it? To wipe out ISIS and impose martial law. So now you know, whaddya say we get back to the party and grab another beer?
It's true that the paranoid world-view of right-wing militia types has remarkable stamina. But that's not news.
What is news is that there seem to be enough of them in Texas to influence the governor of the state to react — some might use the word pander — to them.
That started Monday when a public briefing by the Army in Bastrop County, which is just east of Austin, got raucous. The poor U.S. Army colonel probably just thought he was going to give a regular briefing, but instead 200 patriots shouted him down, told him he was a liar and grilled him about the imminent federal takeover of Texas and subsequent imposition of martial law.
"We just want to make sure our guys are trained. We want to hone our skills," Lt. Col. Mark Listoria tried to explain in vain.
One wonders what Listoria was thinking to himself as he walked to his car after two hours of his life he'll never get back. God bless Texas? Maybe not.
The next day Gov. Abbott decided he had to take action. He announced that he was going to ask the Texas State Guard to monitor Operation Jade Helm from start to finish.
Read the rest here. And weep for our species as I do. But be forewarned: stay out of the comments section. It will make you want to bang your head on a wall until it's bloody.
Are You Supposed to STOP the Truck?
Common Sense is Dead and the Educational System in This Country is Broken
And I think this is something that people on both sides of the political spectrum can agree on—although perhaps for different reasons.
This is something I've been mulling for quite some time. My sister is an educator, and for years I've heard her displeasure with the "teaching for the test" mentality permeating public education, but actually never really got a clear understanding of how it all worked until Ben and I got together. Marrying a teacher provided an insight to the public school system that has given me a very clear picture of just how broken things are.
But it can't all be blamed on the schools and their lack of preparing children for the real world. Irresponsible parenting is also to blame. I find it funny how the God-Guns-One-Man-One-Woman crowd are always braying that gays make bad parents—yet I've yet to see children of same-sex parents running wild in public as I see on a nearly daily basis from so called "normal" marriages.
I was raised at a time when if you misbehaved, either in private or—god forbid—in public, you paid the price. CPS was not called in when a parent actually chose to spank their child for inappropriate behavior, and I think that my parents' generation did a fine job of raising us. I'll tell you, once I got smacked, I was much less likely to do whatever it was that prompted my legitimate disciplining, that's for sure. I'm not quite so sure I would've learned that lesson had I simply been given a "time out."
Parents now are more concerned with being their child's friend than actually being a parent; someone who guides them into adulthood. And society as a whole has become so paranoid that if they could get away with it, I'm sure they'd mandate wrapping children in layers of bubble wrap from the moment they emerge from the womb until they reach adulthood lest anything happen to bruise their delicate, delicate egos. But I wonder…by protecting children to the point of absurdity and rewarding them for simply showing up, are we raising an entire generation of sociopaths?
This article is what prompted this post. So many salient points were raised by this mother that I constantly found myself nodding in agreement.
A small excerpt:
Many years ago, there was a time where young boys could run around with their toy guns, killing the bad guys. You could take the toy guns away from the little boys, and they'd find something else around them – a stick, their fingers, etc – and pretend it was a gun. Today, those little boys – if caught doing that – are labeled as threats, and immediate action is taken to remove that threat from the group.
There was a time – not too long ago – when bullying was defined as slamming someone up against a locker and stealing their lunch money. There was a time when kids got called names and got picked on, and they brushed it off and worked through it (ask me how I know this). Now, if Sally calls Susie a bitch (please excuse my language if that offends you), Susie's whole world crumbles around her, she contemplates suicide, and this society encourages her to feel like her world truly has ended, and she should feel entitled to a world-wide pity party. And Sally – phew! She should be jailed! She should be thrown in juvenile detention for acting like – gasp – a teenage girl acts.
Modern parenting and thinking makes me crazy. The young generations of today (yes, I sound old. I realize I'm only 29 years old.) are being taught that they shouldn't have to ever put up with anything doesn't make their hearts feel like rainbow colored unicorns are running around pooping skittles onto piles of marshmallows.
Modern parenting is creating a generation that's not going to be able to function in society.
Your child, who you cater to every need, who you shelter from all things "evil." How will this child react when he or she grows into adulthood? "Debbie" graduates from high school and goes to college. She writes her first paper and meets with her professor about that paper and the professor tells her that it's junk and it will get a failing grade. How will Debbie cope with that if she's always been made to feel that no one should ever make her feel sad, or criticize anything she does?
"Donna" graduates from college and gets a job – you know, in the real world. She has to work on a committee to come up with a marketing plan. She shoots out an idea, and it gets immediately turned down. What is she to do? Go home and cry because no one liked her idea? Quit her job because she can't handle rejection?
Even the comedian Josh Wolf touched on this in his book, It Takes Balls: Dating Single Moms and Other Confessions from an Unprepared Single Dad:
Everyone can't be perfect and the sooner you learn that in life, the better off I think you'll be. Kids get an inflated view of themselves…because of their parents. They have a sense of entitlement….because of their parents. They treat other people like servants…because of their parents. "But we're just trying to raise a positive person who can contribute to society." That sounds like a good idea; why don't you do that. Because right now you're raising little assholes who can't solve problems and who expect people to do everything for them.
This sense of entitlement; this lack of consideration toward other people ingrained into the last generation of Americans is something I witness every day. Whether it's the assholes who aren't paying attention to their driving and think they can shoot across three lanes of traffic so they don't miss their turnoff to the people who "just have a quick question" and cut in front of you in line or the shoppers who bring 20 items to a "10 items or less" checkout, it's all the same. It's all about them, because that's the way they were raised. These are concrete examples that giving everyone a gold star simply for showing up is not the way to raise and educate our children.
And the worst part? No one ever calls them on it.
When I was in grade school, at the end of every quarter we'd have a little ceremony in the auditorium when awards were handed out. They could be for any number of things, whether it was for math, or spelling, or reading, or god-forbid-you'd-ever-see-this-now, citizenship. I remember one year I received a first or second-quarter award for something (probably spelling, because I was reasonably good at it). It was a certificate with a clown juggling four balls. If you got the award four quarters in a row, you'd get a little rainbow spray of stickers along with the gold ball for the final quarter, indicating that you went above and beyond for the entire school year. That particular year, I only earned a single blue ball on whatever quarter that was, and I was devastated that didn't receive any more that year. But you know what? The next year I tried much harder to improve and I came away with two colored balls. I never did earn that gold ball, but I learned that if you want to be recognized and rewarded, you have to work at it. Sadly, it appears that attitude is now as extinct in schools—and society—as is common sense.
Which brings me to the next point.
Common sense. Not only is it not being taught in schools, it's apparently not being taught at all. And with social media constantly amplifying and rewarding acts of stupidity, I fear it is quickly becoming a lost art.
When I was in school and you misbehaved, you were disciplined. Sometimes that meant you sat on a chair just outside the classroom and didn't do anything until the teacher decided you had calmed down enough to rejoin the class. Other times it involved being locked in the supply closet. For real transgressions, however, you were sent to the Principal's Office, where your fate wasn't just a call to your parents; it meant a paddling. While I was never sent, I know from classmates who were that one trip was all it took for you to get your life in order.
Common sense also revolved around the school nurse. If you got sick, you went to the nurse. There you'd get real medical care, not just having ice applied as is apparently the current modus operandi. Ice? Really? Why bother having a nurse on staff at all?
And apparently a child can't even bring necessary, prescription meds to school any longer? Who the fuck came up with that rule?
Someone, somewhere, has got to stand up and say, "Enough!" The stupidity has to end.
I came from a generation who rode bicycles without helmets. Sometimes we broke bones. We got immunized so we wouldn't come down with measles or chicken pox or the mumps. We drank from the fucking garden hose. We were taught geography and history in school. For the unlucky few who just couldn't or wouldn't get it, they were held back a year (rare as it was, it did happen on occasion, and was always held over our heads as the ultimate deterrent).
And I think for the most part my generation turned out okay. It's just too bad so many of us turned out to be such horrible parents, unleashing on the world an entire generation of children—now adults—who think the world owes them a living and have passed and amplified that belief onto their children.
I have no answers or cures for any of these ills. I am simply an observer wondering how our society can continue on its present course and not turn into anything other than what was warned of in Idiocracy.
To Be Filed Under…
I Weep for Our Species
An intelligent human would ask the question, "Why are our governments completely ignoring the Japanese Nuclear Meltdown from the #fukashima reactor? The Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) admitted enormous leaks of radioactive water are pouring into the Pacific Ocean. What is the worse is the water leakage everywhere else – not just from the tanks TEPCO is storing of radioactive water. It is leaking out from the basements, it is leaking out from the cracks all over the place into the groundwater. Nobody can measure that.
They are entering the oceans at levels that then will accumulate in seafood and will cause new health concerns. This is a disaster. The Japanese are asking for immediate help. No foreign bankers seem to care. They're too interested in starting WWIII. Obama's got no control of the White house. And millions of people have no idea of anything going on outside of TV Land. Those who act unreasonable get the government they deserve. People gotta come together with the wisdom out there if you expect to survive with goodness for all. Point blank. The end is always on its way. Life is finite. It is our duty to uphold the Universal Law, "The Will to do Good."