"I don't see anyone in the GOP majority demanding drug testing for folks who receive oil and gas subsidies." ~ Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC)
Quote of the Day
"A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in." ~ Greek Proverb
Quote of the Day
"Good fiction's job is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable." ~ David Foster Wallace
Quote of the Day
"You know, when you're a kid, they tell you it's all: Grow up, get a job, get married, get a house, have a kid…and that's it. But the truth is, the world is so much stranger than that. It's so much darker…and so much madder…and so much better" ~ Elton, from the Doctor Who episode Love & Monsters
Quote of the Day
"I wish Android had an Instagram app so I could post pictures of food too!" — my wonderfully snarky and adorable Ben
Quote of the Day
"Other countries care for their mentally ill. Making them debate on TV is just cruel." — Andy Borowitz
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
"Homophobes aren't going to hell, like they often say their perceived opponents are. Rather they are in hell, and they prolong their stay with each hateful act, word, and thought." — Rob Delaney
Quote of the Day
"Anyone who believes that the bible is inerrant has obviously never even read the first two chapters." – Julia Sweeney
Quote of the Day
"I'll believe corporations are people when Georgia and Texas execute them" — Robert Reich
Quote of the Day
"Can we just ask EVERY voter, "Do you watch Fox news?" If they say yes, have someone jangle a key ring in front of their face and lead them out the back door… they will think they've voted… no harm, no foul. Right?" – comment at Talking Points Memo
Quote of the Day
"I went into photography because it seemed like the perfect vehicle for commenting on the madness of today's existence." — Robert Mapplethorpe (1946-1989)
Food for Thought
"Our passionate preoccupation with the sky, the stars, and a god somewhere in outer space is a homing impulse. We are drawn back to where we came from." ~ Eric Hoffer (1902-1983), American social thinker and longshoreman
Quote of the Day
Shakespeare Was Spot On
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
"To those millions of Americans who have finally begun paying attention to politics and watched with exasperation the tragicomedy of the debt ceiling extension, it may have come as a shock that the Republican Party is so full of lunatics. To be sure, the party, like any political party on earth, has always had its share of crackpots, like Robert K. Dornan or William E. Dannemeyer. But the crackpot outliers of two decades ago have become the vital center today: Steve King, Michele Bachman (now a leading presidential candidate as well), Paul Broun, Patrick McHenry, Virginia Foxx, Louie Gohmert, Allen West. The Congressional directory now reads like a casebook of lunacy." — Mike Lofgren
Quote of the Day
"Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust. You couldn't be here if stars hadn't exploded, because the elements – the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution and for life – weren't created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way for them to get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today." — Lawrence M. Krauss
Quote of the Day
I don't care who anybody sleeps with. If a couple has been together all that time—and there are gay relationships that are more solid than some heterosexual ones—I think it's fine if they want to get married. I don't know how people can get so anti-something. Mind your own business, take care of your affairs, and don't worry about other people so much." ~ Bette White, in an interview with Parade Magazine.
Quote of the Day
The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in." – Spotted on the Interwebs
Quote Of The Day
All great truths begin as blasphemies." ~ George Bernard Shaw