Are People Really This Stupid?

Yes, Virginia. Yes they are.

From scenes at packed airports to the much more intimate specter of Ben's father hosting his his business-as-usual Thanksgiving family brunch, I cannot comprehend why people are insisting on gathering today as if everything is normal. As if the number of cases of COVID aren't already going through the roof, I fully expect a HUGE spike in January.

I mean seriously, what are they thinking? Are they so selfish and concerned with tradition and their supposed "rights," they're willing to put Aunt Zelda on a ventilator in 8 weeks? Will this truly be the threat my mother used to hang over my head when I was living out-of-state, "This may be the last Thanksgiving you see your grandparents alive, so you better damn well be here."

BTW, Ben and I both politely refused his dad's (last-minute, but that's another story altogether) invitation.

Quote of the Day

A koala has a better chance of giving birth to an octopus than Lindsey Graham has of doing the honorable thing." ~ @middleageriot on Twitter

Quote of the Day

The only thing in his head are a putter, a cheeseburger, a porn video, and someone else's credit card." ~ Timothy L. O'Brien, Senior advisor to the Bloomberg 2020 campaign, on Donald Trump