Released 47 Years Ago Today

Donna Summer: Once Upon a Time… (1977)

IMHO, her masterpiece, and as I have written of many times before, an album that holds a very special place in my heart even though the men I shared its magic with are long departed from this life.

This One Brings Back a Lot of Memories…

…wandering through new age/crystal shops after taking the ferry from San Francisco across the bay to Sausalito during a balmy late autumn afternoon. It was one of those things you did with new boyfriends or out-of-towners after the obligatory walk across the Golden Gate Bridge. In fact, I believe it was in one of those new age shops that I bought my original copy of this recording. Never fails to put a smile on my face. Simpler times, fer sure!

Some memories of that trip to Sausalito…

I was never that young!
Looking back toward the City
Carl, Kevin (speaking of new boyfriends), and your host
I've always been incorrigible

Today's Ambient Soundtrack from Loscil

Top (L-R): Plume, Sea Island, Submers – Bottom (L-R): First Narrows, Endless Falls, Scenes From New Brighton

I stumbled upon Loscil when we were still living in Denver via some Sunday evening radio program on KUVO's second or third online stream. I love it for when I'm working and trying to concentrate, but ironically, I find it's also the perfect falling-asleep music. I crawl into bed, put in earbuds in, and I'm out.