Own It

You're trash. You've always been trash. When liberals were polite, you were trash. When liberals got a little rude, you were still trash. Now that we're tired of your shit and treating you like the trash you are, you're mortally offended and blaming us for being trash? Get the fuck out of here.

You laugh at sexual assault victims. You cheer Latino children being tortured. You get off on police murdering unarmed black men. You mock the disabled. You send death threats to high school students opposed to guns. You call for the murder of homosexuals. You. Are. Trash.

I know it's hard to look in the mirror and realize that you're the worst that humanity has to offer but you made that choice. No one forced you to be a garbage person. You did that. You. You can stop any time you want, too. But you won't because deep down inside, you like being trash. Own it. That's why you love Trump so much. He told you that being trash is OK and you thought you could come out of the shadows and walk tall as a garbage person.

It's not working out the way you thought it would and that's pissing you off so very, very much but I couldn't care less. Blame us all you want for your weakness. No one believes your whining bullshit anymore. Not even you. You're trash and in four weeks, America is going to take the trash out.


I Hate To Sound So Pessimistic…

…but after the Kavanaugh shit show last week, and the fact that the pussy grabber in the White House actually managed to pull off getting that other  pussy grabber appointed to the Supreme Court, I have very little hope for the future of this country.

Women, be afraid. Be very afraid.

POC, be afraid. Be very afraid.

GLBT, be afraid. Be very afraid.

Muslims, be afraid. Be very afraid.

In fact, if you're not a rich, white, heterosexual "christian" male, you should probably be looking over your shoulder as well, because they will eventually come for you too. We've seen this story play out countless times in the history of our world, and it never ends well.

My question is who will "save" us? Will we be speaking Russian or Chinese when The United States takes its dying breath and the dust settles?

I seriously would like to know what the Orange Wigstand's response would be if Russian troops landed on the west coast.

I think we all know.

While the number of people who hate Shitler's guts far outweigh the number of knuckle-draggers in his base, I fear the so called "Blue Wave" expected in November is never going to materialize. Please prove me wrong. Between general voter apathy, the knat-like attention span of the population (the Kavanaugh crap show will be an entire month in the past by the time Election Day rolls around), Republican gerrymandering/voter suppression/dirty tricks and expected-yet-undefended-from Russian interference next month, if the Democrats do make gains, they still won't be substantial enough to flip the balance of power in Washington.  And at that point WE. ARE. FUCKED.

Please, please, please…women, LGBT, people of color, and the vast majority of whites who are patriotic and care for this country, get off your asses and voteThis may be your last opportunity.  I'm not being hyperbolic here; our country is sliding into fascism much the same way Germany did in the 30s, and apparently a sizable portion of the population is okay with that. There's a small, angry mob of white-hooded nationalists and tiki-torch sympathizers who have decided that all their woes are because of the "other," and the Shitgibbon (who they're too stupid to realize doesn't give a fuck about them other than they're useful tools who fawn over him, stroking his narcissistic sociopathy) view him as their holy savior. It seems that now the main goal of republicans is not to actually govern or reach compromise; their singular focus has become "owning the libs," even if it means burning everything this country was founded on to the ground.

With Twitler today spewing garbage that is a hair's breadth away from labeling Democrats Enemy of the People, I have very little hope that we are in for anything other than VERY dark times ahead. Mexican kids in cages? You ain't seen nothing yet—especially if you're not a rich, white, heterosexual "christian" male.

Fleeing the country is not an option for Ben and I or the vast majority of our friends, and I'm sure that when the shit really hits the fan, our borders will be closed tighter than Melania's coach. (Has anyone considered that Agent Orange's border wall is more to keep us in than to keep anyone else out?)

So please, if you care one whit about this country, if you're not ready for "Trump Youth" or jackbooted thugs marching in formation down your city streets—or simply about staying alive and not ending up in a camp—get off your ass and vote November 6th because you know the Shitgibbon' s minions will.

Confessions of a Proud Beta Male

Again, from John Pavlovitz:

A Trump supporter just called me a "Beta Male."

I was on social media, expressing my respect for survivors of sexual assault, in the wake of the President's vile and reprehensible public ridiculing of Christine Blasey Ford—and he dropped (based on his commentary following) what he thought was some leg sweep, knockout punch, mic drop, designed to leave me in a quivering mass on the floor.

Apparently I was supposed to be insulted.
I wasn't it.
I felt complimented.
I felt validated.
I realized I'm on the right track.

"Beta Male," seems to be a Trump fan's word for a man with decency, self-control, and compassion; someone a woman wouldn't need to fear being around when alone or vulnerable.

It's the label they slap on any man who is sickened by the misogyny on display in this Administration, who pushes back against the cultivating of a lowest-common-denominator expression of toxic masculinity, who rejects the idea that dehumanizing a woman and talking about grabbing her by the genitalia, is something decent men do.

Based on my observations, in the minds of these folks, Beta Males:

are capable of deep empathy for people who are suffering.
yield to a woman's consent regarding her body and her needs.
are burdened to be sources of gentleness and restraint and kindness.
don't need to display physical dominance in order to feel validated.
aren't a physical or emotional danger to women around them.

Sign me up.

With what we're seeing unfold right now in America, the last thing we need are more men like this President and the men who emulate him; perpetually insecure man-children who've never been able to find a fully formed understanding of what it means to be a gentleman and human being. We don't need anymore knuckle-dragging cavemen who are terrified of strong women and intimidated by sexuality and orientation that doesn't fit their brittle Old Testament sensibilities.

I want my son to be a Beta Male. I want him to be a safe place for the women around him. I want him to respect their humanity and honor their wishes and see them is equal. I want him to see in his father, someone who is secure enough in who he is, not to need to damage someone else to prove his worth.

I want my daughter to be surrounded by these Beta Males; men who value her enough to let her decide what happens to her body, who see her as more than a tool for their self-gratification, who are not intimidated by her strength or intellect or accomplishments, who don't leveraging religion or guilt or fear to coerce women into anything.

If Donald Trump is an Alpha Male, if Lindsey Graham is an Alpha Male, if Brett Kavanaugh is an Alpha Male—count me out. That's not exactly a mark I'm interested in attaining. I'd rather sleep at night knowing that I've left this world more compassionate and loving than I found it.

If being an "Alpha Male" is what this Administration is cultivating, employing, and perpetuating—I'll gladly be a Beta Male.

I think that just means I'm being human.

By Your Deeds Shall You Know Them

From John Pavlovitz:

To Young Men and Women of America,

Have you heard us?
Is our message getting through?

We've been talking to you this week, trying to make sure you understand who we are, what kind of America we're building here, the future nation we're dreaming of.

We think we've been clear and compelling in our declarations, and we've done our best not to leave any ambiguity as to our hearts or our plans or our intentions.

We think our tirades and our condescension and our insults and our sneering tantrums have spoken eloquently about us and about you.

We hope Lindsey and Donald and Chuck and Orrin and Mitch and Brett and Susan have made a strong case—but if not, let us be more explicit in these moments, so there can be no confusion. After all, November is coming and we want you to be certain…

To the Young Men of America,

You can do whatever you want to young women.

You can disregard their humanity,
force yourself on them physically,
ignore their pleas to stop,
proceed without consent,
hurt them,
humiliate them,
indulge your urges,
treat them as property,
and silence, slander, and intimidate them after the fact.

You can do this as often as you like, to as many young girls as opportunity and your desires allow.

We will have your back (providing you are white, wealthy, and one day vote Republican.)

We will marshal our every resource of finance and position and privilege in protecting and defending you.

You will receive sanctuary in our midst, regardless of the horrors you are responsible for or the recklessness and brazenness of your conduct.

We will help you in any way we can, to malign your accuser's character, destroy their credibility, and embarrass them further.

We will blame alcohol or her memory or her behavior in the past.
We will talk about your viciousness in ways designed to make it seem commonplace.
We will paint you in as flattering a portrait as we can, so that you actually come out looking like the victim, so that the accusations are actually a help.
We will have no loyalty to the truth or to goodness or decency, if such things pose a threat to either your narrative or our prosperity.
We'll use the invaluable resource of the Evangelical Church to even make supporting you, part of God's will.

If no other option is available, we will simply ignore what you've done. (After all we installed a President that way.)

We will never allow the violence you make young women endure, to prevent you from having opportunity and advancement and success.

We can promise you that.

And to Young Women of America,

You don't matter.

Not your trauma or your pain,
not the innocence you lose,
not the damage you sustain,
not the scars you are marked by,
not the nightmares you are haunted by,
not the peace you no longer find,
not the confidence that leaves you,
not the fear that is ever present,
not the shame that you cannot shake,
not the silence you are imprisoned by.

We simply do not see you as valuable—at least not as valuable as the status quo we're protecting or the legislation we're coveting or the religion we're perpetuating or the votes we're needing.

You are the acceptable collateral damage of our misogyny and entitlement.

Your body, your emotional health, and your sense of safety—simply aren't worth more than a Supreme Court seat.

Of course, should a pregnancy somehow be created by your violation, we will vigorously demand that you be forced to carry it, even if it exacerbates your pain and magnifies your despair. After all, we urgently need to perpetuate the appearance that we are pro-life—just not your life.

We can imagine this is less than ideal for you, but we hope you understand that this is how it has always been, and we are counting on you to indulge us one last time, and we appreciate your cooperation.

After all, ee have a Patriarchy and a predatory President to protect.

So, young men and women of America, we hope you see us with clarity.
We hope that in these days, we are exposing ourselves fully.
We hope you know who we are now.

We'll see you in November.


The Republican Party of 2018





Quote of the Day

Mitch McConnell just stood on the Senate floor and called the women accusing Brett Kavanaugh liars. Somewhere in America a young woman was just sexually attacked. She hears him loud and clear: Vote. ~ Randi Mayem Singer

How Much Longer?

Humor is one thing, but now it's increasingly obvious that he is BAT. SHIT. INSANE, how much longer do we have to suffer through this Trump nightmare?

It's going to be a miracle if 3/4 of the country (your host included) isn't diagnosed and being treated for varying degrees of clinical PTSD when it's all over.

Bat. Shit. Insane.

Too crazy to go under oath and speak to Mueller, but somehow okay to run the country. SMH.

From John Gruber at Daring Fireball:

The Washington Post, with highlights from Bob Woodward's Fear, which comes out next week:

Cohn, a Wall Street veteran, tried to tamp down Trump's strident nationalism regarding trade. According to Woodward, Cohn "stole a letter off Trump's desk" that the president was intending to sign to formally withdraw the United States from a trade agreement with South Korea. Cohn later told an associate that he removed the letter to protect national security and that Trump did not notice that it was missing.

Cohn made a similar play to prevent Trump from pulling the United States out of the North American Free Trade Agreement, something the president has long threatened to do. […] Under orders from the president, Porter drafted a notification letter withdrawing from NAFTA. But he and other advisers worried that it could trigger an economic and foreign relations crisis. So Porter consulted Cohn, who told him, according to Woodward: "I can stop this. I'll just take the paper off his desk."

Defense Secretary James Mattis ignores him too:

After Syrian President Bashar al-Assad launched a chemical attack on civilians in April 2017, Trump called Mattis and said he wanted to assassinate the dictator. "Let's fucking kill him! Let's go in. Let's kill the fucking lot of them," Trump said, according to Woodward.

Mattis told the president that he would get right on it. But after hanging up the phone, he told a senior aide: "We're not going to do any of that. We're going to be much more measured." The national security team developed options for the more conventional airstrike that Trump ultimately ordered.

These officials get away with disregarding Trump's orders — with literally stealing letters off his desk — because Trump is a nitwit. He's just dumb. His own lawyer thinks he's an idiot:

Dowd then explained to Mueller and Quarles why he was trying to keep the president from testifying: "I'm not going to sit there and let him look like an idiot. And you publish that transcript, because everything leaks in Washington, and the guys overseas are going to say, 'I told you he was an idiot. I told you he was a goddamn dumbbell. What are we dealing with this idiot for?' "

"John, I understand," Mueller replied, according to Woodward.

Later that month, Dowd told Trump: "Don't testify. It's either that or an orange jumpsuit."

When Trump was elected I wrote that "Trump voters are ignoramuses, bigots, and/or fools." Everything that's gone so horribly awry with his presidency was easily predictable. Anyone who still supports him today must be at least two out of three.

The Republican Hell List

Axios reports:

Congressional Republicans are getting ready for hell. Axios has obtained a spreadsheet that's circulated through Republican circles on and off Capitol Hill — including at least one leadership office — that meticulously previews the investigations Democrats will likely launch if they flip the House.

Why this matters: Publicly, House Republicans are putting on a brave face about the midterms. But privately, they are scrambling to prepare for the worst. This document, which catalogs requests Democrats have already made, is part of that effort.

We Could Really Use a President

From John Pavlovitz:

America could really use a President right now.

I have this thought more often than I care to consider.

I have it again today.

As the funeral for Senator John McCain approaches, we find ourselves in yet another occasion of national consequence; one our supposed Commander-In-Chief is intentionally excluded from because he is beneath the dignity and capability the moment requires.

Like an impulsive child who cannot handle adult things, he needs to be worked around by the big people around him, so as not to overwhelm him or set him off or highlight his immaturity or trigger his tantrums.

Today, as every day since January 2017, in a moment of gravity, we simply act and move as if we do not have a sitting President, because for all practical purposes—we do not.

This moment plays itself out whenever there is a national tragedy, whenever compassion or decency or strength or goodness are required; whenever an adult leader would be called upon to actually lead us.

In those moments, he does not lead—he tweets.

Our petulant, amoral, intellectually drowning, emotionally crippled White House squatter, once again sits sequestered in some heavily bunkered bathroom behind a phone, ranting to the ether in all caps nonsense—unable to have rational debate, unwilling to be decent, incapable of basic human empathy.

This is what we get in our times of greatest need, America: a narcissistic man-child, whose complete lack of competence and preparedness rears its repugnant head in the very moments that require a steady hand, and a clear voice, and a calming presence.

When we require unity, he brings division.
When we need reason, he provides conspiracy.
When we crave calm, he feeds us chaos.
When we seek clarity, he shines the light on himself.
When we look for selflessness, he looks for praise.
When we need eloquence, he offers verbal diarrhea and spelling errors.
When we deserve truthful fine print, he manufactures bold type fake headlines.

Today will not be the last day America stumbles forward trying to compensate for the massive void we have at the top.
It will not be the last time the smart and decent and rational people all get together to figure out how to avoid a man, whose only contribution to a combustible situation—is propellent; whose sole offering during times of mourning—is further cause for grief; whose lone function in the most tense of national situations—is escalating tension.

When people of renown pass away and we mourn together, we will need a President.
When international conflict erupts and diplomacy is required, we will need a President.
When mass shootings occur and people are terrified and chaos ensues, we will need a President.
When complex legislation requires sustained intellectual attention, we will need a President.
When racism and injustice and hatred explode like a fireball, we will need a President.
When we are having our children's futures crafted in real-time, we will need a President.

But we don't have an adult President right now.
We don't have a leader.
We don't even have an impotent figurehead.
We have an egomaniacal instigator who makes everything more cruel, more volatile, more painful than it could and should be.
We have a egomaniacal shell of a man, whose very presence in the place in which he finds himself is the greatest and most tragic joke of our lifetime.

In two years, hopefully we'll course correct on this colossal national mistake and begin to undo the unfathomable damage we've sustained.

In the meantime, just as today, we'll all have to work together to fill in the spectacular gaps in leadership and compassion and intelligence and dignity that used to be filled by our Presidents.

We simply don't have one right now.