As Miranda Would Say, "Groundbreaking!"
OR…to get that semen smell off your breath after you've serviced one of the many "straight god-fearing christian" men who frequent the joint.
Well, Bitch Did Say There Were Aliens in Government…
And Now, a Word from our Overlords
Life Hack
Oh Wait…
Well at Least We Won't Have to Worry About THAT for July
Oh. My. God.
Well That Explains Everything
At Least it Wasn't KAREN
Well, That Explains What Happened
Just Sayin'
An Instagram Guide
It All Makes Sense Now
Oh Sah-NAP!
Resume Advice
Oh Tyler…
Just Think About Your Wives, Boys
"Don't get an erecrtion…don't get an errection…don't get an erection…"
I'm Going To Hell

I'm Sure He's Quite Popular in the Barracks
As Good a Reason as Any
Nancy Knows
Flying In The Past