Just Askin'
Ever have one of those days where you want to tell every single person you come across to go fuck themselves, but you can't because you're an adult and supposed to be "courteous and professional" to everyone, no matter how fucking stupid they are?
True for Me Then, True for Me Now
Beauty in Extreme(s)
Friday and Payday
"I'm Not Mad at You, I'm Mad at the Dirt!"
Before The Moment, There Was a Moment…
Making the Rounds of the Internets
Definitely worth a look if you haven't already seen this touching tribute…
A hamster eating spaghetti. Your argument is invalid.
This is Cool
A Japanese photographer visits a couple of the original STAR WARS sets…
Black Magic and Voodoo, I Say!
I've never been a gearhead, but I've always had the utmost respect for the men and women who are. Somehow they manage to keep my vehicle humming along happily and are capable of fixing it when it doesn't. While I can tear down and reassemble a PC in my sleep—and some people have that same sort of reverence for my profession (really?)— I can't begin to fathom what mechanics do…it's beyond my comprehension and this video leaves me shaking my head in amazement. Black magic and voodoo, I say!
Or would that be Wednesday?
Show Off Your Muscles
Just Sayin'
I Don't Care What Flavor It Is
I want it.
They're Coming
The Mayans didn't have a phrase for "Zombie Children."
Thought for the Day
For All My AZ Friends
A little trip down memory lane…
Loves It
Oh, how I wish they'd made more of these films. It was one reboot from a 60s TV series that actually worked; no doubt due to the incredible acting talent they had assembled.