"What Are You Going to Do After You Retire?"
Yes, But…
No Lies Detected
I feel attacked!
Handy Chart
No Lies Detected
đŸ¤£ đŸ¤£ đŸ¤£
Words of Encouragement
Coffee Is The Great Unifier
Definitely Broken
No Lie Detected
Boys Will Be Boys
Why Is It…
…that I want to enact a National Quiet Day where everyone shuts up for twenty-four hours?
…that I make jokes in my head and then laugh out loud in public while people stare?
…that the temperature in South Carolina went from 90 to 55 like it saw a state trooper running up on it?
…that when someone asks if I have plans for the Fall, it takes me a minute to realize they mean Autumn and not the collapse of civilization?
…that I'm humble enough to know I'm replaceable, but cocky enough to know it's a downgrade?
…that when I'm on Facebook and someone's post includes the phrase, 'I bet none of my friends will share this,' I don't?
…that I have days when I swipe my credit card at the gas station and if it says 'See Cashier,' I just leave?
…that unless we make plans before I get off work, once I'm off and I'm home, I'M HOME! I'm not going anywhere. I'm old and I'm tired.
…that bars only do a Happy Hour? Howsabout a Sad Hour with even cheaper drinks and no one minds if you cry a little?
…that my first thought when I get a headache isn't that it's from dehydration, caffeine withdrawal, lack of proper nutrition, stress, lack of sleep, not wearing my glasses, but rather that I have a brain tumor?
[unabasedly stolen from I Should Be Laughing]
Thought For The Day
Same Energy
? ? ?
'tis True
Unsolicited Commentary on My Retirement from Microsoft
I Would've Organized Them Differently, But Yeah
Uh huh…
HORRIBLE Cable Management
They're Not Wrong…
Am I a Bad Person?
A Map of the US…
How Bad is My Spotify?
I use two accounts, and apparently both are really bad.
TBH, I only use Spotify for two reasons: as background noise while I'm working at home (think "Starbucks Coffee House Jazz" literally) and for investigating whether or not something is actually worth purchasing.
Here's the snarky response to the account I use the while working from home:
And here's the one I use to listen before actually plunking down money: