Quote of the Day

What is it about President Obama that really gets under your skin? Is it because he's smarter than you? Better educated? Made it on his own; didn't need daddy's help? Wife is more accomplished? Better looking? I don't know, what is it? What is it about him? That he's a black man that's accomplished, became president? That he punked you on the whole birth certificate thing? What is it about him? Just wondering…" ~ Don Lemon

Quote of the Day

Let me explain why I like to pay taxes for schools even though I personally don't have a kid in school. It's because I don't like living in a country with a bunch of stupid people." ~ John Green

Just Putting This Out Here

Being a photographer is making people see what I want them to see." ~ Ruth Orkin

I'm not saying the City is totally deserted as this video would have you believe, but unless I hear differently from someone with actual boots on the ground, I'm taking this with a small grain of salt.

Quote of the Day

In the rush to return to normal, use this time to consider what parts of normal are worth rushing back to." ~ Dave Hollis

Quote of the Day

I'm a doctor and an Infectious Diseases Specialist. I've been at this for more than 20 years seeing sick patients on a daily basis. I have worked in inner city hospitals and in the poorest slums of Africa. HIV-AIDS, Hepatitis,TB, SARS, Measles, Shingles, Whooping cough, Diphtheria…there is little I haven't been exposed to in my profession. And with notable exception of SARS, very little has left me feeling vulnerable, overwhelmed or downright scared.

I am not scared of Covid-19. I am concerned about the implications of a novel infectious agent that has spread the world over and continues to find new footholds in different soil. I am rightly concerned for the welfare of those who are elderly, in frail health or disenfranchised who stand to suffer mostly, and disproportionately, at the hands of this new scourge. But I am not scared of Covid-19.

What I am scared about is the loss of reason and wave of fear that has induced the masses of society into a spellbinding spiral of panic, stockpiling obscene quantities of anything that could fill a bomb shelter adequately in a post-apocalyptic world. I am scared of the N95 masks that are stolen from hospitals and urgent care clinics where they are actually needed for front line healthcare providers and instead are being donned in airports, malls, and coffee lounges, perpetuating even more fear and suspicion of others. I am scared that our hospitals will be overwhelmed with anyone who thinks they " probably don't have it but may as well get checked out no matter what because you just never know…" and those with heart failure, emphysema, pneumonia and strokes will pay the price for overfilled ER waiting rooms with only so many doctors and nurses to assess.

I am scared that travel restrictions will become so far reaching that weddings will be canceled, graduations missed and family reunions will not materialize. And well, even that big party called the Olympic Games…that could be kyboshed too. Can you even imagine?

I'm scared those same epidemic fears will limit trade, harm partnerships in multiple sectors, business and otherwise and ultimately culminate in a global recession.

But mostly, I'm scared about what message we are telling our kids when faced with a threat. Instead of reason, rationality, openmindedness and altruism, we are telling them to panic, be fearful, suspicious, reactionary and self-interested.

Covid-19 is nowhere near over. It will be coming to a city, a hospital, a friend, even a family member near you at some point. Expect it. Stop waiting to be surprised further. The fact is the virus itself will not likely do much harm when it arrives. But our own behaviors and "fight for yourself above all else" attitude could prove disastrous.

I implore you all. Temper fear with reason, panic with patience and uncertainty with education. We have an opportunity to learn a great deal about health hygiene and limiting the spread of innumerable transmissible diseases in our society. Let's meet this challenge together in the best spirit of compassion for others, patience, and above all, an unfailing effort to seek truth, facts and knowledge as opposed to conjecture, speculation and catastrophizing.

Facts not fear. Clean hands. Open hearts.

Our children will thank us for it.

~ Dr Abdu Sharkawy

Quote of the Day

The only thing in his head are a putter, a cheeseburger, a porn video, and someone else's credit card." ~ Timothy L. O'Brien, Senior advisor to the Bloomberg 2020 campaign, on Donald Trump

Quote of the Day

One thing I can tell you about traumatic brain injury is that it can be a lot more serious than bone spurs." ~ Pete Buttigieg

Quote Of The Day

How pleasant to lie motionless on the sofa and to know that one is alone in the room. Real happiness is impossible without solitude. The fallen angel betrayed God probably because he longed for solitude," ~ Anton Chekhov, from Complete Works of Anton Chekhov; "Ward No. 6,"

Quote of the Day

A person of good intelligence and sensitivity cannot exist in this society very long without having some anger about the inequality—and it's not just a bleeding-heart, knee-jerk, liberal kind of a thing—it is just a normal human reaction to a nonsensical set of values where we have cinnamon flavored dental floss and there are people sleeping in the street." ~ George Carlin

Quote of the Day

There are many parts of my youth that I'm not proud of… there were loose threads… untidy parts of me that I would like to remove. But when I pulled on one of those threads… it unraveled the tapestry of my life." ~ Jean-Luc Picard in STTNG: Tapestry

Quote of the Day

Donald Trump is not simply stupid. His idiocy is a complex system of ignorance, narcissism, and xenophobia wrapped in a web of insecurity and covered by a thick layer of self-loathing, afloat in a spiraling ever-widening miasma of dementia." ~ Middle Age Riot on Twitter

Quote of the Day

It is very sad to me that some people are so intent on leaving their mark on the world that they don't care if that mark is a scar." ~ John Green

Quote of the Day

Putin couldn't have done it without the help of the GOP. From his attack on the 2016 U.S. election to his coverup since, Moscow's greatest ally in hybrid warfare against America is the Republican Party." ~ Alexandra Chalupa

Quote of the Day

It's much better to age disgracefully! Take it on the chin, and roll with it. You die young, or you get older. There is nothing in between! You may as well enjoy it. My mother once said, 'Never worry about getting older. I know the thought of you being 45 when you're 25 is, Oh, my god! Who wants to be 45? But it's amazing because when you get to be 45, you'll realize it's actually very cool and you don't want to be 25 again.' And I have to say, she was absolutely right. With every age comes advantages and disadvantages. And you tend to find that you don't want to go back. You want to be exactly where you are with everything you've experienced." ~ Helen Mirren

Quote of the Day

The modern GOP has given us Nixon, Agnew, Bush II, Cheney, and now Trump and Pence. Plus the Religious Right, the Tea Party, the Freedom Caucus, and has granted the NRA's every wish. From cunning crooks to war crimes criminals to corrupt authoritarians. It is all down hill, and getting worse fast." ~ John Dean

Quote of the Day

I like cancelled plans. And empty bookstores. I like rainy days and thunderstorms. And quiet coffee shops. I like messy beds and over-worn pajamas. Most of all, I like the small joys that a simple life brings." ~ Unknown

Quote of the Day

A soulmate is someone who is willing to grow with you, who chooses to be with you until the end, and will love you through good and bad. It's not about sunshine and laughter, it's about mundane moments filled with unknowns." ~ T.B. LaBerge

Quote of the Day

Trump's rage over the anonymity of the whistleblower may seem excessive, but it has its own logic. Anonymity means Trump can't give the person an insulting nickname, can't call him or her ugly or fat, can't use his surrogates to smear and intimidate. He can't make it personal. And if Trump can't make it deeply personal somehow, his only alternative is to challenge the whistleblower's account on its merits, on factual grounds, which Trump knows is impossible. THAT is why he's so frustrated. His foe's anonymity disarms him." ~ Jay Bookman via Twitter

Quote of the Day

Some people bring out the worst in you, others bring out the best, and then there are those remarkably rare, addictive ones who just bring out the most. Of everything. They make you feel so alive that you'd follow them straight into hell." ~ Karen Marie Moning