Digital Hoarding

I am a digital hoarder. I admit it. But occasionally being one pays off.

It took a couple months longer than I initially anticipated, but next weekend I'm finally getting this back from my repair guy in Prescott—along with the distressing news that after he's finished with his current queue of equipment, he'll be hanging up his soldering gun and enjoying a much-deserved retirement. (He noted that since I'd already contacted him about my other Kenwood receiver to go ahead and bring that up as "it's already in the queue.")

What does this have to do with digital hoarding? Well, I asked Randy if he knew of anyone who could fashion some genuine walnut end panels for the receiver to replace the crappy vinyl veneered ones that it came with. He said he did, but after checking with the guy he reported back that he wasn't interested in taking on the project.

Well, shit.

When I got my initial Kenwood KR-7400 back in 2007, I'd contacted someone via the AudioKarma website who fashioned new end panels for me. Unfortunately the AK account I had at the time was long gone and I had no way of tracking the guy down now.

Or so I thought. A cursory search through the website was a bust, but since I am like a dog with a bone and not easily deterred once I'm on a mission, I got to thinking…what about old emails? Problematic, but it might work.

In 2007 I was still on a Windows machine using MS Outlook for mail. On a whim I pulled out the external hard drive where I hoard stuff. While I thought I'd saved all my emails from back in the day, it was still kind of a surprise to discover yearly archive files all the way from 1997 through 2008.

I knew they'd come in handy some day!

While I don't use it, I do have Outlook on my Mac, but I wasn't sure it would be able to read files that old. (Lord knows Word balks at opening any of its own files older than 2003.)

Not to worry. The 2007 .pst file imported flawlessly and almost immediately I found the email string between myself and the gentleman who fashioned the panels. And it turns out my memory really is shit; the panels weren't solid wood as I'd thought; he had merely stripped the vinyl off the existing MDF and applied real cherrywood veneer in its place. I could've sworn they were solid wood all these years, but obviously they were not.

I fired off a email to him yesterday asking if he remembered me and if he'd be interested in veneering these "new" panels for me. As of this morning the mail hasn't bounced back, so the address is obviously still active, but who knows how often it gets checked…or if he's even still alive.

Fingers crossed.


(Click to embiggen.)

Well maybe not the Canape of Anchoves, the Hot Chicken Liver Sandwich on Toast, or the Fig Juice…

The Warner Brothers Studio Cafe menu from February 1941.

But Broiled Lobster for 75 cents? (The prices are in cents, not dollars.) Hell yes! Even in 2023 dollars that translates to only $15. Sign me up!

Here's One for You

If you could instantly be granted fluency in 5 languages—not taking away your existing language proficiency in any way, solely a gain—which 5 would you choose?

Mine are German, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, and Vietnamese (so I can understand what the ladies in the nail salon are gossiping about).

And So It Begins

I have to admit that autumn is my favorite time of year. We're in the final stretch of 2022. Before you know it, all the winter holidays will be here and then onto 2023. (Which I'm holding out absolutely no hope that it will be any better than this year, BTW.)

I Knew Fox News Reminded Me Of Something…

My German teacher in high school had a bulletin board right next to the door as you walked down a short hallway into the classroom. He would regularly post clippings from the Weekly World News and the Enquirer for our amusement. The catch was, you couldn't actually read them until you'd finished your lesson for the day. And if you wanted extra credit, you were invited to translate the articles into German.

Mr. Frank Vachon. I shall never forget him. R.I.P.