Tuesday Back In The Office
SO True!
I Weep For Our Country
More American Exceptionalism
And It's STILL in the Dryer
Whenever I'm in the Office
Almost Takes Your Breath Away
X-Ray Vision? Telepathy? Flight? No…
The Capitalism Must Flow!
Every. Damn. Night.
Four Billion Years of Evolution…
…for this?!
It's So Simple!
Motive is a Mystery
From Greg Fallis:
News Media: Bizarre hammer assault on Speaker Pelosi's husband.
Suspect: I was after Nancy.
News Media: Law enforcement has offered no motive for the attack.
Suspect: I wanted to kill Nancy.
News Media: Police silent on Pelosi attacker's intentions.
Suspect: Really, I just wanted to kill Nancy. I guess she wasn't there.
News Media: Did divisive political rhetoric play a part in attack?
Suspect: Everybody on FOX says Nancy is a monster, so I wanted to kill her. You know…with a hammer.
News Media: Pelosi needed brain surgery after hammer attack.
GOP: CA should relax gun laws so Pelosi could have defended himself from hammer-wielding attacker. Dems not tough on crime.
Suspect: I would have used a gun, but this is California and I can't buy one.
FOX News: Lots of people injured in hammer attacks in CA. Why lib media focused on this one minor assault? Pelosi didn't even die.
News Media: Unconfirmed report: Pelosi attacker said to be dressed in his underwear.
Suspect: I'm a hammer killer, not a pervert. Fully dressed. In camo.
Elon Musk: An obscure news source that once claimed Hilary Clinton was dead and replaced by a body double says the attack MAY have some kinky gay thing going on.
GOP: After recent DUI arrest, Paul Pelosi engaged in extramarital gay hammer sex party.
News Media: Uh, well, okay, maybe?
Suspect: Look, all I wanted to do was kill Nancy then go monitor voting drop boxes like any other normal patriotic American. I'm a victim of cancel culture.
News Media: Sources say Pelosi lured hammer suspect with offers of twisted gay sex.
Suspect: Wait, what? No.
News Media: GOP claims prosecution of Pelosi hammer attacker is politically motivated.
Suspect: I'm announcing my candidacy for Gov. of Cali, which I'll win unless the votes are tampered with.
GOP: Vote for us, we'll hammer Biden and his gay socialist agenda!